Winning: Food Fight Friday (insert fish slap here)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff5 years ago

Yo Food Fight Friday Peeps!

I’m aware it’s Saturday today and yet I’m dropping a @foodfightfriday post like it’s Friday. In my defense, I’ve been participating in triple F since the beginning, I’ve never missed a week nor have I ever posted late or early, and I had a pretty rough time along side @dandays yesterday. At the risk of getting fish slapped I’m dropping my triple F contender on a Saturday. Shhhh 🤫… maybe no one will notice.

I woke up this morning feeling good. The inconvenience of yesterday is gone and today is anew. I have some authentic Italian gravy on the stove, it’s been simmering all afternoon, and I’m about to get started on a yeast free focaccia bread, life is good. I suppose with all the crap from this week and the emotions that go along with it, spaghetti night sounded most appropriate for din din.

No, I’m not sharing my ultimate spaghetti and focaccia with you food fight peeps- no sir(y)… uh huh… nope, not this time but I am sharing something… check it out:


… meet Zaria! She’s a French nomad who roams around from continent to continent cutting hair on the beach and making jewelry. She is rad.

Dandays and I had the pleasure of crossing paths with her while coming out of a pretty hip spot in Uvita, Costa Rica. She was coming from the beach and we wanted to know how far of a walk it would be to get there, she was the first person we saw to ask.

Once her and I started talking we couldn’t stop. Dandays even went to the car to do some things leaving Zaria and I to chatter box about EVERYTHING… haha

Apparently, she has spent time in SouthEast Asia as well as Central and South America just living life and giving haircuts on the beach. Dope, right?!? The banner she’s holding up is a scroll she whipped out from her bag when telling me what she does. Not that I asked her, Dandays and I really never care what anyone does for their profession. She volunteered the info while simultaneously reaching for the dopest business card we’ve ever seen. We had to get a picture and she was happy to oblige. Anyway, people like Zaria are interesting, free, open, and our kind of people. Totally digging on Zaria.

Now, back to where we were walking out of… first let me show you what we were gobbling up the night before. Granted, I had to do a lot of the grunt work for the meal so you’d think it would taste sweeter from all of my efforts but it ended up being just 🤷🏼‍♀️ Meh:


Don’t you know I’m on a world falafel tour, seeking out the best tasting falafel on the planet? Well, I had mentioned that to our Air B and B host, who is a self proclaimed Falafel Chef, and she insisted we have a falafel night down at the docks. Initially I was stoked but then it became evident that she wanted ME to make the falafel, and not only that but to do it with her directing my every move, each spice, every fart I was to make- it was a disaster 🤦🏼‍♀️ Did I I tell you that she admitted to never having made falafel before though, so when she continued correcting my spice choices I knew I was learning from a pro (not directed to the reader but rather an accurate reflection of what my internal dialogue was chanting while I continued to process the chickpeas like a good sous chef). Oh yeah, I almost forgot, our falafel turned into a falafel catering job when I found out mid mixing that we would be feeding 14-15 people that night… WTF?!?


I hurried out of there at noon (I had gotten over there to cook/prep at 9:00 per our hosts request) and told Dandays “I’m never cooking anything with that chick again”. He slightly laughed but then seemed more annoyed than I was so I quickly went into damage control mode. Needless to say we weren’t excited about returning for the actual eating part of the party. I got a picture of the fixings table and that’s about it. Haha… the falafel wasn’t that good but I was hungry and for all of my efforts I was going to enjoy some falafel dang it.


We ate and bounced and I mixed up a little impromptu nice cream when we got home as reward for our good behavior :) 😋. So frikken good!

At the party we were informed that our water would be shut off the next day from 9 in the morning to God knows when. Dandays and I decided to get out of town for the day in that case and hit up a beach a couple hours away. Little did we know what awaited us in that desolate beach town.

I found a joint through trip advisor that made falafel and many other vegan dishes. We set our GPS to the lunch spot and took off 2 plus hours up the coast.


Walking in we immediately realize we are at a hostel and a dope hostel at that. They offered a ton of activities, surfing, body boarding, yoga, Pilates, food, drinks, smoothies, and WiFi. Not to mention beds and laundry… we both headed straight for the bathrooms…


No problema- I’ll pee on someone’s pee and let my pee be- no problema! We washed our hands at the community sinks and dried them in my Costa Rica curls. Every day is good hair day in the humid part of southern CR 🥶.

Next up was locating a menu and getting our order on because now I’m getting pret-tea hungry.


Dandays found a lifeline while waiting for our food… you see that too, right?! It was a beautiful find for my loud ass, grumpy tummy. #winning (is hash tagging cute phrases still a thing?)- yep, that’s the communal kitchen you see.


Check out Anna Edey leaving her heart behind at the Costa Rican hostel. Pretty deep stuff here.




Just getting a lay of the land while we wait for food. I caught him in his natural habitat foraging for his next meal. Shhhh, be very quiet as not to spook him



Oh yeah, mission successful ✅. I made a couple laps around the place to get a few more pics…


What? You don’t have chickens wondering around your local falafel joint?


This was the penthouse of the hostel… and finally our food has arrived…


… or Dandays food has arrived but I’m able to nibble on fries until my plate gets here… #winning (too much…? )


I don’t know what they made this falafel out of (it kind of tasted like franks red hot, which I love, so, winning) but it wasn’t bad. Those big ol potato wedge things you see there are actually deep fried yucca fries- pretty good but I’m a sucker for a good French fry. All in all lunch was adequate. Still not a falafel win but definitely not a falafel lose either. I’ll take it.

Next stop, the bench in front of us…


With our backs against the “No wet butts” sign we kicked our feet up and enjoyed the free WiFi for a bit.


Dandays got those new nifty water shoes in Panama the other day- another WIN! I should have gotten some new shoes too because my flops are pretty hammered… next time I spose (that’s “suppose” for the creatively challenged folk).

And then we spotted our first speckled exotic bird…


Ch… ch… ch… ch… ch… chia chickens or hens 🤓…


Isn’t she purdy? And fat? She’s pretty fat in my opinion but what do I know 🤷🏼‍♀️

After about an hour or so just chillen we were going to order another Pepsi for the Mr. and a vegan ice cream for the Pura but decided against it last second. Instead we wanted to make our way to the beach so we grabbed our things and trekked along. That’s when I met Zaria (see above, Turd who failed to read the beginning of my post) 😉.

A couple unpleasant attempts to see Uvitas Beach was enough to abort mission and make our way to a beach we knew we could hang at, Playa Hermosa. Did you know every other beach along the coast of Costa Rica is known as Playa Hermosa? Okay, maybe not every other beach but there’s at least a few too many called Playa Hermosa 🤦🏼‍♀️ It can be confusing to the untrained tourist. Good thing we’ve been here for a few months so you know we know everything there is to know about these beaches… ::wink:: ::wink::


After enduring the rain and lack of sunshine for a couple hours we finally called it quits. I shook my sarong out on what I thought was the opposite direction of the wind and by mistake took a mouthful of sand to the mouth. Remnants stuck to my freshly rain drop slicked arms as well. I may have whined a tad (insert smallest space between your thumb and pointer finger here) but Dandays put a stop to that immediately 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Now, it’s around 3:30 and it’s going to take us at least 2 hours to get home but not before we get a little grocery shopping in. You see where we are staying isn’t the friendliest to tourists and I’d rather not have to step foot in the local grocery store if I don’t have to. Uvita grocery market, here we come…

By the way, this market had vegan stuff, gluten free stuff, lots of good looking produce and ice cream, vegan frikken ice cream… I was a happy girl, but oh wait… the place across the street says…


… Gelato ‘100% natural ingredients’, in Spanish of course. I bet they have some vegan flavors…


I know you spotted that dark chocolate vegan flavor… it was on 😋. I’ll take two ✌️ scoops please. Don’t judge, it’s been awhile since I’ve had ice cream (over 7 months).


That’s not blurry it’s just the ice cream sweating from all of the humidity 😉.


I couldn’t pass up this vegan, gluten free, organic, local Costa Rican dark mint chocolate either. I know, I’m really doing a great job on my NO sugar diet 🤦🏼‍♀️.


Do you see the wooden spoon? Now imagen eating a fudgesicle for your first time ever, in over 100 degree weather, with zero guilt, like a kid… that was me, that was how I felt snorting those two scoops of dark chocolate vegan ice cream. Did I just say I snorted it? Clearing throat, I didn’t snort it, I ate it slowly and elegantly (not dripping any on my chin at all) like a lady.
The chocolate bar is for later…


See? Vegan… local… gluten free… basically a salad. It sits in my refrigerator as we speak awaiting its destiny. I was actually thinking about making a treat with it. Maybe a chocolate chip cookie of some sort. I haven’t ironed out the details but I’ll keep y’all posted.

Thanks for hanging out with me today and please, keep the fish slapping to minimum @jlsplatts, it’s been a rough week 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Happy Food Fight my Foodie Freaks. Hold up, I’m coming right over to check out your goods…

Pura Vida ✌️



I was laughing as that was a set up cooking for so many. She was guiding you and had no clue. I know what I would have done. but don't know how much you need the accommodation so maybe I wouldn't give good advice. Never had vegan ice cream and didn't even no it existed. Will have a look out for it now as I am curious.

Oh you’re missing out my friend. It tastes just like dairy ice cream minus the poor digestion you may get from the lactose. Coconut milk really can replace any cows milk in my book. I think it was Bruce Lee who said to get ahold of your emotions or they will get ahold of you. I don’t much care being told what to do so I just won’t do that again- I wouldn’t waste my breath though either. Maybe that where the phrase “too many cooks in the kitchen” comes from 🤡

I am going to look for it and give it a try. My son struggles with lactose so it would be a good alternative. Thanks for explaining.

If you’re in the states there’s a ton of brands that are made with almond milk or coconut milk. Also you can always keep frozen bananas in the freezer, blend them up with a splash of coconut milk (full fat canned), a scoop of peanut butter, and some chocolate chips and you have peanut butter soft serve ice cream (nice cream). We love it!

I am not in the States and in South Africa. I will take up the second option and make my own. We are very limited in ice cream flavors especially with non dairy and haven't seen any. It sounds great and will make some this week. Thanks for the tips and look forward to many more from you.

Oh good… nice cream is a fave of mine. We are in Costa Rica so vegan ice cream is hard to come by. I freeze pineapple, banana, mango, and coconut milk in ice trays to make a tropical nice cream. Then I top it with shredded coconut, sometimes nuts, maybe a few berries, really whatever we have around. It’s great just plain too. In South Africa I bet you get all of the Malva Pudding you can handle though… hands down the best dessert I’ve ever made. I made it vegan and gluten free too… 😋

Thank you for the tips and yes Malva pudding is fantastic. If you like that then the vinegar pudding is even better and one to look up and try.

I just looked it up. Honestly vinegar pudding doesn’t sound as good but the recipe looks great. I’ll have to have a go at it soon. Thanks for the inspiration!

Incredible place. SO much to do and see. Great philosophy in that hostel. That's the kind of thinking that should be promoted everywhere. People would be less self-centered.
The free bananas reminded me of my town when I was growing up. Everybody had so many fruits noone would dare to sell any.
You would get free fruits from all business, from neighbors, it was amazing. Now they sell even the rotten ones.
I am amazed at how anglicized this part of costa rica is. I wonder if the whole country is like that (signs and adds in english, etc). Do a lot of people speak english there?

The entire country is based off of tourism so there’s English everywhere. We are surprised ourselves traveling about and seeing all of the English. We’ve even met a few disrespectful expats who have lived here for over a decade and still don’t speak Spanish- outrageous right?!? Anyway, it’s all tourism here so there’s a lot of catering to North Americans. I agree that everywhere would do better if they lived by the philosophy of that poem. We tend to forget that we are all in this together and together we can co construct such a more harmonious place. I love the idea of trading fruits and veggies. It’s a shame that capitalism has taken over that wonderful and innocent characteristic of your old neighborhood.

What an adventurous day. Making falafels for 15 and with the falafel QUEEN standing over you giving directions, that had to a sight. That would be like me telling my wife how to make a meal.
I find that one on the things I enjoy most about traveling is meeting other people, and realizing that there are so many different ways to go about life.
Being a gypsy hair cutter and jewelry maker, is rather different.
Now, curly hair and it's benefits is something I can relate to, not that my locks are curly, matter of fact my locks are gone. But, when it comes to a head of hair that has its own unique ability to do whatever it pleases when the weather is just right, #farm-mom's hair is second to none.
I never thought of using those golden locks to dry off my hands , but I could see the possibilities in the future.
Wandering chickens seem to be in vogue when on vacation. This guy though was not wandering, as much as he was trying to reclaim his spot on the beach, I had so rudely claimed as my own.
IMG_1465 (2).JPG

Anne Edey's board of realizations if very profound, and makes me realize that the entire planet is in a mess.
Poisons course through every vein
of every living thing
through air and earth and water too
there's almost nothing left that's clean.
We tend to forget that the footprint we are leaving is not limited to where we dwell, but rather to everywhere mankind has step foot.
Isn't if fun to indulge in those pants splitting delectable treats.
Fun read and another #fff potential belt winner.

Stay Safe!

Haha… your description of @farm-mom s hair in certain climates is spot on. I don’t know what’s up with my head. It just is what it is now. We call it Costa Rica hair and it works really well for a hand towel in a pinch. Haha

We have met some really interesting people but what we are also realizing is that a lot of people who move here just move with all of their same BS from where ever they are from. The pompous “I own everything” attitude is our least favorite. The traveling free spirit is our most favorite haha.

Not only do fat chicks roam around everywhere but so do cows. There are cows everywhere just hanging out. You could be on the beach, on the road, in a restaurant, they don’t care they are there. It’s pretty awesome! As we speak we have geckos that scale our ceilings running back and forth over our heads cleaning up the mosquito population for us. We name them. I’ll take living with lizards over tarantulas any day. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yep, I tend to work pretty well with others until you act like you’re my boss. Sorry lady, that’s not going to work. Plus, she had never even made falafel before yet was telling me my spices were wrong.… what a funny person. Never again @thebigsweed, never again. Haha

That’s the one that got me, @thebigsweed! “There’s almost nothing left that’s clean.” The whole board was great, but that particular verse got my attention and I was “Pura, you need to go check out the chalk board on the other side of the kitchen.”

Good eye, Sweed.

I read this post and it makes me missing my hometown so much @puravidaville 😊 not because we have a serial party of falafel though ... i don't think i ever ate falafel in my life 😂😂😂
Vegan chocolate icecream 😨 2 scoops is enough😯 gimme 6😊

You crack me up @cicisaja 😂🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦

And @puravidaville i was coming back to tell ya to take it easy on that icecream. Its a gateway drug.

Hehehe @weirdheadaches.. I could deplenished a 500 grams box of any icecream within half an hour (sometimes 20 minutes😆)

Dude, tell me about it. You saw the side of mint chocolate I got with the ice cream right?!? Well at home I have Oreos and some coconut crack cookies… needless to say it’s been on 🤦🏼‍♀️

You haven’t had falafel either? I need to have a Steemit falafel night where I make falafel for you guys. Do you have chickpeas or garbanzo beans in Indonesia? That and some spices is all you need, and a food processor. You need a food processor too. By the way, the ice cream didn’t stand a chance. Haha… I completed inhaled it.

Nrleed to buy chickpeas from the arabian store I think, the same place where thry sell rocky choco. Garbanzo beans? I need to do a little tesearch about it later. And food processor..😊 I think you should bring yours😂

Garbanzo and chickpeas are the same thing, just different names. I’ll happily bring mine over. We can falafel party that I’d actually enjoy :). If you get chickpeas and get your hands on a food processor I’ll help you make some yummy falafel… 😘

It's a falafel world tour you're after eh? I am impressed, doing your mini- introduction to a mere 15 of your closest peeps! You rock @puravidaville, I can't believe that woman tried to tell you what to do, how dare she! Woowee, I bet you were as kind as you could be :) I have to say you are amazing, no matter where you go you are able to eat well, and in fact Ice cream well, lol Love your stories, you always make me laugh, Blessings friend!

Hola my Mrs Bird! A falafel world tour sounds like a hard life, right?!? I’m still able to cook up some yums but I do miss all my ingredients from home. As you can imagen gluten free vegans have a difficult time finding things here. I did just find some gluten free pasta in Panama as well as fig newtons for Dandays :). But I will never complain about the sweet pineapple and papaya sold in abundance… 😋.
Your comments make me smile on the outside- thank you for that 🥰

I loved reading your post, I love the way you write! You are so bouncy and funny :D A ray of sunshine on this gloomy day.

I think its quite awesome what that Madame does. What a dream it is to have a life like hers.

And I love that sign 'If it's yellow let it mellow' HAHA made me chuckle the way they wrote it. Brilliant. But its the same with all their signs, pretty cool place you guys visited and thank you for taking us with you.

I also enjoyed those quotes. They speak truth in a positive way. We could all use that day to day actually.

That hen, I believe is to be a guinea hen. They are awesome on bug pest control :p My friend use to have some but the fox ended up catching them for dinner. They have the most beautiful feathers. Make funny noises too lol. That one you show does look pretty fat. Must be enjoying some of the breads, fries and juicy bugs :p

I'm so glad you get to enjoy vegan and local foods. I can almost smell it. Good thing you didn't have it when you were at the beach while getting the sand out of your sorong :P

Hey @foxyspirit, thanks for stopping by. That’s only, as @Dandays would say, the comment of the day award worthy.… and yes, I totally peed on someone else’s pee and I left my pee for the next person to pee on 🤦🏼‍♀️ It felt very “authentic”. Haha

The hens are gorgeous huh?!? I’m with ya, they are eating way too many potatoes in addition to bugs. We didn’t get a chance to hear them but I watched them hunt mosquitos for a bit (hoping they were putting a dent in the skeeter population).

This hostel was pretty hip. It still trips me out how much English there is everywhere. Although I appreciate it I still like areas with less English so I actually feel like I’m in another country. As we speak I’m writing you from Panama… I definitely feel like I’m in a different country now :). I just found the best hot sauce in the store that cannot be found in Costa Rica… #sowinning! I’m also smuggling a treat or two back for Dandays and some veggie bouillon, cookies, trail mix, a face mask, and a couple of head bands… score! Haha. No vegan cuisine here, at least that I’ve found, but the cabs are very cheap and a salad from TGIF can set you back 15 bucks… crazy, right?! If you add shrimp it’s 18 dollars. To me it’s outrageous but what do you do, a girl needs a salad. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Sand is my built in exfoliator now.

hm... trying to think when the last time my pee felt authentic... XD LOL

They are very pretty hens. I'm thinking I would like to have some, not only do they eat mosquitoes they eat those big black , long antennae beetles that creep the shit out of me. Nasty things bite too.

Hot sauce all the way! Makes me think of the other night when i made prosciutto wrapped asparagus. I lined the prosciutto with a cream cheese mix that I made with habanera peppers. My mouth was on fire! But it was good. I could go for a good hot sauce that isn't just Franks Red Hot or tabasco.

All for smuggling the good stuff :p It's too bad there isn't any vegan stuff for you or other affordable salads to eat. Those are insane prices!

The hot sauce is on piont. My only regret is that I didn’t get two bottles. Salads were not even advertised. If it was then you were looking at a plate of iceberg lettuce with a slice of tomato. Seriously, that constituted a salad in Panama. I had to order a salad, a side of veggies and French fries to make a meal. The cost of my make shift meal was about 14 dollars while my friends was only 5 and she got an omelet with Panamanian tortillas, which are more like yummy potato cakes. It’s crazy!

F*ck mosquitos… nasty little shnitz. We get those huge beetles with the crazy long antennas too. I didn’t know they bite 🤦🏼‍♀️ For now we live with about 4-5 geckos that run all around our walls and ceiling. Yes, they have names and No, we never get confused as to who's who.
Our neighbor is convinced that when they are above your head they are actually pooping on you. He won’t eat anything under a gecko for that reason 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t mind them it’s the tarantulas I trip on. Is there a tarantula hunting hen? Maybe I can train one…

Ok so I'm taking notes as to not order a veggie plate if I ever travel that way. How on earth are people eating over there?

Oh no you get those b*tch beetles too??Ooooooh yuck! I hate those. And sweet jesus you have geckos!!!!!!!!!!! :D I love lizards!!!!! <3 Lucky you ^_^ And geckos are the really fun ones to watch them go.
So let's see what eats big ass fuzzy spiders....
google says:

lizards, snakes, spider-eating birds, and even wasps

YAY more lizards!

Where can I get a spider eating bird? 😳

@puravidaville you and @dandays are having all kinds of adventures and meeting interesting people. All your blogs need to go into a book, they are so interesting.

Add me to the list of people who have not had falafel. But they will be on my to do list. That dark chocolate vegan ice cream looks appetizing. The weather is warming up here and I think it is time for some vegan ice cream. All I have to do now is find the time to cook all of these amazing dishes that are on @fff and @fruitsandveggiesmonday.

NEVER HAD FALAFEL??? It’s tragic!!! Go on YELP immediately and look up falafel joints. Don’t go to anywhere that has less than 5 stars and order the pita with everything in it. Top it with white and chili sauce and thank me later. Haha

I actually just made some cauliflower falafel a few weeks ago that would be paleo and vegan… they turned out aight. Trying the real stuff is a must though.

Steemit is our book. Haha… I’m so glad you don’t mind reading my posts. I used to only put up recipes but since moving it’s much more difficult to document my recipes so I put up whatever we are doing now. Sometimes I think “who cares what we are doing” and other times I think our experiences are comical. It’s nice to hear that you enjoy them- thank you @paleotwist!

Btw, I just took 2 frozen bananas out of my freezer, added coconut milk, a tablespoon of peanut butter and sugar free chocolate chips to make a snickers type of nice cream. I think it was delicous. Dandays isn’t sold yet but I’m working on him. Haha

Well slap me a good one, as well, because I totally thought I had already commented. Guess I got so caught up in our pie exchange that I forgot to stop in over here. 🤣 Zaria sounds like a totally rad friend! I bet she had some great stories to share. I am in awe of women like that because I am always secretly (or not so secretly) envious of that lack of fear that tends to hold me back from things.

That hostel looks like a chill place to hang out! Man free bananas would totally help my food budget, haha. Though they might frown on me taking an armload. Damn that vegan gelato looks legit, too! I'd have a tough time choosing between the chocolate and that piña colada. I am normally a pretty hardcore chocolate fan, but can't resist the tropical fruity stuff either. No regrets on bringing home a bar of that cacoa salad... 😉

I agree with being in awe of ladies like Zaria- she is a total gangster. We need more people like that…

Free bananas was the business! That little banana tree saved the mood for sure. Shoooot, I could probably live off of bananas for a good week if I had to. They are always my base for nice cream or smoothie bowls (my new obsession). The gelato was where it was at though. I hadn’t had any type of ice cream for over 7 months until that delicious vegan gelato. I thought it would be tougher to find in the outskirts of Costa Rica- not a bad assumption to be wrong on. Haha. @dandays actually got a scoop of both and admitted that he should have just gone with 2 scoops of chocolate (amateurs) 🤡. The cocoa salad wasn’t so bad although most chocolate here seems to turn white by the time I get to it- it was still aight. I have half a bar left that I think I’m going to add to a cookie skillet I’m about to create.

Have you ever made a cookie skillet? Like a pizookie? I’m about to have my first go at it. I think I’ll top it with peanut butter chocolate nice cream made from free bananas, peanut butter, coconut milk and cacao… yeah, I’m doing the “no sugar” thing so hard right now- nailing it! Hahaha No Regerts.

Oh my gosh my best friend and I used to make homemade cookie cakes all the time!! Of course we always used the roll of pre-made cookie dough, but there was something about mashing it into a pie plate or cast iron skillet and baking it off that just transformed it into something so much better than just regular cookies.

Damn, the no sugar thing really is tough, haha. But at least making your own dough is a whole heck of a lot healthier than that roll of processed, refined junk. 🤣

I never did get around to that cookie skillet. Probably for the best, it sounded like a sugar overdose anyway. Although that processed cookie dough you speak of was always good raw. 😋. I had a roommate who would make his own cookie dough in huge quantities, roll them in wax paper and freeze them. They were so good. His trick was the butterscotch chips…

My dad used to love his cookies with butterscotch chips, too! I was going to make oat cookies this week, but ran out of steam. Maybe over the weekend...😋

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Yeah, he’s put butterscotch chips, white chockate and semi sweet chocolate chips in one cookie. They were incredible 🥰

Ehhhh! Happy Friday #FFF Homie!!!

Oh wait, um now i am embarrassed 😶...


Yeah i heard about the Master falafel lady in @dandays post 🤣 what a trip. Honestly my neighbor from Nicaragua reminds me of her lol.

What a dope post @puravidaville, you didnt skip a beat. Zaria aww huh, totally rad! Love yalls vibe "dont care about profession" yup yup.

I heard yall are fugatives now 🤐.

Awesome food, gteat story, living the dream, fat chicks all arounds, and what stuck out the most "no wet butts" 🤣


Ive never had a gee golly falafel and you 2 have me craving them 😂✌👣😎

My jaw just dropped as I read your last line… NEVER HAD A FALAFEL??? You must remedy that stat! We actually never ate falafel until we went plant based. Our first time totally ruined us as now we can’t go anywhere without wanting falafel. If you get the wrong stuff though it can be really bad. We prefer Israeli falafel, so good 😋. I’d make you guys some if you were closer minus the nazi that lives upstairs. Haha

Zaria was dope! She straight unrolled a banner as her business card while calling herself a nomad. I love it. Plus she had a sweet vibe and she travels like that alone- pretty gangster.

We don’t give a poop what anyone does for work. The vibe you exude and the moves you make are far more important to us. In fact, when you ask us what we do and tell us what you do we would just rather leave the conversation. Haha 🤦🏼‍♀️

Thanks for the “light weight” fish slap. I appreciate your mercy. Go and get some falafel now. Eat it at at the joint, get it I’m a pita pocket with all the fixings and pour some white sauce on top. I like to pour the chili sauce too, if they have it. Look a joint up on help and only go to a hip spot for your first time. Hopefully that’ll ensure the stuff is good… report back when you’ve completed the mission. Falafel and açai bowls 😋, it’s seriously all I need.

I am coming to Costa Rica. Vegan and gluten free alternatives are almost non existent in Cambodia... And live strange hidden jungely places like that. If you see zaira again send her my way... My hair could use some love lol

You’ll just have to link up with us when you get here. Yay!!! Have you been here before or are you moving blind? Dandays and I are looking into moving to SE Asia next year (moving blind). Hopefully we are still in CR by the time you get here. Depending on where you are gluten free flours should be easier to find (more expensive but easier to find).

Not sure what our plans are actually. We have a few options... CR seems not so easy for visa so maybe Colombia or first Portugal since we have a European passport we don't need a visa there and then travel to see where we wanna go. Kitty kat is moving with us so we always need some kind of a home base.

Portugal is supposed to be gorgeous. I have a friend there and his pictures are amazing.

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