The Bridge

in #fiction7 years ago

Summeroff, Abishag, Abaddon and Buzi sit in the Order’s limo, stuck at a lift-bridge.
“Blobdammit!” Summeroff barks, his anger at this delay evident, “Why does this always happen…those boats have all day to pass through here but they choose the exact moment I WANT to get by to decide to arrive. Look at this…no doubt that public employee in the box saw me coming around the corner and lifted the bridge as soon as he saw me. After all, why wouldn’t he lift the bridge 30 minutes before the boat arrives?”
“Insidious!” Abishag says, now fully immersed once more in his role as the Blob’s enforcer.
Buzi adds, “I believe the reason they raise the bridge this early as it’s not easy for the boats to stop and should the bridge have a mechanical issue, the boat needs time to come to a stop.”
“Is that right Mr. Fancy Pants?” Summeroff says, scowling at Buzi. “No my friend. I have it from the Blob himself – it’s the public service employee in that booth…his sole purpose for living is to aggravate me. Well, let’s just see who gets the last laugh now. Abishag – come!”
Summeroff and Abishag leave the Limo and head towards the control booth for the bridge.
“Some things never change, do they?” Abaddon says, shaking his head.
“Summeroff has always been this way”, Buzi says, “Abishag just follows along. He just likes to beat people up.”
“People like Baron Vendredi and Dwight couch!” Abaddon says, laughing, “Can’t say Abishag has lost anything, has he? Did you see him demolish those two test subjects?”
“You know I did…we were sitting together”, Buzi says, confused.
Abaddon – white mask on as always – turns slowly towards Buzi, “Do you always have to take everything so literal?”
Buzi grunts.
“Thought Abishag might have some ring rust…he looks better than ever”, Abaddon says. “Makes me wonder if I should try to make a return?”
“Don’t brother”,Buzi says solemnly, “You retired due to injuries. Abishag, Blob bless him, still has his health.”
Buzi pauses before continuing, “No doubt Abishag’s victory sends a message to President McStrump and Rupert Mudcock – the power of the Blob is eternal…and it’s back. America…the whole world in fact – needs this. The world is calling and we must answer this call together…all of us.”
“Speaking of all of us”, Abaddon says excitedly, “ I’m told Brother Janus has returned!”
“He has. I met with him”, Buzi says, “He is ready to continue the work. We will be unstoppable. THIS time, nothing will stop us…”
“So what of the roster?” Abaddon says, changing the subject.
“What about the roster?” Buzi says.
“Well, that whole thing Stricker is trying to do – organize the roster to form a wrestler’s union? Do we want to be a part of that…”
Buzi slaps Abaddon hard across the mask.
“That’s blasphemy brother! Surely there is only ONE and just ONE union we will be a part of and that’s the Union of the Mighty Chilean Blob! Even now, he quivers in his tank hearing you ask that question. Summeroff will tell you the same. The roster is flotsam. The most feeble of wrestlers – soft from not being challenged for so long. The Mexican Salinas and her petty feud with Mudcock…thinking she has gotten the last laugh when the Blob and his allies have returned! There will be no rest for UOW…none, now that the Master has once more opened his eyes.”
Abaddon nods. He could see why Buzi was the chosen one to lead them when Summeroff was gone.
As the two continue to talk waiting for the bridge, Summeroff and Abishag have almost reached the control booth for the bridge.
“This wretch in this box must be made to suffer for this delay Abishag. I want you to make this public sector union sweat hog suffer for this outrage. He has raised this lift bridge on me for the last time!”
“You are starting to sound like President McStrumps and Mudcock”, Abishag says.
“Well maybe those two are on to something…in a different life, maybe we could have even worked together…but those two are FOOLS Abishag. Make no mistake about it – they are self-deluded blowhards unable to think for themselves and draw like-minded fools to their flock…and one thing the Blob cannot abide are fools. Mudcock is right about this whole locker room rebellion though. I thought he handled that dissention in the ranks well. Ivan Stricker got what he deserved. When you turn against the boss – that’s what happens. EVERYONE would do well to remember that…”
Summeroff turns and gives the evil eye to Abishag. The unspoken meaning was clear enough. Cross the master and suffer the consequences.
The two approach the control booth when Summeroff’s cell phone begins to buzz.
“Hold on just a moment”, the angry doctor says, “…a text has come in. It’s from the UOW…it seems our next match is set…let’s see who it is…no doubt, it’s a title fight against the vile Salinas!”
Summeroff frowns, “What is this? How can glory be brought onto the gelatinous master with such dross across from us? Kronin? Seriously? This must be a joke…have you not destroyed everyone they’ve put in your way?”
Abishag grunts.
“Well this puts me in a foul mood my friend”, Summeroff says. “You know, Kronin is the one who found the beaten Ivan Stricker, drooling at the mouth in the alley and crying for his mother…He was babbling like an idiot I was told…Well if Kronin thought that looked bad – wait until he sees himself after you are done with him…I can sense the blob’s power in you Abishag – you are meant for GREAT things…there isn’t a soul in this federation who can match you…so just take care of business. Deal with Kronin and then Salinas will be yours…apparently she is facing Takumo Sato at Clash…”
“It’s Takuma Sato…” Abishag says.
“Does it matter? It could be a dog living in a box down on the river for all I care…point is…it’ ISN’T you and that’s an insult…it’s a conspiracy of course. The Blob sees all and he has parted the veil of Rupert Mudcock’s plan and he sees what’s happening. Mudcock is in bed with McStrumps!!! They fear the rise of the order and will do anything in their power to keep us all down…McStrumps knows the Blob has the pulse of the people and when those people accept the Blob as their savior and hundreds of thousands of Blob cult worshippers rise up…MILLIONS EVEN…then this miserable accursed country as we know it ends and a new era begins. They do not want this Abishag – YOU are the first strike to make this happen – they want to avoid this at all costs…”
Summeroff stops speaking for a moment, takes a pill and then continues, completely changing the subject.
“Look over there…see the boat! Look how far away it is…it’s time to demonstrate to the everyday man what happens when you fuck with the Blob and his soldiers. Open that door Abishag! We’ll just see if this guy raises anymore bridges when he sees the Blob’s limo approaching!”
Abishag kicks the door down and startles the two Bridge operators.
“Which one of you two wretches is responsible for raising and lowering the bridge…WHO actually makes the decision!?” Summeroff roars.
Operator #1 steps forward. He trembles in fear at the sight of the angry and seething Abishag.
“And what would your name be?” Summeroff inquires.
“Chet”, the man says.
“Chet…like the guy who got turned into a turd in Weird Science?”
Chet nods.
“Fine. YOU!” Summeroff barks at the second operator. “Get out!”
Operator #2 runs as fast as his legs would take him.
“So…CHET…tell me, did you or did you not see the Blob’s limo approaching today?”
“What? The blob? What blob?”
Summeroff looks to the sky, “Forgive him master, he knows not what he says…what’s that? No? No forgiveness?”
Chet stares at Summeroff talking to what would appear to be himself and wonders what he did to deserve this lunacy…
“Chet, it seems the Blob has no room for leniency for an unbeliever such as yourself…Punishment will be forthcoming…what form that takes is up to you…only the truth now…did you see the Limousine back there in the line…”
Chet looks. He is about to say no but notices Abishag’s eye begin to twitch…
“Good, very good”, Summeroff says. “Now, did you, upon seeing the Limousine have the button pressed to raise the bridge?”
“No…no….it was because of the boat…”
“Chet, that boat is still out in the lake…”
“Yes…but…but…it takes time to stop and the bridge malfunctions…” Chet stammers.
Summeroff dismisses the excuses with a wave of the hand, “That’s the same nonsense Buzi spouted back in the car! Now Buzi wouldn’t lie to me Chet…so I believe HIM…you however…the Blob sees right through you…he’s seen through a lot of unbelievers lately. Baron Vendredi and Dwight Couch didn’t believe either until Abishag showed them the light! The light of the overhead lamps over the ring those two fools got to stare at as Abishag covered them both for the Pin 1…2…3! You saw that match, didn’t you CHET? You watch UOW don’t you? No doubt you were in front of your television and cheering on those two idolaters…just as I bet you were planning to crack open a Schlitz beer and cheer on that thug Kronin at Friday Night Clash 3…Kronin’s somewhat of a hero now, isn’t he CHET? He rescued that miscreant Ivan Stricker from bleeding out in the Alleyway after the powerful Mr. Reagan beat him into something that resembled sashimi!!!”
Summeroff stops for a moment to take a pill. Crestor. It seemed for all the Blob’s abilities, unclogging the arteries of a 70 year old man wasn’t one of them.
Abishag was only half-heartedly listening to Summeroff berating Chet. His mind was back in Toad River. Although he’d settled back into his old role nicely and the old cruelties were being worn again like a well fitted suit – part of him missed his life of the last few years. It was simple, uncomplicated and people like Chet were other people’s problems. Still, the call of the Blob was strong. The master was not to be resisted. Reprisals – terrible reprisals – would be handed down should such insubordination rise again. That was part of what brought the Blob’s wrath on them from the last time the Order rose to prominence.
Yes, it was a hearty serving of Justice the Gelatinous overlord dispensed on them. Abaddon had left the Order. That was the start of it. He left and made his way from the glory of ICW to that sad sack outfit out of MT. Vernon. nGw. The Blob punished him for it too. He’d sent part of his bio-essence to that place and it ignited at the hands of a mad man…what was his name? Was it Allen Anderson? Was that him…the memories of those days still hadn’t fully returned…but the story was pretty much back. So Abaddon was grievously injured…and suffered…he ended up in Arcadia, Oklahoma for a time. Helped train a man named Morcant Davis…but then Davis turned his back on Abaddon. In the end, the Blob who welcomed the chastised Abaddon back home. Where he belonged.
Summeroff himself was assaulted by some animal in a place called RSW and almost died. The Blob, once more, reached out with one gelatinous arm and brought his healing qualities to the table. One drink of the Blob’s essence, administered by one of the Order’s returning doctors was all it took.
Buzi was shot through the chest and thought dead during a siege on the Order’s Walls not long after Detroit fell all those long years ago. The Blob performed a miracle here…and actually brought Buzi back from beyond the grave…so the story goes. Others say he ALMOST died…either way – MIRACLES!!! PRAISE BLOB!
Abishag himself endured his own trial. His memory wiped and he was brainwashed by sinister doctors.
AND YET the Order has risen again! All the machinations of men have failed.
THIS is what Summeroff was imparting on CHET now.
“The decision is yours CHET…continue on your path – continue to aggravate the emissaries of the Blob…continue to be counted amongst those scumbags who stand by pedestrian walkways and wait for a car to get just close enough to pass that the driver thinks he’s going to make it – and then push the button to bring the walk signal up for yourself and a red light for the driver. Keep being an aggravating piece of shit like that and see what happens to you!!! Turn your back on this life CHET…join us of your own free will…go to the Blob on your knees with arms raised like the supplicant and plead of him to purify you and bring you into his blobular embrace…will you do this CHET? Will you join us?”
“You’re insane!”,Chet screams, “You’re crazy! No I won’t join you! In fact, while you’ve been here and I’ve been pretending to listen to this crap, Gerald is probably calling the police right now!”
Gerald? Ahh…the other operator.
“So you won’t join us willingly?” Summeroff asks, “That is unfortunate CHET…very unfortunate. Well then I guess you will join us UNWILLINGLY…Abishag, bring forth the anointing elixir.”
Abishag steps forward. In his hand – a vial of the Blob’s bio-essence.
“Seize him!” Summeroff croaks and Abishag grabs Chet, tilts his head back and watches as Summeroff empties the contents of the Vial into the man’s mouth.
Chet falls to the ground, choking, gasping and convulsing in seizures as the Blob’s essence saturates the cells of his body, bending the man’s will to the Blob’s own.
“This is what I’m going to do to kronin”, Abishag thinks to himself.
After a moment, Chet’s machinations cease. His eyes turn to black pools – vacant, pools.
“He will serve the blob without question now”, Summeroff says, “Just a drone to work the sanitary detail in the Compound. He will spend his days plunging toilets and wading into that disgusting soup under the Compound to clear clogs and break down Fatbergs…shame, he could have been more…”
Abishag nods and takes CHET with him back to the Limousine. Summeroff looks out and sees the Boat still out aways.
“Piss on that”, he says and presses the button to lower the lift-bridge.


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