HUSH!! THERE'S SOMEONE OUT THERE - A Horror Story (part 1)

in #fiction7 years ago


It was not an ordinary night. The clouds were all over the moon blocking most of its light making the night darker than most. There was a chilly gust of wind with a little taste of storm. A raven was staring at me as I looked out of my bedroom window. Silence surrounded the house. My parents had gone out of the city due to some work. I was all alone and all by myself that night. Scary thoughts preoccupied my mind so in order to drive the blues away, I switched on the TV and started looking at some shits which I don't remember now.

It was 12:30 of the night. As I was watching the TV, I heard some soft sound of advancing footsteps emerging from my backyard. I wondered whose. I was too afraid too peep out of my bedroom window so I took my blanket and got all rolled up. The sound of footsteps was suddenly replaced by the sound of talking. More precisely, whispering as if someone was chanting a mantra. After gaining my composure, I peeped out of the window.

I saw a man. But something seemed different. He was casting two shadows. Afterall, there was only a single light bulb. This scared the fucking devil out of me. I immediately took out my phone and telephoned my dad. The line was busy so I had to text him. I wrote

" DAD! There's someone at the backyard. A man. I don't know who."

In no time, he replied. He wrote

"What? Who is it? May be an intruder. Do not open the door. Im calling LAPD.

"They'll take time to come. DAD, I'm scared. What should I do?

" Do not get your ass up the bed. U UNDERSTAND??!!!!"

" A'ight DAD."

" Don't worry boy."

" Dad, looks like he is coming towards our house. I can't see his face but his pace is very slow. Looks like his leg has been broken by someone. He looks INHUMAN DAD. Am I fucked?"

" Holy fuck!! What does he look like?"

" He is about your height. Clothes all torn up and...... HOLY FUCK!!! I can see him now!!!!!!!"

"HUH? Who is it? TELL ME!!!!"

"WTF?? Are you fucking kidding me dad?"

" What? Whats going on? What did I do?"

" Is this some kind of a sick-ass joke? Cause if it is, its not at all funny"

"Twenty thousand blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon!!!! What on earth are you talking about boy?

" Its you dad. You are at the backyard. But how are you texting me? I can see you are not holding any cell phone. Look up dad. I'm calling you out."

" Fucking hell!! Do not shout kid. And that ain't me. I am outta town with your mom goddamnit!!"

"Then who is he dad? Looks exactly like you. Oh hell no! He saw me dad. He saw me. And now he's advancing towards the back door!!

" Stay on your bed boy. Do no move."

" I'm scared."

" Son, there's something me and your mom have been hiding from you this whole time. But I think its time to reveal the shit. Never expected this day would come.

" Tell me dad! What's the thing?"

" The person that you are seeing at your backyard, he is ............................................................."

TO BE CONTINUED...............

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