An appetizer /penggugah selera

in #fhotografy7 years ago

Hallo the stemians.
Here is the process of making goat curry sauce with added a few spices typical aceh, cooked in a large skillet, usually the gravy of this goat curry in cooking fit there are certain pickles in the village such as the event kenduri, wedding, circumcision events and others.
Usually goat curry sauce is cooked with wood without directly on the cooker on the stove so the taste of the sauce is still awake by way of cooking on wood coals. So do not be surprised if this one dish most liked by the crowd.


Hallo para stemian.
Ini dia proses pembuatan kuah kari kambing dengan di tambahkan beberapa rempah-rempah khas aceh, dimasak dalam wajan besar, biasanya kuah kari kambing ini sediri di masak pas ada acar tertentu di kampung seperti acara kenduri,kawin, acara khitan dan lain-lain.
Biasanya kuah kari kambing ini dimasak dengan menggunakan kayu tanpa lansung di masak di atas kompor jadi rasa kas kuahnya masih terjaga dengan cara di masak di atas bara kayu. Jadi tidak heran kalau masakan yang satu ini paling di sukai oleh orang banyak.

By : @rizzkis

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