Nathan March Investigations - Book 1: Jaded Justice - episode 8

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six
episode seven

Nathan March 1.png

Book One

Jaded Justice

Episode Eight

The fact that they were attending another funeral, this one in Manchester, Massachusetts for Ursula Mills, only heightened the efforts of the group who stayed on high alert just in case Mr. Godfrey decided to attend the funeral himself.

Mickey’s arrival at the Mills home before the viewing and funeral allowed him to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Mills and express his personal feelings about their daughter. At the request of Nathan, he left an envelope containing a cashier’s check to offset the expenses of their daughter’s funeral as well as enough to augment her father’s unemployment check, for which the couple was extremely grateful.

Mrs. White, who adored her companion Ursula for the several weeks they were together, was in attendance with her new and considerably older live-in companion who seemed to have settled in nicely with her.

Nathan was alerted by Mickey that Mrs. White wished to speak with him for just a moment, and when he introduced himself, Mrs. White could only blush at the attention he showered on her.

“What did this gentleman look like, that walked your property yesterday?” asked Nathan unaware of how handsome he appeared to her.

“He wasn’t as tall or as good looking as you Mr. March, and he didn’t have a full head of hair either. He was dressed all in black and he wore sunglasses. He kept looking back here at the house and I’m sure that if Julie here didn’t arrive when she did, he probably would have tried to speak with me. Instead he watched a while longer and then he left,” said Mrs. White.

“That’s right Mr. March, I called the police because the guy left me feeling creepy, but they didn‘t think anything we told them was very important. To me he seemed intense like he was trying to decide something as he walked back and forth, and then he headed back over the field and out of sight,” said Julie, Mrs. White’s new companion.

“Thank you both, you’ve been a great help. Take this card it’s my private cell phone number. You call me if you see him again or for that matter if you need anything at all Mrs. White,” said Nathan sincerely as Mrs. White‘s face grew red with embarrassment, as Nathan kissed her hand.

Heading to his courtroom in Concord, New Hampshire the next morning, Judge Elliot Sheridan was anxious to hear that his never legal wife Miriam was headed to the state hospital where she could do no more harm to anyone. What he didn’t know was that Miriam Sheridan was always underestimated and she counted on it. Fact is she was most treacherous when she felt endangered and nothing short of tragedy usually resulted when that was the case.

Wheeling her through the hallways of the Roosevelt Rehabilitation Hospital in Concord, the very large uniformed men accompanied by an RN, avoided all eye contact with Miriam.

“Nurse, may I please go to the bathroom?” asked Miriam meekly.

“You went before we left your room,” said the nurse.

“Please I don’t want to soil myself,” said Miriam sounding pathetic.

With all her experience, the middle-aged nurse allowed the bathroom visit and for her compassion she received a skull fracture which occurred when Miriam bounced her head backwards off the door of the last bathroom stall until she collapsed. The nurse’s head was immediately wrapped in Miriam’s hospital gown so that the nurse’s uniform would still be in pristine condition when Miriam removed it and walked out of the bathroom wearing it, along with her watch, her earrings and her photo I.D.

The guards who made sure no one entered the bathroom, simply waited for the wheelchair they’d transferred Miriam into to come out of the bathroom being pushed by the RN. When Miriam appeared in the nurse’s uniform all she said was, “She’s safe but stay alert, in case she tries to make a run for it. I need to get her a fresh gown,” so the guards foolishly complied and allowed Miriam to simply disappear.

Nathan’s cell phone rang and it was Tyrone Carson sounding excited. “She’s gone Mr. March. Mrs. Sheridan escaped before she could be transferred to the state hospital. She put a nurse in I.C.U., and Judge Sheridan is in the middle of a trial, so I can’t disturb him,” said Tyrone.

“We’re in Manchester at the Mill’s funeral, but we’ll be on our way momentarily Tyrone. John and George will join you outside the courthouse shortly,” said Nathan. Seconds later Nathan made a call, ordering both men to head to the private airport ten minutes away for a helicopter ride to Concord airport, where their rent-a-car would take them to the courthouse to protect the judge.

“Sam, first I need you to do a search for any hospitalizations for Miriam Anderson or Miriam Anderson-Godfrey in Maryland or, New Jersey and be sure to see if she was ever transferred to a mental hospital of any kind in those states. Go back twenty years or more if you can.

“Second do the same hospital search for Lawrence Anderson or Lawrence Godfrey because I suspect Miriam didn’t just start this bizarre behavior and maybe our number one suspect, was her victim at one time or another. He could have been defending himself instead of abusing her, as reported on some of those domestic abuse police reports,” said Nathan.

Miriam Sheridan was nothing if not adept at surviving. She had lifted a purse from a young mother’s baby stroller, while sitting beside her on park bench only blocks from her former residence at Roosevelt Rehabilitation Hospital. She used the cash she found for a ride downtown and the credit cards for new clothes, a car rental and a hotel room at a less than perfect hotel. On the right side of the hotel was a Chinese restaurant and on the left was a liquor store. In her room with a poo-poo platter and a bottle of blackberry merlot, she fed herself and bolstered her confidence with the merlot.

Larry Godfrey had taught her that hotel guests were often known for leaving money and jewels in their rooms hidden in spots that they were sure no one would ever look. Older hotels were the best because they didn’t use keycards so any old plastic credit card popped most doors open, for naughty girls like Miriam.

She selected three rooms to visit based on their location and the lighting. Two rooms were a bust, but in the third she found cash pinned to the lining of a sport coat sleeve, fourteen-hundred dollars to be exact. The jewelry tucked in the back of one of the pillow shams on the bed included a diamond that made the one Elliot gave to her years ago, look like a friendship ring in comparison.

Miriam knew about jewels and this stuff was the best. The only reason the owner chose that hotel was the fact that no detective hired by a spouse would believe their cheating partner would ever frequent such a modest establishment, which was a serial cheater’s thought process at work.

She would never know that she beat the room’s occupants by less than ten minutes. She even left the hotel wearing the ring and then hit the highway for Concord. If she was right she had the car for forty-eight hours before LoJack would be activated by the police at the request of the car rental agency, so she drove well within the speed limit.

Just outside Concord, was a small intimate bar she spotted. With her hair now the color of wheat thanks to a bottle of Clairol, and a new black dress that she now wore with stiletto heels, she entered the bar, to the delight of its male patrons.

Some grateful gentleman was going to get extremely lucky and when she sat in a booth in the back, she spotted him ordering a beer at the bar. She drove away from the motel parking lot three hours later, feeling ten years younger and driving her sleeping companion’s car.

The familiar surroundings and caring household staff did wonders for Audrey Mason’s sense of security once she realized that Tom Mason would never chance contacting her again. He had to be aware that after losing her child no matter how humiliating telling the truth would be, Audrey’s father would learn everything she had undergone, since they last spoke.

After five days going back and forth from the hospital to his home, Rory Sorenson finally picked up his messages and the well-detailed message from Nathan March, made him aware that he needed to contact the detective immediately.

“Nathan March here,” said Nathan answering his private line.

“Mr. March this is Rory Sorenson returning your phone call. I guess I should tell you immediately that Audrey has come home with me today, after losing her baby almost a week ago,” said Sorenson.

“I am so sorry for you both sir,” said Nathan,

“Thank you Mr. March I am somewhat taken back by your call as I had planned to call you, after things calmed down here. Audrey and I discussed possibly emailing you with information that might be embarrassing for her to say to you in person. She does remember you from the Sheridan weekend, and will happily tell you whatever she knows. I can assure you she is of sound mind and not given to exaggeration. I mention that only because she told me to tell you to please be careful, and keep your people safe.” said Sorenson as he gave Nathan her email address.

“Will you be kind enough to ask her if I can Skype her, so we can have a face to face conversation?” said Nathan.

Mr. Sorenson returned to the phone and told Nathan that Audrey thought that was a perfect idea, since his computer system at home was equipped for Skype communications.

Nathan advised Mr. Sorenson that he would Skype with Audrey the following day at 2:00PM, allowing her an additional twenty-four hours to rest and build up her strength. With both parties in agreement, Nathan disconnected and started immediately formulating the questions he had for Audrey.

Tom Mason parked his Honda behind Bungalow 13 at the Vista View Motel six miles east of Concord. He, went around to the front and knocked on the door. His Uncle, Larry Godfrey answered immediately wearing a suit jacket and told Tom to feel free to use the bed since he had a date, and wouldn’t be back until morning. Tom wanted to get his share of the profits so that he could be gone at first light, but he realized it wouldn‘t happen until tomorrow at least.

Larry Godfrey didn’t trust Tom so he was glad he knew where the moron was at present. However now he had a date with Miriam his ex-wife who had been on her own for the last few days which made him more than a little anxious. Even with his receding hairline, Larry was still a very attractive man. His dark eyes were his best asset with their thick dark eyelashes and his full mouth accented by a deep cleft in his chin made him easy on the eyes.

At six foot and two inches tall and one hundred seventy pounds, his body was lanky and for that reason most clothes hung very well on him. His nails were always perfectly manicured and his teeth were snow white. Extremely well read, his ability to recall information on numerous subjects, and perfecting native accents, made changing locales and identities easy for him.

He gained a lot of introductions in the higher levels of society through sex, but never felt completely satisfied with anyone but Miriam.

She was right where she said she’d be parked under the bridge only two miles from the Sheridan home in Concord. When Larry opened the car door he couldn’t believe the difference her new hair color made. It was all the kisses they now shared that made him know she still loved him.

“You must have been scared in that place sweetheart,” said Larry.

“Yeah, but it wasn‘t like the other place, it was pretty and I had a TV of my own and the food was really good too,” said Miriam.

“Did they hurt you love?” asked Larry.

“No, but I missed you baby,” said Miriam.

She followed his lead to the sloping side of a hill, just yards away from the bridge where they stretched out. Their lovemaking was slow and tender as Tom worshipped her with every part of himself. This was how she always made him feel, so alive and on fire. When they were both satisfied they laid side by side on the grass enjoying the night sounds and warm breezes.

“Was it ever like this with him baby?” asked Tom.

“You know it wasn’t, why do you think I kept you around,” said Miriam.

“Well at least I out do him in that department,” said Tom.

“That fool didn’t think I’d know about him tomcatting around. I will admit I was surprised to see his bed empty. You had to see my devoted Elliot with the look of a man who found his true love. Like I wouldn’t know what he was up to, the minute I saw him. He didn’t even care that I knew, that‘s why I lost it. I would have stabbed him ‘till he bled to death, if sweet Evie hadn‘t seen me,” said Miriam wearing that look that always frightened Larry.

He knew to smile at her and simply let her talk it all out so he listened to it all, several times without interrupting. When she was calm again he rolled over and kissed her tenderly until she kissed him back.

“So my love, what do we do next, you and I?” asked Miriam.

“Well rumor has it that I’ve killed three people so, I’ve decided it’s time to end it all,” said Larry jokingly as he stroked Miriam’s face.

“Yeah back at the house I heard them talking about my being responsible for Tina’s death. They know just about everything don’t they?” said Miriam.

“Well they may think they know but there’s only one person left who could testify and he’s back in my room asleep,” said Larry.

“Don’t forget that he’s my nephew Larry,” said Miriam.

“He’s our only real threat, without him they don’t have anything,” said Larry, “just their suspicions. They can‘t convict me on suspicion, especially when I haven‘t killed anyone, yet.” he added.

Miriam suddenly sat up as if she’d realized something important. “Like I said on the phone, if you didn’t kill those people and I didn’t kill anyone, at least not that I know about, then who did?” asked Miriam.

“I have spent a lot of time trying to figure that out and you know what baby, I can’t. Hell I even thought it was your nephew taking care of things for you, considering the way he worships you,” said Larry.

“Tom worships money and his rich bimbo,” said Miriam.

“His rich bimbo threw him out remember?” said Larry.

“I forgot. Do you suppose she realizes that she gave us the scoop on all those rich families vacationing or living there in Manchester who were such close friends with her Daddy?” asked Miriam.

“Doesn’t matter anymore, all we have to do is pick up our money next week from Adrian Phelps and then pick a spot anywhere in the world to call home,” said Larry.

“We’re not home free Larry, we have the police looking for us and Nathan March and his giants are on our trail too,” said Miriam.

“That’s why we need to get rid of Tom, but if you don’t agree then we’ll share the money with him and hope he stays free long enough for us to get lost somewhere,” said Larry.

When Miriam realized that Tom would give them up if Larry didn’t come up with half the money now, she agreed he was a loose end.

“Give him these in a drink. After that you can set the room on fire and he’ll never feel a thing,” said Miriam producing the ten pills she’d palmed while a visitor at the Roosevelt Rehabilitation Center.

“Sure baby,” said Larry.

“I want to be the one to kill Elliot though,” said Miriam.

“Baby, are you sure you should do that?” asked Larry.

“I don’t want him thinking he can put me away in a nuthouse, and then mate with every female on the Eastern seaboard for the rest of his miserable life,” said Miriam.

“Okay, let’s hear your plan,” said Larry.

“I’m still thinking on that, but it’ll be good you’ll see,” said Miriam.

“Well I need to finish this thing with Tom, so I’ll know we’re safe from any testimony that can nail us both. Phelps will have heard about the murders and figure he’d better not screw with me. Besides he’s been away twice before, so I’m not concerned about him keeping his word about the money and his silence,” said Larry.

“Come to me when Tom’s done Larry,” said Miriam as she sat behind the wheel of the Porsche, ready to return to her hotel again.

“I will sweetheart and you stay safe,” said Larry.

Larry never understood why the two of them couldn’t catch a break and why Miriam could only keep it together in the short term. With the money they’d have soon, he could supply her with any drug she needed and then she’d shower him with enough love, to keep them both happy.

Two hours later Bungalow 13 at the Vista View Motel was engulfed in a horrible fire. Unfortunately the occupant of the room temporary identified as Lawrence Godfrey, must have been drinking, drugging and smoking in bed. Although he tried valiantly to get out the smoke overcame him, and he was burnt beyond recognition as evidenced by his charred remains.

Larry Godfrey drove away in Tom’s car with his registration after having switched his identification with Tom’s, who he drugged effortlessly. With all of it Larry would have no trouble getting a photo I.D. in Tom’s name, as he’d learned that no one pays much attention to birthdates anymore.

“Adrian Phelps,” said the man answering his cell phone.

“It’s Larry here Adrian. I’m calling to make sure you don’t believe the rumors of my untimely death. I am doing just fine, in fact I’m watching you scratch your butt right now,” said Larry sounding quite menacing.

His partner Adrian Phelps’ heart sank. The early morning news had shown Godfrey’s photo with the story of the death of an ex-con and suspect in three recent murders. Phelps mistakenly believed he was not only going to be able to keep Larry’s share of the money, but he sincerely believed it was now okay to feel safe again.

“The man in the fire was my last partner who tried to screw me, so don’t you even think about anything like that,” said Larry.

“No, of course not Larry, that was never my intention. I have never been accused of such a thing. You will have your money in seventy-two hours,” said Phelps hating himself for ever getting involved with this thief.

“Talk to you then, partner,” said Larry.

As self-medicated as she was at the moment, Miriam knew that marrying Elliot Sheridan years ago, was a huge mistake. In the six years they were together before they married, it was his devotion to the law and her work as a top notch paralegal in the law offices of the rich and powerful, that gave them something in common. Miriam came to believe that their marriage could transcend the physical and unite them spiritually, unlike her relationship with Larry.

Larry and Miriam fought continuously back then because Larry didn’t want her to marry to have access to the judge’s money, he just wanted her. Against her will he’d even gotten Miriam pregnant and still she wanted the power and respect that only marriage to the judge could bring her. She told Larry she was going through with a divorce from him, and she was going to let the judge believe the baby was his and then marry him. Larry simply disappeared unable to hurt her for what she was doing to him, and unable to be hurt any more as a result of the pain she constantly caused him.

He held out the hope that all the trouble she brought to him, all those years of madness including going to prison for something he didn’t do, would make a difference to her. But it never did, because her need to impress those who thought she was deficient in some way, was more important than Larry’s genuine love and devotion to her back then, and possibly even now.

The Victorian home in Newton, Massachusetts, restored with loving tenderness, was all Leslie Sawyer had left of her twelve-year marriage to a public defender. Nathan met Leslie two years after her husband died of cancer. That year, laden with stuffed animals and colorfully-wrapped presents, he and Mickey brought a lot of smiles to some very sick children in the pediatric ward where Leslie covered for a friend one week before Christmas.

For Leslie it was impossible to keep from admiring the handsome man dressed in evening clothes and allowing the children to climb all over him in thanksgiving for their gifts. Nathan was taken by the young nurse who held his gaze and didn’t seem the least intimidated by his celebrity whatsoever. Christmas Eve ushered in Nathan’s first date with Leslie and she’d been in his life ever since then, never once demanding him to be exclusive to her.

“You just keep getting better with age Nathan March, and I mean that,” said Leslie that Saturday morning, kissing him and snuggling in his arms in the early morning, so happy he’d made the trip to be with her.

The thirty-seven year old had won his heart because she was smart and funny to say nothing of her fabulous figure, big brown eyes, natural blonde hair, and the way she returned his kisses with so much enthusiasm.

Two omelets were plated and on the table, along with home fries and turkey bacon. Carrying a pot of coffee, Leslie sat down across from him and now he listened happily to all the colorful stories Leslie always told about her expectant mothers, as she loved being a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Obstetrics.

Unlike other woman, Leslie could make him laugh until his ribs hurt. That was especially true when she told him about the complaints of the woman whose bodies she cared for as they grew larger with babies awaiting their turn at life. Incredulous as it seemed she would tell him, the women couldn’t understand that their body parts needed to expand in dimension to accommodate their babies and it was her job to be sure they gradually accepted their temporary condition. She said she would tell them they never were more radiant and lovelier and was always surprised at the blank stares and snarled expressions they shot back at her in response. She forged a relationship with each patient and took every birth seriously evidenced by the thank you notes and cards she received and proudly displayed in a huge frame in her den.

His lady love also listened intently to the plots of the newest books he read and the adventures that presented themselves to him and his staff of investigators in each case he took. Nathan loved the genuine interest in those he was interested in as she never failed to ask about Dina and Mickey always sending birthday and holiday gifts without being reminded.

By 11:00 AM on Sunday morning, Nathan was in the back seat of his Rolls Royce, heading for home. As usual, Mickey picked him up noticing as he always did after Nathan spent some time with Leslie that his boss appeared to have a lighter heart and a much brighter spirit.

“So what’s on the schedule Nathan,” asked Mickey starting the engine on the Rolls.

“A very important Skype meeting with Audrey Mason in a few hours,” said Nathan.

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