Hello all my FOODIE FREINDS, hope you enjoyed the 4th of July. We are just returning from vacation at the Jersey shore with the family. The weather was just awesome and the ocean temp was swimmable even for me. The "shore" as we in Jersey say, holds such great memories for me. As a child, my parents would splurge on a one week vacation "down the shore", always an ocean front cottage where we would stuff in 7 kids and two parents. My brothers, would very often sleep on the porch, my 3 sisters and I would get a bedroom, it was usually the size of a closet.
Did we care? Nope, we were all just happy to be at the shore. It was such fun playing on the beach, building sand castles, burying the little kids in the sand, swimming in the ocean and flying kites at night on the beach. The really special night was Wednesday. That was when we went to the boardwalk in Seaside Heights to go on the rides, play games to win these really awful (looking back now) prizes, and watch the free fireworks display.
The night always ended with ice cream cones...gotta say, I really had a great childhood, filled with lots of love, laughter and of course, the usual sibling arguments over dumb things. But when I look back, I have nothing but sweet memories.
Ok, so now you know why I have been absent from all the #foodfightfriday fray. But I am going to try my best to get back in the kitchen.
With all my fresh herbs coming in, I went for slow roasted lamb chops on a bed of rosemary, thyme, parsley, basil and chives.
Slow roasted in the oven at 325' for around 45 minutes, these chops were tender and yummy. I also roasted some
potatoes, added some fresh peas on the side. BOOM ! dinner is served.
I know that meal looks great, but check out the sign I found in "MRS. B'S" WAREHOUSE...It's a consignment shop, a fun place to look around in, find someone else's junk that becomes your little treasure .
I grew up watching "I LOVE LUCY", Lucy and Ricky Ricarrdo with their friends Fred and Ethel Murts, were always so funny to watch. Some of the scenes can still be recited by my sisters and I. "Vitavegavegamen". I know you youngsters out there won't get any of this , but that's what happens to me when I go 'down the shore". I take that trip down memory lane. So sweet to me that I can almost smell it.
Hope all you wonderful chefs have your aprons on and your skillets hot, cause here we go @jlsplatts it's Friday, time for some food flinging fun!!
Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 50
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Okay, i cant upvote you yet because it hasn’t been 15 minutes but this herbed plate of yours looks delicious. I bet your kitchen smelled heavenly with all those fresh garden treasures cooking Gods aroma in your house. One day we will have a herb garden, or so i hope.
Your memories of the shore are sweet. It’s amazing what a week or a long weekend of strolling down nostalgic memory lane will do for our soul, isn’t it. It’s good to see you @farm-mom and welcome back to the ring. I am just recently back from a hiatus myself. Happy food fight my friend and God bless!
Good morning @puravidaville hope your travels have been smooth riding. I am sure with all the miles you have covered exhaustion came into play at least a little. But now that you're getting settled in London, let the fun begin.
One of my favorite things to do in the summer is grow herbs. I always hope for more than I can use, so I can freeze them, then pull them out when fresh ones have gone for the season. I have a great sense of smell and when cooking with my herbs I almost get high. I also make tea infused with thyme, mint and lemon balm, it's so good.
I read somewhere that sniffing rosemary or basil can relive anxiety, so I snort some almost daily, not so much for anxiety but just cos I love it . Am I sounding like a stoner or what? Any who, glad you and @dandays are back.
As far as traveling down memory lane, it feels like being hugged ! I am very blessed, and hope to continue to create sweet memories for my kids and grandkids "down the shore". So when I am in heaven, at least I hope to get there and not that other really hot place, they will feel my hugs too.
Happy #foodfightfriday !
I’d snort those fresh herbs too :)
@farm-mom, it must be great, getting fresh herbs straight from your garden. I have been inspired and have started a garden. My rosemary is doing great, but it is not time yet to plant my other herbs. Yes, I remember Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and Fred and Ethel. It is amazing how funny the shows were. Those shows will always be classics.
Good morning ! Nice to hear you are starting a herb garden, rosemary is a great start, very hardy and smells so good. I had to laugh when you said you remember "I love Lucy" show, didn't think people would relate. But you are so right it's a classic. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.
“Hey Luuuuuccy, I’mmmm hoooooomme!”
Reading your article sparked all of the fishing memories I have with my grandparents as a kid. I, too, remember all of the little things like sleeping in a closet—not literally but specific memories in general. Thank you!
Yeah, had you guys had the trip a week later or earlier, the four of us would’ve been hanging out in the flesh—“next time.” See you in Thailand, right? November will be here before you know it. 😉
I’m happy to see you at #fff again, the kitchen and the same without the Jurgs.
Hello there @dandays wow! you and @puravitaville have sure put on some miles. I admire your courage and sense of adventure, I love to travel but have not been on a plane for anymore then a few hours since I went to Austria on a ski trip back in 1972. That was an eight hour flight, don't know if I could do that now. One would think as you get older you would throw caution to the wind and say why the heck not, life is short. But for some reason I like my comfort zone more and more now. I am at peace.
SOOOO Thailand ???? Maybe with the right "meds" hahaha.
Happy I sparked some sweet memories for you, it's funny how time seems to erase the bad ones or at least push them way behind the good ones...or at least that's how I see it.
Have fun on your journey and welcome back.
Plenty of time to start gathering meds! 😉
1972 huh? @farm-mom, did you know I would’ve been about negative four in 72? Man.. planes have come a long way since then—I’m sure of it. You got this! C’mon my favorite New Yorkers—let’s do this.
ok @dandays ya had to do the math right, just couldn't let me slide hahaha...I graduated high school in 72, my ski trip was my graduation gift from my parents. The way I see it, you are pretty close to my oldest son's age, maybe 2 years older,
he was born in 78. And I am guessing @puravidaville is very close to my age when I gave birth to our daughter, I was 36 then. My beautiful little girl is 28 already. I'll give you negative 4 upside your head...hehehe
You’re exactly right, @farm-mom, even with Pura—she’ll be 36 in September.
I’m not sure if you caught my pink response on the other thread, just in case you missed it, I’ll show you again here. We made it to our current UK location and I unpacked my suitcase, setting aside the things I won’t be using because I won’t be sweating here like CR, no scuba diving here, etc. Check it out, that’s my stuff—not Pura’s. 😉 Bet you cant guess what color my toothbrush is.
GEE let me guess? maybe blue? I am a September baby too, go Virgos, mine is the 7th.
Nice! I’m a week before you @farm-mom, all three of us are Virgos.
Actually, it started many years ago, my buddies wouldn’t steal my lighters if they were pink so I always bought pink lighters. If I lost it at a party, everyone would shy away from it like “who lost their pink lighter?” It’s just stuck ever since.
Now it doesn’t matter where we’re at, if something gets left behind that’s pink, it’s as though everyone will intentionally hang onto it because they know it’s mine or something. True story, I’ve accidentally left phones in Uber cars before or just random places three or four times but I always get it back. I think it’s because it’s pink, something that’s just stuck with me over through the years so I don’t wanna ness up a good thing.
so your b-day is August 30th? that's are wedding anniversary 44th this year...so crazy. Now as far as the pink stuff, at least you have a good back story, I didn't want to think the worst
Awwwhahhhh, i could definitely eat at your house. Literally smelling the aromas from here. Memories are the best and i share similar feel goods. Thanks for sharing @farm-mom
Hello there my friend how ya feeling? So glad you stopped by, yup there is nothing like fresh garden herbs. I sometimes will make a bouquet for the table, it's natural air freshener. Glad you liked my walk down memory lane, it can be so sweet. Have a nice evening.