Ben's big feet - A story for children and adults

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

In an ordinary town, lived a normal man called Ben. He was the same as everyone else. He spoke normal, he ate normal and he liked normal activities like fishing and camping. The only thing that wasn't very ordinary about Ben, was his big feet. Whenever he walked down the street, people would hear him from a mile away as the sound of his feet always made a big noise.


He wasn't a giant or a very big man at all. In his family of ordinary people, there were also no other abnormalities like that. This made him feel very embarrassed. He didn't like having such big feet and he was always teased about it. Every time he went to town, people would stare and laugh. They didn't even do it in secret. They always pointed fingers at him. Some even laughed so hard that their tummies hurt from all the laughter. For this reason, he never wanted to go anywhere. It was better for him to stay at home where felt comfortable.

On his last birthday, he decided go to the shop early in the morning while many people would still be at home. He walked as quietly as he could down the road and into the shoemaker's shop straight away. As luck would have it, there was nobody else inside the shop that morning except for the shoemaker himself.

"Can I help you?" the shoemaker asked.

"Today is my birthday. I'd like to treat myself to a new pair of shoes, please." Ben asked. "Would you be so kind as to help me?"

"I certainly would!" said the shoemaker while making calculations on a piece of paper.

Just as Ben took his old pair of shoes off, he saw someone peeking through the window. It wasn't long before many curious people started looking in too. Each time, they would laugh and then call another person to have a look as well.

Suddenly, the wind started blowing. People screamed in fear as they held on to anything they could find, attempting not to be blown away.


Ben had a decision to make. He could either stay where he was, or he could help the people outside. Without hesitation, he ran out the door and asked everyone to hold onto his arms and legs. His feet was so big and strong, that the wind could not move him. People did what he asked and held on for their lives.

A few minutes later, the wind settled down. They were so thankful that Ben saved them, that they even offered to pay for his new shoes. They could not stop thanking him. Ben became their hero and he was named "Ben the Extraordinary" afterwards.

At last, Ben was able to walk down the street like an ordinary person and although the people teased him before, he felt proud of himself for how he handled the situation and for the choice that he has made.


Best Story and i like it

I adore stories with the message that (and hopefully I’m not misinterpreting your message) even if a person is perceived to be different in a way that may bring subtle but hurtful negative attention from other peope, a person should still embrace and love their uniqueness because it absolutely is, can, and will be a positive trait that will help the world and that people will appreciate.

I like to look at Michael Strahan. Can you imagine how much less traction he would have gotten if he had filled in the gap in his teeth? It makes him unique and gives him a trademark. It’s endearing and it made his transition from football player to big time tv personality successful where it failed for so many others.

Thanks for the lovely story and the good vibes!

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