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RE: Auntie Level: Master {Fueling for the Good Life--FFF}
Wait, you didn’t share those happy bowls and plates of goodness with you niece??? How could you, you big meanie poopy pants!!! HAHAHA You and your niece look to have a great relationship, just don’t show her what you eat when you leave :wink:wink.

That little stinker says "ewww" to just about everything I bring over. She even gave me the side eye yesterday when I shared my delicious apple with her. I think she thought I was trying to punk her into eating some vegetables. Hopefully someday she'll get out of that picky toddler stage and come join me in my kitchen endeavors. ;)
Just be glad you don't have to deal with the constant flip-flopping: I hate that! I love those! Those are gross! Yum these are so good! I am telling you.. My 2 kids know how to get me goin' LOL I ain't no special order chef. hahaha