The Beautiful People: Las Vegas - fiction by @cclarke (Chapter 1)

in #fiction7 years ago

beautiful people_Las_Vegas_page.jpg

Chapter 1

Temperate streams of water cascaded over Donovan’s taut abdominal muscles as he emerged from the glistening pool. Rays from the prideful, midday sun cast a slick shimmer over his body, and the mild heat bathed his cream-colored skin as he walked toward his lounge chair. It had been a while since Donovan had enjoyed the serenity of an afternoon swim. There weren’t many opportunities for such an indulgence in his fast-paced hometown of New York City.

As he toweled off beads of water that had tunneled through his merlot trunks down to his calves, Donovan felt the gaze of a plump, middle-aged woman reeling him into her libidinous daydream. He avoided her stare and pulled on his fitted t-shirt, hoping to escape an awkward moment. As he stepped into his flip-flops, however, he unwittingly locked eyes with the woman. She smiled. Politeness overpowered Donovan’s urge to grimace and he managed to mimic her gesture before grabbing his water bottle and strolling away. He sighed. Donovan wished the adoring stare had come from a woman whom he would genuinely be interested in returning it to.

The weight of loneliness was crushing him quietly, but he walked around with his head high and feelings camouflaged, carrying his burden like a wounded-but-still-strong soldier of love. Beneath his cheeky attitude and concrete body was a man who was ready to replace coldness with chivalry. Donovan was almost over his adulterous former fiancée. Time had melded the pieces of his shattered heart back together, but when his anger gave way to resolve, he felt a pervading hollowness eating away at him.

“Enjoy your day, sir,” a polished employee offered as he walked by him en route to the elevators.

“Thank you,” Donovan acknowledged courteously, as he made his way back to the two-bedroom penthouse suite that he shared with his buddy Colin. From the VIP check-in in a mahogany paneled room to the constant attentiveness without being intrusive, the customer service offered by the staff at the Trump International hotel was impeccable.

Don and Colin’s friends Vanessa and Yen Chu were closed away in similar quarters of their own. It had been a rough day for Yen. Having suffered from insomnia and anxiety attacks since she’d arrived the morning before, she hadn’t been able to enjoy anything about Las Vegas.

“Come on.” Vanessa turned off the living room flat-screen television. “I ran a bath and made some tea for you. Up. Up,” she coaxed, “get off the couch.”

Yen followed her to her master bathroom.

“I just want you to relax,” Vanessa nurtured, as she helped Yen out of her cotton loungewear. Celtic music from an in-mirror plasma TV filled the room. “You should be ready for a nap after your bath.”

A smile began to form on Yen’s face though her eyes barely met Vanessa’s. “Thanks. I’ll be fine though.”

“Of course you will! I’m gonna go see what the guys are up to while you unwind, okay?” Vanessa let her fingertips graze Yen’s arm before exiting through the double doors.

“All right.” Yen Chu breathed out a disappointed sigh once she was alone. While grateful to have Vanessa care for her, Yen was embarrassed for having needed the care. She was in a pit of depression, struggling to climb out. She hadn’t done coke in six days and was really trying to make it through a full week. She wanted to prove to herself that she didn’t have a problem. Just one more day, she thought as she eased into the deep spa tub, the silky warm water assuaging her troubled thoughts. Yes, you can do it...


“Well, if it isn’t Nurse Swain!” Colin joked when he opened the door for Vanessa. His gunpowder gray t-shirt hugged his ripped torso. “Where’s your sexy outfit?” He gave her casual blouse, jeans and heels a once-over.

“Oh, hush!” She grinned and pushed him aside.

“I’m just teasing. Sort of.” Colin welcomed Vanessa inside. “How’s Yen?”

“Better than yesterday.”

“Good, because I didn’t fly all the way out here to sit up in this hotel!”

“God only knows what you came to Sin City to do.” Donovan emerged from his bedroom with a smirk. He’d changed into a pair of chinos and a piqué-stitched polo shirt. “Just understand that I don’t care to see any strange men in this suite in the middle of the night, okay?”

“Or women,” Vanessa chimed in.
Colin gasped. “I don’t know why you guys insist on painting me as some kind of tramp or trick!” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

“Prove that you aren’t this weekend.” Donovan went to the kitchen to make himself a drink.

“Enough about me.” Colin turned to Vanessa. “I know you’re making sure Yen feels better.”

“What is that tone supposed to mean?” She was mildly embarrassed.

“Really?” Colin challenged her. He’d sensed on their last vacation that Vanessa had a crush on Yen, but he didn’t say anything.

Donovan listened quietly.

“Never mind.” Vanessa changed the subject. “I’d like to have lunch.”

“Now we’re talking. I could definitely eat.” Donovan joined them at the dining table. “We still have a few hours before our tour. Should we wait for Yen, or bring her something back, or...” He glanced at Colin and Vanessa for input.

They had a full evening ahead: a three-hour helicopter tour of the city, dinner and a show. And Vanessa and Colin wanted to go to a dance club.

“Let me go back and check on her to see if she’s up for going out. I’ll call you and let you know what she says.”

“All right.” Colin got up, walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window and peered out at the bustling strip. He seemed to be doing a little dance to music only he could hear. “Hurry up so we can get the hell out of here. I’m ready to be unleashed!”

“This, from the man who watched a Golden Girls marathon for hours last night!” Donovan hooted.

“Don’t judge me!” Colin spun around with an amalgam of humor and dramatic flair. “You straight boys will never appreciate that show!”

“I can’t say I disagree.” Donovan grinned.

“Guys!” Vanessa was tickled by their banter. “I’ll call you!” She opened the door to the foyer and headed out.

“Why did you have to go there?” Colin quizzed Donovan the moment the front door shut.

“What? You’re the only one who can poke fun at people?”

Colin thought before answering. “All right,” he huffed like a spoiled child. “Fair is fair.”

Donovan finished his vodka and cucumber concoction.

“You could have asked if I wanted a drink.” Colin mumbled.

“I know,” Donovan said and leaned back. “I could have.” He smiled.



Vanessa re-entered quietly, not wanting to disturb Yen in case she’d finally sunken into a peaceful realm. From the lack of movement on Yen’s side of the penthouse Vanessa assumed that she had. I’ll just coordinate my outfit for the evening to kill a little more time, she thought and retreated to her bedroom. She was purposeful in her timing of when to check on Yen.

In truth, Vanessa didn’t want to risk seeing Yen’s naked body submerged in the fragrant water. Her imagination had already dreamed up what it might be like to walk in with warm towels and dry Yen’s wet, mesmerizing skin; to escort her to the king-sized bed with Italian sheets and lay her down for a different kind of care and attention.

Vanessa abandoned her amatory thoughts and refocused on which pencil skirt to wear. Black or tangerine?

Just as she was pulling them from her walk-in closet she heard the chirp of Yen’s voice. “I feel so much better now!” Yen looked refreshed.

“Hey! I didn’t know you were out of the tub.”

The two women chatted while Vanessa continued piecing together an outfit. Yen decided that she would go out with the gang for lunch. She’d felt bad for stalling their vacation and she was ready to have some fun.

“Thanks again for making sure I was all right.”

“That’s what friends are for!” Vanessa winked at her.

Yen smiled and turned to walk out. “All right. I’m going to get dressed.”

“Great, I’ll tell Don and Colin.”

Yen stopped to look back at the skirts Vanessa was holding. “Orange. It’ll really bring out your skin tone.”

“You think?”

“Definitely.” Yen grinned and strolled away.

Before long the four of them were in a chauffeured sedan en route to lunch at a chic French bistro inside the Cosmopolitan hotel.

- end of chapter 1-

I'll post chapter two tomorrow. If you're just stumbling on these characters, be sure to check my feed for The Beautiful People: New Orleans to start from the beginning of the series. :)

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