Rouga Tavern - My Favorite Restaurant So Far in Greece. This Contender is A Catch-22 #fff #70

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

I’ve written and erased, reworded and rephrased this opening sentence several times now—I’m going with the one you just read. I attempted multiple different ways of explaining the challenges in picking a restaurant while in a foreign country, however, each time I read it back to myself, it came across all wrong. So, I did what any wordsmith in the same situation would’ve done—I laced up my charlatan shoes, rewrote this entire paragraph, and moved my original opening sentence to the beginning of the following paragraph.

Finding a desirable restaurant while in a foreign country isn’t always a walk in the park. See what I mean? Sounds kind of crybaby’ish, doesn’t it? Hence, I scratched it as my opening sentence and instead placed it down here where it’ll be a lot easier to explain myself now that I have your attention.

I practice pescatarianism eating habits which means the majority of #food I consume is fruits and vegetables. I won’t intentionally consume any dairy products and I don’t eat meat with the exception of fish and seafood. But I’m not weird about it. I won’t turn my back on egg washed noodles or announce to everyone I come in contact with of my eating habits, nor freak out if a loaf of bread has egg in it and I don’t do things like advertise it on my vehicle or anything extreme like that.

My wife is also pescatarian but she was recently diagnosed pre-diabetic so her eating habits, though very specific like mine, come with a side of heightened awareness. She stays away from gluten entirely which means most breads, pastas, rice, etc are completely off-limits because the wheat effects her negatively and she tries really hard to consume no sugar whatsoever. She doesn’t cook with sugar, she avoids it on dinner menus, she won’t use most salad dressings, starches, very rarely will she consume desserts and, what I mean by very rarely is, she’ll be off sugar 100% for weeks at a time, sometimes months, and then periodically binge eat sugar for hours on end.

Alright, now that I’ve given you a lengthy explanation which is something I’ve never done on this platform, ever, I can further the length of this introduction by explaining that opening sentence to you—the one I relocated to the second paragraph. When @puravidaville and I want to enjoy a romantic dinner together at a local restaurant, as we did last night while in a foreign country and, each of us with our specific eating practices, in conjunction with both trip adviser reviews and dinner menus written in Greek, choosing the restaurant has proven to be exhausting on numerous occasions.

After about an hour of searching and making suggestions back and forth, a few frustrated shoulder shrugs and nearly throwing in the towel on the whole idea, she found Rouga Tavern, a truly authentic restaurant experience in the heart of Thessaloniki, Greece. We had no idea what we were walking into other than the fact the menu had items on it we both could enjoy. As soon as I saw the joint, I knew I had a @foodfightfriday contender in the making so I snapped this photo of the courtyard outside and will now use it as my cover image that’ll even make @birdsinparadise wonder how I did it.

The cover image.


That’s an iPhone 8+, Birds, how’d I do? When you’re competing against the cover image Queen on a weekly basis, you really have to step up your game. I figured with such a gorgeous establishment in an absolutely stunning country, I’ll not only make this romantic dinner date a contender but I’ll also make it a @tasteem restaurant review—not so fast!

After picturing each page of the dinner menu and ordering way too much food to show you, capturing multiple images of our romantic surroundings so I could write a review for the folks over at Tasteem, looking like one of those nerds who won’t put his phone away at the dinner table—I just learned there isn’t a current competition available to enter this review in! Now I’ll explain, something I rarely do at great lengths, how this contender became a catch-22.

I wasn’t just the only person who looks like me and talks like me at a crowded Greek restaurant on a Friday night that’s actually in Greece, I’m also accompanied by the only startling gorgeous blonde girl in about a half mile radius. We have everyone’s attention, I’m taking pictures of everything they bring to our table as though we don’t have “Look at me! I’m such an annoying tourist!” tattooed across our foreheads and what else? I’m a few hours late entering this contender now and why stop there, right? All of that and I don’t even have a platform to enter this restaurant review which, surprisingly so, works in both of our favor. I took several people photography photos last night as well as multiple street art images surrounding the restaurant that I wouldn’t have added to this contender had it been a review—now I can.

Good morning/afternoon/evening, adjust that to the time zone you’re currently assigned to, happy Saturday—welcome to @foodfightfriday! And welcome to Rouga Tavern, a seafood and Mediterranean restaurant located at Karipi 28 in Thessaloniki, Greece, 546.

The Menu.



Prior to taking our dinner order and, upon bringing us two glasses of water, we were served bread for two which I got all to myself because of Pura’s anti-gluten eating habit. It came with a side of this delicious olive tapenade that I could’ve eaten by the pound and the view from our table—iheart Greece!

Pre-appetizer round.



We ordered two appetizers and here comes the catch. Catch-22 means this contender is now part of @steemitworldmap as well as @travelfeed. Two Three for the price of one—I love it when things work out the way they’re supposed to.

Deep fried zucchini crisps with a tzatziki and Greek yogurt *(yes, it’s still called “Greek yogurt” even when you’re in Greece), garlic, and shredded cucumber dipping sauce, all of which are free from processed cattle substitutes and a Greek salad (yes, it’s still a “Greek salad”).

Two appetizers.



I ordered the Kritharoto Thalassinon which translates to an orzo rice with mussels, calamari, shrimp, and peppers. The stunning @puravidaville ordered Solomos Psitos which translates to grilled salmon served with grilled vegetables and they both translate to “oh my goodness gracious that was sofa king good—we’ll definitely visit Rouga at least one more time before we leave Greece next week!”

Entrée round.



The aftermath.




Now then, back to the part I pointed out in the beginning of this contender where I said we don’t eat dairy or meat but we’re not weird about it. When the owner of the restaurant recognizes the two Americans completely out of their element who thoroughly enjoyed the authentic cuisine, accompanied by a bachelorette party involved in all of the traditional festivities, you don’t say “no thank you” when they bring you this dessert on the house—baklava and a goat cheese cake yogurt topped with blueberries and a chocolate mousse that’s nothing less than food heaven on a spoon. Can you tell how much we couldn’t stand devouring every.single.bite of it?

The dessert round.



Food for thought.

As you venture across this planet of ours, hopping over multiple borders, you’re met with cultural differences that are vastly different to the ones you’re accustomed to. That’s just the way it is. For example, and this is only one of many, legal drinking age. Where I come from, the US, the legal drinking age is 21. In the UK, however, it’s 18 and, here in Greece, there isn’t one. What that means is, it isn’t uncommon to see young teenagers and kids drinking at the dinner tables and pubs here, that goes for cigarette smoking, too.

Where I come from, again, this is only one of two examples, weed is legal (marijuana). Therefore, big tobacco fights a vigilant fight to stay inside your pocket in the United States. Here, however, and throughout most of Europe, marijuana, the all-naturally grown, photosynthesis derived, seed bearing plant is illegal which means cigarettes are not only abundant, they’re extremely costly, customary, and traditional. People don’t have to step outside to smoke cigarettes in Greece, nor in most of Europe, they fire up within inches of where you’re enjoying dinner.

The atmosphere.






Dinner was delicious, can you tell? 5-stars. Pura and I decided to take advantage of the remaining sunlight and continue our evening together by venturing around the area, hand in hand, up and down the surrounding single-lane, cobble stone roads and side streets just taking it all in. As I’ve been doing quite regularly since arriving in Greece three weeks ago, I captured several pieces of magic produced by the local artists who use nothing more than spray paint cans and a ziplock bag full of tips—enjoy!

Local street art.










Same place next week, deal? Thank you for hanging out with me again. Greece is gorgeous and the people here are warm and welcoming—I highly suggest adding this part of our shared map to your bucket list. Have a great weekend, #steemit, and have an even better week!





The food is the best but I still get to travel with the best company alive. Muah

Says the hot blonde I kept referring to in this article. I'm working on it, I'm glad you think so. You're plenty of reason to practice being a better person.

iheartu all the time beautifulest.

Muah muah muah muah all over your face 🥰

That salmon looks amazing - thanks for sharing.

Thank you, @missaj! I’m glad you enjoy this article and welcome to the food fight. Please remember to stop by the Contender Post and cast your vote for your favorite chef. It’s a tough decision this week! I hope you’ll join us again for another food fight tomorrow. It’s a pleasure to be met, sir.

Wow such great looking food @dandays. I would love some of those zucchini chips, the salmon and seafood too. I just got hungry, with a little drool to boot.😁
Looks like you are really enjoying Greece.
Good luck with all your travel plans.

Thank you so much for checking this one out, @farm-mom, I’m glad you liked it. We just not got back from a two day adventure that was nothing less than amazing—phenomenal! I haven’t had a chance to get to my responses nor check out any of the contenders. I’m going to try to make my rounds now, though!

Thank you for all of your support. Thanks for having my back around here and always being nice. Please give the Sweed a hello for me.

Wow, just went on a two day adventure with you guys, thanks for all the awesome pix and description. What a beautiful place, Greece just went on the bucket list for the Jurgs.

Thank you for checking this one out, @farm-mom, thanks for keeping an eye on me! Both of you guys have always been so nice, I have no doubts you’re a pleasure to be around.

Seeing how much you appreciated this tour, @farm-mom, you definitely don’t want to miss This One with suspended monasteries above the clouds. My God, what an amazing experience! We kept hearing from everyone how we have to see—man are we thankful we did. Please show Bob... if he isn’t too busy being grandpa, Farmer, Santa, DIY’er, cook, husband, wood worker, and.. and.. and.. 😉

Wow mr Dandays, this is my kind of food, all that seafood and everything else! Love love love... the graffiti, absolutely stunning, thank you so much for sharing with us!

Good morning, @lizelle! Thanks for checking this one out, I’m glad you liked it.

We’re going to miss this place, we’ve made a few lifetime friends and made enough memories we’re writing them down so we don’t forget. We’re off to spend a few days in Meteora this morning, I’m sure I’ll be telling you about it real soon too.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Lizelle.

Morning mr Dandays, I was curious about Pescetarianism, and only got to ask granny Google now, but you avoid dairy as well? I used to think you & Pura were vegan but saw the seafood now and then and was puzzled, but now I know. I could very easily follow that way of eating, but not exclude dairy;) as I'm not that big a red meat fan, will always lean towards seafood when eating out. I do hope Pura avoids becoming a diabetic and not have to use Insulin as it's quite a difficult condition to adjust to with the highs and lows. But there's so much research and new developments that it's much easier to manage nowadays.
We had a guest recently who is a new diabetic and he's taking trial meds which is keeping his glucose levels brilliantly even. My hubby has been a type 1 diabetic since the age of 7 so I think he's stuck with having to use insulin injections but he's managed very well and actually is much healthier than other people his age! He'll be 70 next year...sounds ancient I know but he doesn't look that old either;);)
Wishing Pura well with her health, but your eating habits are sure to be a boost in keeping both of you healthy!

Posted using Partiko Android

This sure was a nice response, @lizelle, thank you! Fun fact—my autocorrect had “feline” instead of “response.” 🤔

I appreciate you checking this article out, I’m glad you liked it. God bless your husband! You too, of course, you know what I mean. A really good friend of mine is type 1, I believe, whatever one it is that lives 24/7 with one of those pumps in his butt cheek. Man, the first couple of times he faded out on me were terrifying. Now I know what to look for.

Pura, yes, her blood sugars/glycemic levels do a lot of spiking, we’re still learning how to deal with it. We’re learning she just needs to form better habits such as not wait until she’s hungry to eat. It’s especially challenging for her because she’s a runner, she runs about 5k, 5-7 days a week so the exerted energy really combats her effort as I’m sure you’re aware is easy to do.

About Vegan, wanna know something funny? I’m gonna tell you anyway. 👍🏿 It’s been probably over 3 years since I’ve eaten any dairy and at least that long without any beef. In the last couple of years I cut out the pork, chicken, etc. But I never gave up fish, iheart ALL fish and seafood, always have! I won’t cook it with butter, obviously, but I’ve never considered giving it up. So, as ignorant as I was to the wOrd “vegan,” I would just consider myself something like “almost” but I eat fish. Ok, it wasn’t until January of this year Pura was
Somewhere else, I had dinner with a gentleman from Russia and a lady from Hungary, both really nice people, they grilled up some food for us after a boat tour. I explained... “pretty much vegan I don’t eat dairy or anything but I eat fish.” They both said “you’re pescatarian!”

I was shocked. My exact question was “you mean to tell me there’s a word for a guy who doesn’t eat dairy or any meat except for fish?!” They said yes! I looked it up, @lizelle, I had no idea it was a wOrd! There’s a label for everything, isn’t there?

Thanks a lot for keeping an eye on me, I really appreciated this response, can you tell? God bless you guys and SA, enjoy the rest of your weekend. We just pulled into Meteora for the next two days, Pura’s organizing some out and abouts, I’m responding to you. 😉

Ok I have to respond to this, what a nice way to discover there's a word for your way of eating!
Pleeeeze encourage Pura to keep active, keep on running or any other form of exercise as that is the only other thing besides insulin that converts glucose in the body to energy. My hubby was a football fanatic, even played when in his 40s & that's what kept him so well. Those hypos can be real scary, we have glucose sweets everywhere, in the car the most important. Those fancy gadgets that monitor them all the time costs way too much and medical aid refuses to pay for it, so it's manual self checks throughout the day.
Thank you sincerely for the good wishes and enjoy the new adventure!
Verbal diarrhea from @lizelle again, I'll stop now ;);)

I have always wanted to go to Greece. I’ve been to Cyprus which is a part of Greece , but never to Greece itself. It’s ok the bucketlist ... lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

How cool you mention Cypress! We just rode the train to Meteora yesterday and were sat next to a couple from Cypress. Both haven’t been there since she was 10 years old and him, 18. What an enlightening revelation. They explained about 1974 when Turkey invaded the island and conquered the northern portion of the island and claimed it. The couple, their families, they all had to run for their life and leave everything they had behind. It’s just Turkish territory now, the rest is history. I guess they murdered more than 2,000 Cypress soldiers that were prisoners of war, raped and pillaged, the whole 9! Where I come from, they don’t teach us those things.

Now the south is still claimed by Greece, the North is Turkish but just recently, they said oil was discovered in the south. So as of right now, Exxon, Mobil, etc. is drilling in the ocean for oil so Crypress has the opportunity to flourish again. However, now that oil is discovered, Turkey wanted to steal the entire island but they can’t now because of the oil. They’re safe now because the US has something to gain with the oil, therefor Cypress is protected from the Turkish military. Fascinating stuff, right?!

I never figured out your business. It isn’t advertising or marketing but you’re professional enough to pay into unemployment ins and one employee works from home.

Is it an insurance company? I assume you don’t manage portfolios judging by the casual attire. Is it some type of financial advising?

Thank you for keeping an eye on me @anonymity5.

That’s the Greek version of what happened ..... there are many versions to that story ..... they actually shared the island and lived together on that island from the times of the Ottoman Empire .... then in the 70s , these people that lived there for years where being massacred and forced out of their homes ( the Turkish people) by their own neighbors . There is a lot of controversy over who really owned the land....and the Turkish were willing to live in harmony with them , the way they did for years , but the Greek government did not agree with this . Many many Turkish soldiers and civilians died that year . Many even fled the country in any way they could. The Greek side is the only one really recognized by other governments and gets all funding . The Turkish side is the poorer and underfunded side . Their only support is from Turkey. It’s interesting how many people have different versions of the same story . Very similar to the story of the people of Kosovo and other wars that took place in and around that area.


Nope ... wrong again . Lol

What a change of pace from Middle-Eastern phenomenon to your line of business. I just wrote you a huge, long, winded response to that political jargon and, I’m not gonna lie, I like this response a lot better already! 👍🏿

Before I continue, God bless you, @anonymity5, thank you for always being nice to me.

Man!! I didn’t mention construction because I’m probably just assuming a woman wouldn’t run a construction firm. Please excuse my unintentional sexism—I promise I’m not like that. Is it a construction firm? Kudos to you if it is. Sales? I think sales counts the same as marketing, that’s why I haven’t said it. But dang!! What haven’t I guessed yet?

I know a a whole bunch of what it’s not, though!!

Decorating? Like an interior design type business? Do you make clothing or run a clothing company, either sales or maybe cleaning? Professional cleaners?

Man! What haven’t I guessed?! I haven’t even been “warm” one time yet? <— really?

Causal, legitimate, half-dozen employees that is not investing, sales, insurance, advertizing, wow.

I’ll probably delete this comment later once I know you saw it

That took a long time. I apologize for categorizing construction as a man’s business—I know better than that.

Congratulations on all of your achievements and success, @anonymity5! I wouldn’t worry about being so secretive, personally, I get the line you want to draw and avoid crossing but things like that I don’t think are too bad. Then again, this is the one and only social media type thing I’ve ever been involved with, ever, so what do i know?

I can only go on what I see and hear around me and, well, according to our previous conversation maybe I should just keep what I learn to myself. Nah.... I’ll still run my opinions about all of those other crap social sites and brag and boast how I’ve never even wasted one moment of my life on any of them. 😉

Not one. (but I spend several hours on Steemit each day) 🤔 <— oxymoron emoji.

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Lets see, the food looks like it was so terrible you just dumped your plates on the ground. The people seem to by annoying you while you are busy dumping your plates on the floor. You have to eat outside, in the nice weather also!! Sounds like a terribly horrible experience there. Oh was I just being negative??? Nope 100% sarcastic with about 67% jealousy. Wow, just looking at those pictures then seeing the statement about walking down the cobblestone streets... one day

I’m glad you liked this one, @jlpslatts! Thank you. From the looks of it, your :cough: sausage fest was a big hit as well, congratulations! I haven’t had a chance to check out anyone’s contenders yet, not yours or anyone, but i will get to it!

Thanks for working hard to keep this food fight running smooth and thanks for keeping an eye on me. Yeah, dinner, the after dinner, it was terrible.. so terrible I took pictures just to remind myself where to never go again, ever! 😉 Thanks for always being nice, Splatts, you’re a good dude. Your kids are lucky to have you.

for you

Thank you @eii! 👍🏿

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@livinguktaiwan. @steemitworldmap. Thank you for maintaining this travel platform—have a great weekend.

Let the good times rolllllllllllll. What a wonderful place. Not only does the food look delicious, the area you found this eatery in looks festive. Right on with the cover image, it looks like an exhibit in Disney World. Love the street art.
Where are you guys headed after you spend another week in Greece?
Stay safe my friend as you travel around the world.

My man!! It sure is nice to hear from you, thanks for checking in on me, it means a lot. What a gorgeous looking joint, right? Man, she really nailed the restaurant with that one. I heard you’ve been busy with DIY’s, I’m sure there’s a handful of great articles headed our way.

My friend, are you ready for this?!


I’m so excited I can’t quit running my thumbs about it. We’ll be in Rome for Christmas and New Years, that’s all we have booked out for now but about this time next week, @thebigsweed, we’ll be landing in Tel Aviv!!

We’re going to do as much as we can, sir, and you know I’ll do my best to share our experience with you. We will see the sea of Galilee where Jesus walked on water, we’ll see where John baptized him, the Jordan river, Jerusalem, and absolutely as much as we can possibly get in in 1 week before landing in Rome.

I can’t wait, Bob. Can’t wait!

Thanks again for checking me out, I’m glad you liked this article. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

And thank you bigger than THIS for resteeming this article, I really appreciate that. My favorite New Yorker strikes again! I just now realized I attached the wrong image to my Monday feature at the bottom of the page—whoops! “Edit, edit.”

You guys have no fear. A week in Israel, wow so much to take in. Rome for Christmas and New years, That beats the hell out of Time Square in NYC.
Thanks for including us in your unbelievable adventure @dandays

My pleasure!

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