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RE: Too Many Questions? Asking For A Friend: Food Fight Friday

in #fff5 years ago

Internet is back and it's pouring rain today, so you have my full attention my friend! ;) Though in a perfect world we would be interacting in person on the beach sharing that big plate of fruit, haha. Well a girl can dream...

Don't even get me started on the state of our current food system. My goodness there is so much more that is wrong than what is right. From how food is grown, to how it is processed into a ghost of what it started out to be, to all the "experts" on the internet selling snake oil and crazy diets to cure everything. It is fricking hard for even myself to make sense of some of it, and I study health for my livelihood! It's no wonder the average consumer is so misinformed.

On the one hand there is some really great science out there to give us more informed ideas about how to fuel ourselves, but then on the other it seems to take us even further away from the actual nourishing effects that real whole food can have. I think that's one of my biggest pet peeves with the "DIET" industry, it takes away all joy from the communal and spiritual aspect of preparing food and sharing a meal with people you love. This makes me think I want to re-read the book "Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition". If you haven't read that one yet, I think you would enjoy it.

I hope you can continue on your journey to find what makes your unique body happy and healthy! To end on a high note, I'm dragging @dksart to pick strawberries until we drop this week because that makes my little fruit-loving heart happy. Maybe I'll get my act together for next Friday...


Strawberry picking? That sounds amazing. I’ve never done anything like that, strawberry picking, apple picking so every time you declare that as your day I’m intrigued. I’d love to go pick some fresh fruits.

The whole thing is that we are all confused, the industries are all perverted, and none of it is about true health which I believe is true concern for people. I mean how much more could you care for a human than by helping them be really healthy. In a world full of Kardashian thoughts, kardashian drugs, and kardashian food we are all on our own. Sadly, doctors aren’t even the information trove they used to be (or that I beloved they were).

Being in the nutrition field You must witness a lot of concerning trends and fads that are passed off as a “cure”. It’s a strange place we live in @plantstoplanks.

P.s. it’s raning and lightning and thundering here too. But it’s still hot. Haha.

Thanks for dropping a line my sweet friend!

Oh gosh, the media is awful. The whole "influencers" trend is probably the worst thing for public health and wellness. The fitness field is especially hard for me sometimes because so much of the advice is for aesthetic goals, not overall health. At least I work with some really great trainers who understand that for most women a 6-pack just isn't healthy long term (if at all).

You would love going fruit picking! It is such a wonderful reminder of where our food comes from, and really how hard the farmers have to work to give us such beautiful produce. You not only get the most amazing, fresh produce, but I always feel such a connection with nature when I go. It's kind of similar to going on a long run outside. After a while you just start to become one with the Earth. Crouching down picking berries can be a killer workout, too. So worth it to bring home a carload of delicious fresh fruit! I am so happy to have a flexible schedule to be able to go during the week. Otherwise weekends are pretty nuts. We tried going apple picking last year at the height of the season and ended up just buying fresh-picked from the orchard store because the lines were ridiculous for u-pick. Ruins my zen to have too many people around.😜

Did you post about those apples last year? I think I remember you posting something about the store with those fresh yummy picked apples in it…

Why isn’t it healthy for a woman to have a 6 pack? Is it because most have to abstain from carbs and live in a calorie deficit to achieve them? Just wondering…

All of the “health and nutrition” industry is based off of aesthetics. It’s very few people who work within those fields that are actually concerned with organs, body functioning, optimum health over looks, at least in my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️ I used to think I was so so healthy because I ran 5-9 miles a day and had the flattest stomach. This was despite eating ONLY hot tamales, string cheese, and coffee or Go Girls (an energy drink) while smoking cigarettes but to me, I was healthy because I was tiny. So warped. I’m glad I woke up at some point and to this day I’m still confused about what to eat and what to stay away from (shaking my damn head)

Yep! I did post about it. It was the same weekend we stayed up in my client's cabin in the mountains. Such a great weekend!

I might not have worded that correctly, but for some women they can totally rock a washboard and be healthy, but for the vast majority of women it is not really realistic. Of course I am all for trying to be your best self and maintaining a fit physique, but to get down low enough in body fat to really see the abs pop all the time is not necessarily healthy for endocrine and reproductive function, among other things. It really just depends on your body type and where you carry your fat. I just get so frustrated that so many women hold that as the ultimate ideal and don't ever feel thin enough! I know because I still have body issues myself!

I was literally in tears with a friend on Friday night because she said she always feels fat. She's a stunning, brilliant, loving, fun, and driven Brazilian woman by the way. I would love to have skin like hers and the dancing skills, haha. I think the other crazy thing is that if you asked most women who have these "perfect" bodies, most of them aren't happy anyway. Or like you have experienced, some of it is just genetic luck and age. Another girlfriend of mine was born with washboard abs. Even if she gains weight in her legs or elsewhere, she always has a tiny waist.

Sorry for my little verbal explosion. I think being an aunt makes it even more real for me the extent of the issues with body image and flawed ideas of health and wellness. I am really trying to do my best to get my own ish together to set a good example for her. The good thing is the older I get the less fox I give what other people think. I try to eat to feel well and fuel my physical endeavors that I enjoy, but by golly I'm not going to pass up on potatoes or a piece of delicious vegan cake every now and then because I want more of my abs to show. Because mental health is important, too.

Thanks for letting me rant! Now I'm on to happier things--like working on my strawberry post! Well, I should actually try to do something with all the strawberries we picked, too...

I get frustrated too with the standard of which we hold ourselves to. I’m 35 years old and just starting to get to place where I accept my beautiful body for the goddess temple it is rather than constantly scrutinizing it. These poor young girls growing up with Instagram and social media dictating how they view their bodies and deeming what is “beautiful”. I’m so sick of the norm being that we should diet, we should work out until exhaustion, we should deprive ourselves of fun treats all in the name of looking “perfect” in a bikini or fitting into that dress. Usually when we get into that dress, wear that bikini or whatever the goal is, we still have parts that we criticize about our bodies. It never seems good enough. Anyway, I think your niece is very lucky to have such a strong and amazing auntie in her life to guide her to self love and not self sabotage. Us ladies have it much harder than men, in that regard. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Ps. A healthy avocado body is the ish and a little chunky but funky in the trunk always looks good :)

I don't think I would do well growing up in today's culture. I was soooo awkward in middle school. Like my nickname was actually "he/she" for a year until I stood up for myself. And I got called "sir" at Red Lobster one time with my family because I really was such a little tomboy, as well. If I had to deal with that and online issues it would have been a whole lot tougher. I kind of laugh at some of my friends who are so worried about getting older because like you, I have gained so much more confidence the older I get. I'm still 3 years shy of turning 40 but I'm kind of excited, haha.

I've got a couple of little ladies that I am so lucky to play a part in their lives, so I hope I can at least do some small part to counter the onslaught of social media! We ladies really do have it tough. The really crazy part? It's all for comparing ourselves to each other because most dudes I know are not that critical of the female form. So bring on the avocado toast!

Preach sista! Avocado toast for all… 🥳🥳! My best girlfriend loved her 40s. She said it’s when her kids are out of the house, her and hubby are really finacially secure and looking on to what retirement might look like, she became a grandma which is her pride and joy, and she doesn’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of her so naturally she enjoys everything much more. Haha… I love it.

I didn’t have it hard growing up only because I was very stubborn but I distinctly remember some kids that did. I never understood, even at that age, how or why kids were so mean to these people who clearly couldn’t stand up to them. It’s always disgusted me. I think if we had to deal with it at home, online too then things would be much worse for everyone. I mean, I never had to worry that one of my classmates would burst in the room and shoot us all. Today that’s a drill kids practice more than fire drills. It’s insane! I think social media dehumanizes us so being really cruel to one another doesn’t feel like a big deal anymore. It’s a weird world we live in. I’m glad I don’t have to guide a child through that.

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