Nathan March Investigations - Book 1: Jaded Justice - episode 12 - The Finale

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six
episode seven
episode eight
episode nine
episode ten
episode eleven

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Book One

Jaded Justice

Lost as she was in all her thoughts, Tyrone’s slow retrieval by John and his men went without interference. The bullet had only grazed him and in the kitchen where he now laid conscious on the large kitchen table his groans were hushed by the sound of familiar voices tending to him. In the background the noise of an ambulance arriving could be heard.

Nathan and Mickey had taken their time to move quietly so as not to disturb Evelyn who could easily get off several rounds any one of which could kill the judge who was clearly in her sights. George Lopez had made it outside and was now standing at an angle that made it possible to take her out, once she stepped inside the room.

A standoff was never a good thing but Evie was no real challenge to the men who surrounded her at the moment. It was also obvious to them that she was defeated and knew it, which made her actions far more difficult to predict.

It was Nathan’s voice she heard first.

“It’s over Evie please don’t make us have to stop you. You’ve been my friend for decades and none of the people here now want this to end badly for you,” said Nathan sincerely.

“You can’t believe I’d hurt him, Nathan,” she answered moving inside the library, “I just wanted to say goodbye in my own way,” she added as she moved the gun toward her temple and smiled peacefully.

Now that George had a clean shot it looked as if it wouldn’t be necessary, so he held fire and watched along with the others.

The judge’s reaction was to rush to her but when she told him to stop, he knew she meant it. Nathan watched as the judge summoned his strength to think only of the woman who’d always in every way through every year of the past twenty years, made making his life better her sole interest.

“Evie, please do not hurt yourself. I can help you, you know I can so long as it ends now,” said the judge.

“Help me what judge? Help me into an asylum instead of prison for the rest of my life. No thanks,” said Evie.

“I love you Evie, I can’t lose you this way,” said the judge.

“I love you too, I always have. Did you know until the day she died over a decade ago, my sister used say that it was accurate to say that while Miriam lived as your common-law wife at that time, I was your uncommon-law wife fulfilling all the duties Miriam failed to do and receiving none of the benefits. My sister knew I did it all because there was no other love in my life, but you. I came to believe it myself, yet I never feared sharing you with other woman because I knew you needed me differently, more completely than you needed any of them,” she said.

“You know me so well, my Evie,” was all he could answer.

“It’s best this way Elliot, I’m so very tired of it all. I’ve found others guilty and carried out their execution, so now it’s time for me to face the consequences. With no trial the publicity will die down in a few days, and everyone will pick up the pieces of their lives and go on. Even you will, you and your lady friend. You deserve to be happy and I want that for you,” said Evie.

John indicated that he could get the gun from her, but an absolute “NO” was all Nathan needed to whisper to change his mind. George Lopez too was called off by Mickey, at Nathan’s request.

“Evie, tell me what you want me to do,” said Nathan.

“Oh Nathan, first forgive me. I’m not proud of what I’ve done and all I can hope is that someday you’ll all understand,” said Evie.

“That’s a given Evie,” said Nathan.

“Then do me a favor old friend and take the judge with you, close the door and let me do what I need to do now,” said Evie.

“No Evie, I won’t go. I can’t let you do this,” said the judge now realizing he was about to lose her for certain.

“Your honor, I am guilty as charged and all I want is a rapid death without the humiliation of a public audience,” said Evie.

Nathan’s men were all sent away to the main hallway at the entrance of the mansion. When Evie stepped back several steps, Nathan came forward and took the judge’s arm as he led him from the library without any struggle on the judge’s part.

Behind the closed library door, less than a minute went by before the gunfire and a loud thump made both Nathan and Elliot jump realizing Evie was now facing a far higher court for all her misguided actions.

Evie’s body was collected by the medical examiner’s office a half hour later. Everyone there at the Sheridan mansion that evening felt certain that this was the only ending the lady they had all loved and cherished, wanted and deserved.

Her funeral was private but tasteful under the circumstances. Her long letter found on her bureau in her own handwriting explained to the judge in detail all she had done and why. Also in the envelope was the key to a safety deposit box left in his care. When opened it contained cash, lots of cash which to this day, no one could trace. On hearing about it all Nathan could say is now he knew where the Phelps fortune went. The letter went into her police file after her death was ruled a suicide.

Larry Godfrey decided to forgo any further courtroom drama by pleading guilty to the vandalism charges and Tom Mason’s murder which was reduced to voluntary manslaughter because he saved the Commonwealth the cost of a trial.

With any luck he’d be out in ten years and maybe he’d get to see Miriam functioning as a healthy human being someday not too long after that. It would be up to her to either fight for her sanity or drowned in despair, because he couldn’t help her any more.

As was the custom at Nathan March Investigations there was a farewell luncheon attended by all his operatives, once a case was complete and before they all went their separate ways. The choice this time was The Burger Bistro selected by George for its huge and unique burgers and casual atmosphere. The fun began in earnest when everyone including the judge began tormenting poor John Barry about Miriam’s putting the moves on him. No one laughed harder than John did and since his laugh was contagious everyone cut loose.

Nathan observed the group thankful for the ability to trust each one of them with the task of honestly and professionally conducting themselves in situations that not many others could handle. It always amazed him how short a time it took to come together and function as a team with everyone working toward the same outcome, which was finding the truth.

John, George, and Sam found it next to impossible to be happy about leaving the Vermont manor house and heading back to the personal protection assignments, already scheduled for the PTA. There was nothing like the energy of a household in total harmony and every time they finished a case for Nathan March they secretly hoped another would bring them back under one roof again and soon.

For Mickey Stone it was another adventure brought to its conclusion and the same feeling of satisfaction and contentment in knowing that a great faith effort was put forth from everyone involved. It didn’t always end the way one thought it might, but that ending didn’t have to be without hope either.

As he stood by Nathan’s side and watched Dina hand out some snacks for the road and receive hugs from the three young men, Dennis Cleary opened the front gates and the three black SUV’s roared to life and headed out one at a time.

“I hate seeing them leave,” said Dina to Nathan.

“That’s because we’ve become a family to each other and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Nathan.

As they headed inside, Muggles II quickly began circling Dina’s legs. Before they reached the front door, Nathan’s cell phone vibrated. “March here,” he answered as Chief Milton Pierce’s familiar voice spoke back at him.

“Nathan it’s Milt,” said the Chief.

“Hi Milt, are we still on for eight holes?” asked Nathan.

“Don’t think so, a lawyer friend of mine asked me to see if you could possibly help a young man out of some serious trouble,” said Chief Pierce.

“You’re kidding,” said Nathan who spent a few more minutes talking and then ended the call.

“Saddle up Mickey,” said Nathan.

“Would I happen to know our client?” asked Mickey.

“Well, let me put it to you this way, we’d better do our best, or a football team of some renown will be playing this season without their starting quarterback,” Nathan answered.

“So I shouldn’t worry about dinner then?” asked Dina.

“No you and Dennis can make as much noise as you want,” said Mickey heading toward the garage.

“Oh you,” said Dina blushing a bright red as she reached for Muggles II.

“Well Dina love you can’t say your life here is dull,” said Nathan.

“No Mr. March, and I’m certain it never will be,” said Dina closing the front door behind her.

The Rolls Royce’s motor purred as Nathan took his place in the back seat behind Mickey. “Mickey do you know what heaven is to me?” asked Nathan.

“No boss I don’t,” answered Mickey.

“Heaven to me is knowing that you are doing what you love to do with those you love doing it with, who enjoy rescuing those who haven’t got a chance without them,” said Nathan.

“Ditto boss, ditto,” said Mickey, happy to be heading toward the next investigation.

With the help of his jurist friends, Judge Elliot Sheridan’s annulment from Miriam was obtained without delay, so that just before Thanksgiving he and Dr. Rebecca Martin were married quietly at Nathan’s home in Guilford. The sale of both the judge’s homes in Manchester and Concord was completed allowing him to put the past away permanently in the time he and his new wife spent at her home, before they purchased a wonderful country estate only an hour from Nathan’s home.

A Valentine’s Day card from Domenic Desoto included a photo of the entire Finch family with comments written on it from both of the twins, their sister and Rose herself wishing Nathan love and happiness. The separate note Domenic attached was particularly heart-warming, as he wrote that he finally told Rose how he felt about her, and she surprised him with the news she didn’t want to live without him either.

When Dina Perry came to Nathan the following spring it was to ask his permission to move Dennis Cleary into the main house with her. Mickey and he had planned for this very event and did not hesitate to make such an announcement, a chance to interject some fun into the household.

“You mean because you want to sleep with him, I‘m supposed to accept it right under my own roof. Tell me Dina have I ever brought anyone home and spent the night with her here? For that matter has Mickey ever embarrassed you by doing so?” asked Nathan enjoying her reaction more than he would have thought.

“When does he intend to marry you, or is he too busy getting the milk for free to worry about getting married?” asked Mickey trying hard not to break up.

“Listen to me young man. It took someone like my Dennis a long time to come into my life. I love him and I want him in my life and in my bed for the rest of my life. Married or not!” said Dina stubbornly.

“Well then, that’s all we wanted to know,” said Nathan wearing a grin and taking her into his arms.

“He has asked me to marry him you know,” said Dina.

“Then what’s the problem,” asked Nathan.

“I guess I don’t know, I’ve just been single so long now,” said Dina.

That same weekend Dennis Clearly moved into the manor house and spent the first full night ever with Dina. When Dennis joined them for breakfast he announced to Nathan that he was soliciting his help in getting Dina down the aisle. That night when he asked again, she said yes.

The third Saturday in May in the early afternoon, John Barry, George Lopez, and Sam Weiss marched down the aisle of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church walking beside Dennis’ three nieces who were thrilled with their gorgeous escorts.

The adorable flower girl and ring bearer were siblings whose adoption by Elliot and Rachel Sheridan would be permanent in the near future.

Standing beside Dennis was his best man Larry Connors who’d recommended him for the job nine months earlier, where Dennis found the love of his life. The matron of honor was her childhood friend Madeline Duffy, who couldn’t stop crying through the whole ceremony.

The most moving moment of the ceremony was seeing Dina being escorted down the aisle by both Mickey and Nathan and hearing the priest ask “Who gives this bride away?“ and then hearing the two men answer in unison “We do”.

The wedding of Tyrone and Felicia Carson kicked off the summer and once again the whole crew was in attendance. Unfortunately Nathan and Mickey had to excuse themselves as the Mayor’s brother-in-law had a situation brewing that called for their immediate attention.

The two shared the preliminary information about the case with John, George and Sam, who were already present at the Carson wedding, and the energy between them began to flow. The three took to their vehicles and lined up behind the Rolls Royce Phantom carrying Nathan and Mickey onto the highway, on their way toward another Nathan March Investigation.

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