Slaughterhouse - Part 16: Bad Vibes

in #fiction6 years ago


A tale of magic, murder, mayhem, and COWS!

Part 16: Bad Vibes

Early the same morning, Bob woke with a cold sweat at 2:11 am to a strange audible vibration. A bright purple light was creeping through the curtains of his bedroom window from the direction of the barnyard. The hairs on his body rose as fear washed over him. Bob loved Clarabelle and the other cows, he believed in the rights of animals, even more so since his first meeting with the astonishing Clarabelle. His loneliness a distant memory, his purpose; clear. Yet somewhere deep inside he knew something was not quite right, even if he didn't remember Clarabelle wiping his memory of being pinned to the ceiling not once, but twice.

Bob quietly slips on his pants and shoes, and ventures out into the night to see what nonsense Clarabelle is up to. Bob's mouth drops open to see a lot more cows than there was before he went to bed that night, but then remembers the purchase of John's cows. With all of the recent crazy events, will nothing surprise him anymore? Nobody saw Bob, and for some reason, his inner voice was telling him to keep hidden. Bob silently slips through the yard to his new and improved mega barn. "Was it this big when I went to bed?" Bob asked himself. "Bob Braveheart, maybe your just losing it and all of this has been a dream?", he pinches himself for confirmation.

The purple light and vibration were growing stronger as he approached the barn. Through the window, he could see Clarabelle at her command centre, bright purple laser-like beams were travelling from all the cows to a giant ball of intensely bright purple plasma-like substance hovering above them.

The vibration was giving Bob a headache and nausea each step closer he got to the barn. "What are they doing?" thought Bob. Bob laughed to himself at the bad pun that had entered his mind, "Bob, Bob, Bob, I'm getting some bad vibes here." Bob decides then and there that he had better leave well enough alone, and he instead retreats back to the main house. Bob laid in bed most of the night trying to make sense as to what he saw with a feeling of foreboding. After tossing and turning for hours, Bob managed to get some sleep.

That night inside the barn, Clarabelle's level of magic grew to a whole new level. With each additional cow, Clarabelle's power and control increased exponentially. Clarabelle was now able to send frequency signals over the entire internet of things. With the strength of one hundred cows and a secret ritual, Clarabelle sent a message to the local farming community via a subliminal frequency; "Cow's are not steak. Stop the murder. Free your cows!" There was also a message for local cows, "Come to me, children." By sunlight, the entire area one hundred kilometres in every direction had fallen under Clarabelle's spell.

Bob arose for breakfast at the usual time and headed for the barn. Clarabelle was in her "Clara" form, pouring over the news at her command centre. Bob nervously enters the barn, "Yes this barn, is indeed bigger than yesterday," he mutters under his breath.

Clara looked up and smiled at Bob, "Good morning Bob. I hope you slept well, I have a full day planned for us. The chef has prepared your breakfast, it's at your table."

"Since when do we have a chef? I don't need a chef, it's a waste of money. My cooking is perfectly fine!" grumbled Bob. Bob's face changed from a grimace to a smile as he tasted his first bite, "Clarabelle, I have never tasted anything quite as wonderful as these pancakes."

"I'm glad you like them, Bob, the Chef said he had some secret ingredients, that will enhance your abilities," said Clara in her usual bright tone.

Bob tried to block out the misgivings he was having over his breakfast containing unknown secret ingredients, that would enhance what abilities exactly? Bob was afraid to ask, so he didn't; the pancakes were really that good. Bob loads his plate three more times.

"See," chimed Clara, "We did need a chef! He's going to look after all of us. Organic vegan food for all. Don't worry Bob, you no longer have to concern yourself with thoughts of money. I have the internet mastered, by connecting my mind to the electronic frequencies all around us. Bob, you just wait for the surprises today will bring." Clara winked at Bob and smiled mischievously. "When you are done breakfast, head up those stairs to the new suite the girls, and I designed for you. We wanted to surprise you since you have been so good to us."

"New suite, what?" asked Bob. "Aghh, that explains why the barn looked bigger." As Bob shifted his glance around the barn, he realised this mega-structure no longer looked like a barn at all, it was more of a high-tech spa for cows. Clarabelle had even designed special bathroom facilities for the cows. She had rooms for showering and grooming and specialised bidets for cows. "Would've thought cows could be potty trained, sure beats the old fashioned way!" laughed Bob to himself, although admittedly his eighty-four-year-old mind found artificial intelligence and any technology for that matter, to be well over his level of understanding.

"Clarabelle, what happened last night? I saw the purple light and felt the vibration, what were you girls doing?" Bob asked, afraid of the answer.

"Aww, that was supposed to be a surprise, " said Clara. "The girls and I used our minds to send secret messages to the townspeople. Oh, and their cows. The whole town is going vegan, and I invited all the cows to come home. The best part is, no one will be the wiser. The people will think it is their idea." Clarabelle laughed in a way that made Bob feel uneasy, not that it mattered since he was firmly under Clarabelle's influence.

Bob was in utter shock, he could not believe what he was hearing. "Clarabelle, this isn't right. You know there will be repercussions for your actions. Folks livelihoods are at stake here. You cannot manipulate people's free will that way, it's just not right."

Ominously, Clara raises her voice to Bob, "Enough Bob, did you forget our mission? To save the cows?"

Bob knew well enough to leave it alone at this point. Clarabelle was his best friend, and he didn't want to go back to being a lonely old man looking after a couple of animals at the once very modest Braveheart Animal Rescue. Bob especially enjoyed his youthful body and appearance. He could no longer go into town without attracting the attention of the ladies, and he felt so healthy and young. Against his better judgement, and in the interest of keeping things pleasant, Bob pushed any negative thoughts out of his mind. "Sounds like a beautiful idea Clarabelle, REALLY," said Bob forcing a smile. "I'm going to go check out my new suite."

Back in the townsite the effects of Clarabelle's EMF subliminal message gradually emerge. Garnet awakes on the Smith farm after his first night of being a new farm owner and immediately has an urge to go visit his cows. He felt so disgusted with his father Jim and his methods of harvesting beef, and the fact he would go so far as too shoot his neighbour John Svashta, over a cow! What a disgrace. Just then, Garnet had a brilliant thought; the perfect act of revenge toward his despicable father. Garnet opens the first filthy barn, to discover all eye's on him. Garnet's heart filled with love and empathy for the poor beasts standing before him in layers of faeces.

"Ladies, listen up, you are all free to go, beasts be free now," said Garnet as he rushed from stall to stall and then barn to barn releasing all the cows in a joyful frenzy. The giant herd of one-thousand cows all began walking in a south-western direction as if they knew where they were going. Garnet headed into the house to clean out the freezer. He emptied all the beef steaks and roasts straight into the garbage. Garnet stomach turned upon coming to the conclusion that those steaks and roasts are actually body parts of sentient beings, capable of emotion, and sensitive to pain and mistreatment. He felt much better after everything was disposed of, his resolve to do an expose of the horrors of the beef industry greater than ever before.

While Garnet was freeing cows on the Smith farm, Charles sat in his office, still annoyed that someone had stolen his evidence, and replaced it with that stupid movie "Chicken Run". "Who could have done this?" thought Charles to himself. Charles had been through the whole thing in his head so many times, nothing made sense. Charles shifts his focus back to the evidence he does have, the movie "Chicken Run" and suddenly things became clear; Jim had tried to mess with him again, the video of the flying cow was fake just regular run-of-the-mill animation. Old Jim was just trying to take him for some idiot. Of course, cows cant fly, only in Hollywood. Feeling a little hungry Charles reaches for his lunch, packed by his wife earlier that morning. "Nothing, but roast beef sandwiches. Gross!" said Charles tossing his former favourite sandwiches in the trash without a second thought. Charles grabs his coat and keys and heads out to get some food.

As Charles was stepping into his squad car, a distant rumbling could be felt. Then he saw them, coming over the hill were thousands of cows. The earth shook, and Charles quickly realised, that his life was in danger. "What the @#$%!" screams Charles as he bolts for the door to his station, narrowly escaping the path of the great herd.

End of Part 16

My previous drawings:

My Chihuahua Chico

My Boy Carlos - Bichon Havanese

Fancy Frank

My Shih Tsu - Lucy Loo

"Abbey" Chihuahua/Yorkie X

Romeo's Abduction

Maximillian Chesterfield Winklebottom

Happy Ending for Daisy

Short Stories:

The Pond in the Woods

Jacob and The Magic Box

Lost and Alone in Las Vegas

The Intruder - 1st Place

Charlie's First Night Alone (second part of Lost and Alone in Las Vegas)

Piggy's Palace - 1st Place

Part 3 - Charlie Meets the Las Vegas Underworld


A Message from 2040

A Message from 2040 - Part 2: Welcome to The Hive

Slaughterhouse Chronicles
Collaborative Writing Project by @braveheart29 and @svashta

Part 1 by @svashta

Part 2 by @svashta

Part 3 by @svashta / Part 3 - Clarabelle's Miracle by @braveheart29

Part 4 - A Man and His Cow by @braveheart29

Part 5 - John's Backstory by @svashta

Part 6 - Bovine Lives Matter by @braveheart29

Part 7 - John's Master Plan by @svashta

Part 8 - Bovine Bravery by @braveheart

Part 9 - Things Go South by @svashta

Part 10 - Bob to the Rescue by @braveheart29

Part 11 - Jim Faces the Police by @svashta

Part 12 - The Fine art of Shapeshifting by @braveheart29

Part 13 - The Plot Thickens by @svashta

Part 14 - Cow's Can't Fly by @braveheart29

Part 15 - The Beginnings of a New Alliance by @svashta

Part 17 by @svashta - Coming Soon

@braveheart29 xx

P.S. If anyone has a highly detailed photo of their dog, I would love to draw him/her for you and make a post like this. Feel free to message me or leave a link to your image in the comments.


I appreciate you taking the time to share this amazing story with the steemit family. Have a great day ahead.

I'm a writer as well so I assume you took somewhere from 3 days to a week to get this published and edited everything like a bazillion times before uploading it.

Is my assumption a fact or fiction??

Thank you for taking the time to read it! The story to took me two nights and about eight hours total, but it actually took me five months to get on with it. Has been a long time since the last chapter! Sorry @svashta!

Ooh. Lol. I can understand. Have a great day ahead.

Before I leave how do you deal with writers block??

I wish I had the answer for this one. I would like to know too!

(For writers block: Read more articles, watch more videos, chat with friends and in forums, speak your thoughts out loud as if you were explaining it someone else.)

(For writers block: Read more articles, watch more videos, chat with friends and in forums, speak your thoughts out loud as if you were explaining it someone else.)

This is what I use for overcoming writer's block. It works well for me. Let me know your thoughts on it.

Wow, this is so interesting, I think I would go back to the previous episodes to read! P.S die hard fiction reader/writer in the building😁🙌

We have had fun making this story! However, this should have been ready months ago. Would love to hear your thoughts, if you read it through.

Wow. I actually predicted this would be an interesting piece before i read it. I am a writer as well and you are the kind of people i get my inspirations from. Keep on inspiring me @braveheart. Love ya! You can check on my posts as well. Comment, enjoy and upvote

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