False Awakening - Shipwreck Creative Writing Challenge Round 3

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

False Awakening

What the hell? Luke blinked. His hands roamed over his body, why was he wearing a suit? Where was his wetsuit? His hair was completely dry. One minute ago he was snorkelling and now the water had been drained. Was he dreaming? A scent of tobacco and leather filled his nostrils. A moment later a man walked by him. Where did he come from? Luke tried to ask but no sound left his lips. He frowned. Why couldn’t he speak? The sound of the man’s footsteps faded away. A door closed, silencing the music he heard when it was opened. Maybe he should follow him, he might have some answers.


The door revealed what seemed like a ballroom. A band strung the starting notes of a waltz. All around him couples were dancing. They were dressed like his grandparents. Women had some kind of hair piece that made them look like birds, and all of them had short hair. Men had penguin suits, complete by a bow tie. It was just like the pictures all over his grandma’s house. It seemed like a scene from his favourite book, The Great Gatsby. Maybe he was dreaming after all.

What had brought him here? Luke remembered snorkelling when the remains of a ship beckoned him. He went to explore and then he found himself here. Why?

“Excuse me, would you like something to drink?” A waiter stopped and offered a tray of champagne. Luke tried to grab one but his hand went right through it. His hand felt cold. Why couldn’t he grab it?

“Yes, thank you.” An unknown voice reached his ears and polished black shoes went right between his legs. A hand stuck out of his chest and grabbed a flute. What was happening? He couldn’t stop shivering. He wanted to move but his legs wouldn’t obey him. If this was a dream, he better wake up now. The edges of his vision started to blur and his heartbeat felt out of control. Luke raised his hand to his chest and started pounding on it. Why did it hurt so much? A cough wracked his body...oh. He had forgotten to breathe. Air filled his lungs and his heart slowed.

Luke walked over to a chair and sat. Promptly he fell on the floor. Had he gone through the chair too? He pulled at his hair. What was wrong with him? He pinched his arm until it was red and swollen. Damn it. Why wasn’t he waking up? Luke let himself fall backwards and he kept banging his head on the floor. Stupid subconscious and its stupid dreams. He breathed in. How could he get out of here?

“…I can’t wait to get home Mark. This cruise is taking forever. It makes me wish that I never left the United States in the first place.” A man had stood beside him. He was holding a tobacco in his hand. It was the same man from before!

“Don’t worry George, there’s only a week left. Besides your wife won’t go anywhere, she loves you. She wouldn’t have stayed for forty years if she didn’t.” The men walked away.

George. Why did he seem familiar? He even smelled familiar. The only person he knew that smelt like that was…. no. It couldn’t be. No way. Luke stood and roamed his eyes over the crowd until he found him. He was close enough to detail his face. Oh God. It was him. Why was his grandfather here? Luke blinked and a tear fell. The last time he saw his grandpa George had been fifteen years ago. He was dead, why was he in his dream? His hand was shaking when he used it to wipe his tears.


Luke was staring at his food. What were those round green things? He poked them with his fork.

“Mom, do I have to eat this? I don’t want to.” He pushed his dish away and crossed his arms.

“Come on honey, they are good for your health. Just close your eyes and imagine them as the corn you love so much.” She pushed his plate closer and raised her eyebrow. Luke wasn’t buying it. Corn was yellow, not green.

“Oh bother. Leave the boy alone, let him eat whatever he wants to.” George winked as he gave him a slice of an apple. Luke ate it and a giggle escaped his lips.

His grandpa was the source of Luke’s best smiles. He missed smiling. His heart ached and his nose itched whenever his mind tricked him into reminiscing. Fifteen years had passed and he was a grown man. Still, a hole in his heart had never been filled.

Luke ran towards the tobacco smell. He stopped inches from him. How he wanted to talk to him, even if it was to tell him “I love you and I miss you.” But this was no dream. This was a nightmare. What other explanation was there? To be able to see and hear his grandpa talk but not being able to talk back or be seen by him. Luke was a ghost on a memory that wasn’t his. His shoulders hunched and he turned his back. What was the point?

Luke wandered the halls of the cruise. A set of stairs lead him to the upper deck. He looked up. Clouds filled the sky. A flash blinded him, he could hear thunder near. His hair flew in every direction. He better go back down, he didn’t like storms. Not since his grandpa died because of one. Wait a minute...He was on a boat and a storm was approaching. Shit. That was how his grandpa had died.

He didn’t know how but suddenly he was in front of his grandfather again. Sweat rolled down the side of his face and his breathing was erratic. Had he ran there? It didn’t matter. He had to warn him! But how? The only thing he could touch was the floor. He tried pounding on it but nobody gave an indication of hearing the sound. Why was he seeing this? Why couldn’t he warn him?

Luke fell to the floor. The itching in his nose had worsened. Tears spilled from his eyes and sobs wracked his body. He started hitting the whatever he could touch. His hands became numb.

“What’s wrong son?” A hand was placed in his shoulder. Could someone see him? Luke turned around and his eyes rounded.

“Thank God.” He could speak again! Luke released his breath “I love you and I miss you so much.” He circled his arms around his grandpa. He was real. He could feel his heartbeat against his. Luke squeezed him tighter. “There’s something I need to tell you...” Luke couldn’t continue talking. His body felt cold. What was happening?

His eyes flew open. The ocean surrounded him. The remains of a ship stared at him. Had it all been a dream?


This is my entry for @steemfluencer's Shipwreck Creative Writing Challenge Round 3. I chose prompt #3. I hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism I'm open for it :) Have a great weekend everyone!

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