The Deception - Short Story/Mystery

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Just one more heist, and I'll be able to live a straight life. Helen took a deep breath. After this, I'm starting over as a new woman. It was a big house, looked old. Judging by the overflowing mailbox, the family must be on vacation or something. The darkness made it harder to see, but it was easier to work in it. There should be at least some valuables she could hock. She scoped the house. The side door had a simple lock. She slowly picked the lock. She was inside. There was an open window in the kitchen. That’s weird. I can’t hear the wind outside.

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It was eerily quiet. It’s like she could hear an ant if he crawled near her. This house gives me the creeps. There are some bad vibes here. I need to do this one quickly. There wasn't an alarm or security system. Why’s this house so damn quiet? I can’t hear anything. Oh well, they won’t even notice till I’m long gone. Her heartbeat always sped up the moment she walked into unknown territory. She had just started to look for the valuables when she heard it.

"Helen?" The voice creaked out from an old worn out throat. The woman jumped. That sounds like my Grandpapa. I must be imagining things. You know, this house kinda reminds me of his house. Keep your head on straight, Helen. The voice sounded more like a door creak than someone talking. No one could be home, the mailbox was full! She went into the bedroom. She double checked that the lights were out. She saw an old golden necklace and earrings in a dresser. Huh. This reminds me of Grandmama’s stuff. She temporarily held the necklace up to her and remembered her grandma smiling at her.

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Helen shook her head. This is not your Grandmama and Grandpapa house, it’s even in another state. "Helen, I missed you. Have you come back?" The voice creaked again. There was no mistaking it this time. Someone was home. It sounded like an old man. He could be armed. She didn’t want to take any chances. She tiptoed until she found a dark corner. "Helen?" "Helen?" Oh, God. I guess all my years of this is catching up with me. Am I gonna die here? Her breath quickened. She heard the sound of slow shuffling footsteps approaching her. Don’t notice me. Please don’t see me. All of these years, she had never been caught. Just when she was about to stop doing these jobs and go legit, then she gets this old man. It's been a long ride. How does the old man know my name? Helen sighed to herself.

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The old man stopped right in front of her. He obviously couldn't see her as he squinted into the darkness. "Helen, I missed you. Come on out of there. It's so dark, I can't see a thing. Let me turn the light on." His hand inched closer to the light switch.

"No! Please don't," she screamed. Her voice trembled with her fast heartbeat. "Helen?" Oh, well. Maybe I can still get away if I play along. "It's me, Helen." "Oh," the old man laughed. "Playing hide-and-seek at your age. Okay, I'll pretend not to see you. I won't tell everyone where you’re hiding. Okay?" "Thanks." She tried to say confidently. Who is everyone? Are there more people here? She felt sorrowful for this delusional old man. It feels wrong to steal from this guy. I mean he’s just like my Grandpapa. He had Alzheimer's in the end. She stepped out from the shadows. He shuffled down the hallway into a room. She followed him. It wouldn't be right to rob him. Oh, well, this jewelry isn’t worth hocking anyway. It’s probably plated or something. Helen placed the necklace and earrings on a nearby end table. She just wanted to watch him for a little longer. Judging by everything, he was in this huge house all by himself.

It just didn't feel moral. The old man sat in a large chair in front of an old television that seemed broken. "Helen, come sit down so we can talk. It's been a long time." Part of her wanted to run now. He’s so much like my Grandpapa. He even wears the same clothes and has the same glasses. No, I’m losing my mind. But I kinda feel sorry for this lonely old man. So, she went against her better judgment and sat next to him. "How’s the family doing these days?” The darkness hid his face. She could only see the gleam of his clothes as the moonlight got brighter. "We’re fine," she answered. "Good to hear!" He gave a hearty laugh. He even laughs like Grandpapa. "Thank you for coming to see me. I missed having you around. You're probably busy like always with your dangerous job. So, I won’t keep you. You can go back now." I have to tell him. “Grandpapa, I missed you, too.” He laughed again. “Ah, Helen, you were always so sentimental when you were a kid. Your mother had to pry you off me every time. You never wanted to go. I guess time changed that, huh?” “Yea. Grandpapa, I’m sorry about what happened in the end. I tried to come and see you more often.” She was on the brink of tears. He has to be Grandpapa. Only he would know that. She wrapped her arms around him. “Grandpapa, I really missed you.” He patted her on the back. “You’re not a kid anymore, Helen. Go on back. I know you’re going to live a good life from now on. You can leave now. Don’t cling to me anymore.” She softly sniffled to herself. "It was good seeing you again, Grandpapa." She whispered as she left. "You, too. Take care. Don’t let that job kill you, okay?" The old man laughed. She smiled as she left the house.

Her last job and Helen didn’t steal a thing. She gained something else. Grandpapa must have come to see and warn me. I can’t believe his ghost found me. I’m never gonna steal anything again.

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The next day, she went by the house again, in the daytime. She had no intention to steal anything. I’m going to sit here and watch for a minute. No one came to the house. An elderly neighbor happened to come out of her home. I have to know for sure. “Excuse me, ma’am. Does anyone live in that house?” "Oh, yeah. An old man is living there. It’s a real shame. He had a bad nervous breakdown after his daughter and her family died in a house fire 20 years ago. He has no one to take care of him. So, he is just there by himself." What? I wasn’t talking to my Grandpapa. I knew something was strange. She let out the breath she’d been holding. "Did he have a granddaughter?” The old woman sighed. “She was visiting her mom and dad and burned in the fire too.” “Excuse me for asking, what was her name?” "It’s not a problem, her name was Helen." She took a deep breath. “My name’s Helen, too. Is it okay if someone takes care of the old man?” The woman shrugged. “I don’t think anyone would mind.” Helen nodded. I’ll become his Helen. I’m gonna take care of him like I couldn’t in my Grandpapa’s last days.

“I’m so glad you’re living here with me now. Does anyone mind?” She smiled. “No, I’m going to live with you, Grandpapa. I’m going to take good care of you.” She found some old clothes in a reasonably new suitcase in a bedroom. Helen put the clothes on. It’s just my size. Then, she saw a mirror in the hallway, she smiled at it. I didn’t notice this before because it was so dark. As she started walking away, her reflection didn't move. It was a large photo with something written on the frame. It read, my dearest Helen.

Woman by Window Image Soucre
Gentleman Image Soucre
Necklace Image Soucre
All photos edited by me in Photoshop CC

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