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Dear Journal,
I write to record what has happened in the last 20 days:
My name is Shaheira; it took me almost 5 days to find this name as I walked the island aimlessly. It was by luck that Sesharrim had a look at the sword I was carrying and understood the words on the hilt. They spelt out the name Shaheira, whether this was my true name or not, it was something to go on.
It helped that she was also a Redguard, but in truth I have no idea what that means, I have seen races of different kinds of which some looked like humanoid cats and lizards and elves as dark as night been transported past the plantation. I was told to not interfere with the business of Eagles Strand, the central town on the island of Khenarthi's Roost.
Since Sesharrim was on a pilgrimage I figured that I could tag along with her and she was quiet happy to have someone close to home with her. We as “redguards” originate in the province of Hammerfell and though she planned a route that would only see Hammerfell last on her list, I thought the idea of adventures was a sound choice and a means to see the world of Tamriel.

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I remember waking up on the shore of Khenarthi’s Roost with only my bag, a dragon etched ring on my finger that matched the symbol on my sword. It was by chance that Sesharrim noticed the ring as the draconic order, and it was then I decided to try and find them with the help of Sesharrim the Seer.
She showed great knowledge and explained her route that she would take for her pilgrimage. The map that was shown to me had detailed provinces and the route that included areas such as Valenwood, Elsweyr, Cyrodiil, Skyrim, and High Rock and lastly Hammerfell.
According to Sesharrim, we both had set sail on a ship, but due to a sudden storm and violent nature of the water the ship crushed against the rocks with five other ships, it was in these two weeks that I recovered my strength and helped around the plantation.
Khenarthi’s Roost was a beautiful island but the day I noticed the boats arriving, Sesharrim and I both knew that out time to travel was upon us. With the 120 gold we had saved, we both were able to buy our passage across the sea and we both arrived on the island of Auridon, the island of the High Elves.
This evening I write from inside the Salted wings Tavern, the place we will be resting for the night. I am truly excited about tomorrow but I must rest now from the long travel that we had on the sea, If only this group called the Undaunted would stop cheering and making so much noise.
Tomorrow Sesharrim and I will seek out the horse masters in Vulkhel Guard and gain the means to travel to the north of Auridon.
Note: All characters and events that take place within this story is purely fictional and in no means is meant to offend any person or Party. All journey entries will be based on the world of Tamriel and the Adventures of Shaheira on the Elder Scrolls Online MMO game.
This is awesome! :D Great work!
Hi @amneroc. Nice fan fiction 🙂
Thank you and I am glad you enjoyed it :D
I'm not a gamer, but I love fantasy fiction, so your number of readers has just grown by one.