Bahan Baku “Asam Suntie”

in #fhotography7 years ago

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Bahan Baku “Asam Suntie”
Selamat pagi sahabat Steemit
Disini saya akan berbagi sedikit tentang asal usul Asam Suntie yang sangat lezat bila dimasak dalam beberapa menu masakan istimewa.
Belimbing sayur adalah pohon buah yang tingginya mencapai 5 meter yang Batangnya tak begitu besar, bergaris tengah sekitar 40 cm, Ia kasar dan berbenjol-benjol, percabangannya sedikit, dan condong ke atas. Cabang mudanya berambut halus, seperti beledu dan berwarna cokelat muda.daunnya tersusun dalam bentuk ganda.
Belimbing sayur ini rasanya sangat asam dan merupakan bahan baku pembuatan asam suntie yang makin di gemari oleh penduduk Aceh, pada Tahun 2004 harganya sangat murah berkisar antara Rp. 2000 s.d 3000/Kg, sejauh perkembangan masakan khas Aceh, buah belimbing ini sangat digemari oleh penduduk Aceh bahkan tamu – tamu dari luar Provinsi sudah sangat dekat dengan masakan masakan yang memakai asam belimbing ini.
“Asam Suntie” begitu kata orang Aceh terbuat dari bahan baku belimbing dengan prosesnya sangat muda yaitu dengan cara menjemur belimbing sampai kering dalam beberapa hari setelah itu ditaburi garam dan di jemur lagi sampai warnanya menjadi kecoklat coklatan, setelah itu sudah bisa menggunakan untuk bumbu masakah khas Aceh

Berikut beberapa resep masakan yang menggunakan “Asam Suntie”

  1. Telur Dadar Kelapa Sunti
  • 2 butir Telur ayam/bebek
  • 3 siung Bawang merah
  • 6 buah Cabe rawit
  • 1 1/2 sdm Asam sunti yang sudah dihaluskan
  • 5 sdm Kelapa yang sudah diparut
  • 2 Helai Daun jeruk purut iris tipis
  • Sejumput Garam
  • Gunakan ulekan/gilingan jangan pake blender karna bakalan beda rasanya karna terlalu halus Ulek cabe rawit, bawang, asam sunti, kelapa, dan garam sampai mendekati halus Tuang ke mangkok
  • Pecahkan telur dan taburkan irisan daun jeruk Kocok dan aduk merata
  • Goreng pada kuali minyaknya agak dibanyakin karna ini menyerap minyak Gorengnya api kecil, hati2 pas proses membalik, saya tadi sempat pecah Agak lama mmg, biar masak dalamnya Kira2 warnanya sudah coklat angkat dan sajikan Makan dengan nasi putih panas sedaaapnyaaa
    sunti telor.jpg
  1. Asam Sunti Udang Rebon (udang Sabe)
  • 100-200 ons udang rebon/sabu
  • 1 buah bawang Bombay
  • 2 buah cabe ijo
  • 1 lembar daun salam
  • Secukupnya garam
  • 7 buah cabe merah
  • 2 buah bawang merah
  • 1 buah bawang putih
  • 4 buah sunti
  • 1 ruas kunyit
  1. Cuci bersih semua bahan.
  2. Haluskan bumbu.
  3. Iris bawang bombay dan cabe ijo.
  4. Tumis bawang bombay dan daun jeruk. Masukan bumbu yang telah di haluskan beserta dengan udang rebon.
  5. Setengah masak, taburkan garam dan irisan cabe ijo.
  6. Agar masakannya optimal, pastikan bahwa air dalam masakan terserap hingga tersisa minyak. Kalau aroma udang sabunya udah kecium, masakan uda bisa diangkat dan disajikan.

Inilah beberap contoh resep menggunakan belimbing kering atau istilah Bahasa Aceh “ Asam Sunti”.

Raw Material "Suntie Acid"
Good morning friend Steemit
Here I will share a little about the origin of Suntie Acid that is very delicious when cooked in some special cuisine menu.
Starfruit Vegetable is a fruit tree whose height reaches 5 meters which is not very big stem, centered about 40 cm, He is rough and bumpy, branching a bit, and leaning up. The young branches are fine-haired, velvety-like and velvety brown. The trees are arranged in a double shape.
This vegetable starfruit tastes very sour and is the raw material of making suntie acid that more and more loved by the people of Aceh, in 2004 the price is very cheap ranging from Rp. 2000 s.d 3000 / Kg, as far as the development of typical Aceh cuisine, star fruit is very popular by the people of Aceh and even guests from outside the province is very close to the cuisine that uses this starfruit acids.
"Suntie Acid" so said the people of Aceh is made from raw materials starfruit with a very young process that is by drying starfruit to dry in a few days after it sprinkled with salt and in the drying again until the color becomes brown brown, after it was able to use for typical medicinal spice Aceh.
Here are some recipes that use "Suntie Acid"

  1. Sunti Coconut Dadar Egg
  • 2 eggs Chicken / duck egg
  • 3 cloves Onion
  • 6 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Sunti acid that has been mashed
  • 5 tablespoons shredded coconut
  • 2 strands of thinly sliced ​​lime leaves
  • A pinch of salt
    The steps
  • Use ulekan / mill do not use blender because it will be different because it is too soft Ulek cayenne pepper, onion, sunti acid, coconut, and salt until close to fine Pour into the bowl
  • Break the egg and sprinkle the orange leaves slice Beat and stir evenly
  • Fry on the cauldron of oil rather dibanyakin because it absorbs the oil Fried small fire, hati2 pas reversing process, I had broke A bit old mmg, let it cook it Kira2 color is brown lift and serve Eat with hot white rice sedaaapnyaaa
  1. Sunti Prawn Shrimp Rebon (Shrimp Sabe)
  • 100-200 ounces shrimp rebon / sabu
  • 1 piece of Bombay onion
  • 2 pieces of chili ijo
  • 1 bay leaf
  • To taste salt
  • 7 pieces of red pepper
  • 2 pieces of red onion
  • 1 piece of garlic
  • 4 pieces of sunti
  • 1 segment of turmeric
  1. Wash all ingredients.
  2. Puree the spices.
  3. Slice onion and chilli pepper.
  4. Saute the onion and lime leaves. Enter the spice that has been in the puree along with the shrimp rebon.
  5. Half cook, sprinkle salt and chili sauce ijo.
  6. For optimal cooking, make sure that the water in cooking is absorbed until the remaining oil. If the smell of shrimp sabunya already kiss, uda cuisine can be lifted and served.
    Here are some examples of recipes using dried star fruit or Acehnese term "Sunti Acid".
    Thus, continued

mantaapp.. saya sngat tertarik dg menu bang iwan.. good luck..

Menu yang sangat simple, enak dan nikmat....selamat mencoba


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