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RE: 20 Round - Friday Fight Food - Potato Baked

in #fff6 years ago

I appreciate your curiosity janton. I’m my mothers son, what I mean by that is, she wouldn’t shut up!! She would end her phone calls like this, verbatim:
“Ok, I’ve probably talked your ear off enough.”

You’re on my short list, too, sir! No worries. About that #fff post... You do realize you just challenged me to a different challenge, right? “Deal!”

There’s a Road Tax down there that’s minimal and it covers everything.. vehicle insurance, medical, etc. could you imagine just one entity that’s affordable, pay them and EVERYthibg is covered? Godly, I would say. Rather than US where I literally don’t know how many hands are in my pocket. Medical alone, in this country, $990/month for me and my wife. In a non-military country like Costa Rica.. $990/month is rich, believe it or not, medical coverage at such an alarming rate is... well, ridiculous! Healthcare quality is actually top shelf janton.

I sure do admire your interest @janton how I was able to retire myself at age 40. I’ll try to put something together for it, not sure when but if it’s a subject worth writing, I’d love to share it with #steemit. Only problem is, I’ve learned people don’t want to hear success stories. I’m not here to make anyone jealous or anything weird like that. #fun fact, just yesterday as I leaving the gym, dude and gal in the office said “why are you cancelling next month?” ...well, I didn’t know they knew who I was but oh well, I told them I’m leaving the country. They were probably in their 30’s. They both assumed I would be right back and suggested I suspend my account, not cancel it.

I then explained I wouldn’t be coming back for a minimum 2 years. A few questions were asked and I told them where I was going. I got to use the same response I tell everyone when he asked me “what do you do for a living?”
I made some really good decisions in my 20’s & 30’s.

Ha!! We’ll be taking a plane. It’s been a two year process. Along with all of those plastic cards you don’t need in your wallet, could you imagine liquidating all of your earthly possessions to just ONE suitcase. My wife and I both did that. All we have is one suitcase and some plane tickets. Oh, and Jesus at the wheel!

Thank you for the Chris prayers. Yes, his family is financially covered for “awhile.” He’s a Union Electrician, same as I did for 22 years. There’s several benefits to that career, I’ll just get into the pensions. We have a Local Pension, that’s the county we did our appsrenticebsip in. We have an International Pension, that’s the one that grants us work access to Australia and Canada. We have a National Pension, that’s the big guy’s controlling the whole Union, they’re in New York. We have an Annuity which is voted on annually and each dollar is matched by the contractor. As of today, it’s over $8/hour banking toward an annuity that’s rolled over to the stock market. That one can add up fast, 6 figures in less than 5 years. Well, he had 11 vested years. His wife will get all of that, thank God! After 12 years of service he’ll be awarded at least $1,500/month and his wife will draw half of that until she dies. So that’s part A. His wife will have full access to his annuity as well, unless he named their boy his beneficiary and that’s gotta be, I’m guessing, in the neighborhood of 150k.

I think I got em all @janton. Thanks a lot for drawing these responses out of me and thanks a lot for stopping by, it’s always a pleasure interacting with you.


howdy this fine Tuesday sir dandays! Wow! I'm in a little bit of shock. If you guys have some money and obviously you do, then you must have alot of nice stuff, what happens to that, family members? Do you have your house bought down there so you just move in and start shopping for furnishings?

This is so exciting I can't stand it, it's like a dream come true and you get to live it in real life! lol. for the stress of finances to not be a problem is a fantasy for most people.

Hey I don't mean to give you another idea for a post, or if I did that's great, just don't make it about me, I'm really bad posting material! Plus I don't talk about my personal life very much so I don't think that would work. I think if you do one about your success and leave me out of it then it would succeed.

You say that people don't want to hear about your success but you haven't gotten that reaction from steemit people have you?
thanks for answering so many questions, the only one that didn't get answered is the rental home question. I know prices are insane over there, is that why you never bought?

Good morning! The Pacific coast is overcast and 68 degrees, what’s it like in North Texas? I ask because I really enjoy these conversations and I know what it looks like outside my window.. yours, not so much. 👍🏿

Let’s get to the easy stuff:
• You got it man, I won’t call you out, “deal!” Know that if and when I mention you, it’s because I like you. I’ll reserve challenging you, though, you got it!
• no sir, I have not received that reaction from #steemit. In fact, quite the opposite. I’m very happy I joined this community.

For the stress of finances to not be a problem...

Response: God is great!

Personal belongings. Actually, janton, I’m all out of family. I’m all I got left. I have no kids, siblings, parents, none of that stuff. My wife has a large family, she’s handed things off to them, certainly. I, however, have donated all of my things like clothing, furniture, household items, etc. All of my things that were of value, I sold, one by one either from Craigslist or something similar. It’s been a two year process.

In case I didn’t say it, I truly appreciate your interest

Alright, believe it or not, that was the short part.

As far as property, rental, etc. you ready for this? This is a real example: When my wife and I take a weekend trip to Vegas, like we did a few weeks ago, we don’t book a hotel room until we land there. Same with rental cars. We won’t book those things in advance, I’ve always been like that. I have a theory behind it:
“By spending no time preparing, you have no room for expectations. Without expectations, disappointment is impossible to achieve.”

Does that make sense? So we’re always happy with the place we’re staying a because we never gave ourselves time to get our hopes up. Would you believe I live that way all of the time?

True story, we have no home, rental, etc. to go to. We have one-way tickets and we know we want to be in the
Guanacaste Province, preferably in Playa Potrero but whether or not that happens is yet to be seen. We’ll know a low more this time, next month. 😉

As far as our mode of transportation, we’ll need a 4 wheel drive vehicle for sure, we’ll figure it out when we get there. Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, it always has, I know who’s driving this thing 😉 and all we have to do is be openly thankful, ain’t life great?!

oh man!! lol...Howdy sir dandays! each comment from you drives me crazy and makes me think of 50 Plus, everytime you write it's like wow wow wow! My wife has super strong faith but she has to have everything planned out or she goes nuts and you guys are just winging it to Central America! lol. No expectations means no disappointments..that has to be true.

Are going to do a post everyday about this grand adventure? They speak Spanish there right? Have you guys learned it?

So you guys beieve that this is a God plan right? Do you know the reason or the objective? And do you know how much it will cost you to live there in comparison to the U.S.? I'm thinking one tenth as much?

Well, I never got around to answering your question about my posts. I think I told you about it before but didn't mention times maybe? Not sure, I talk to alot of people but they don't ask me questions generally. I spend anywhere from 2 to 4 hours for each post which is way to long! If I'm doing a series then I can get that down to one hour or 1.5 hours because I know what I'm posting about and usually have some photos, they're the hard part on history posts. I think I spent a little less than 2 hours on my posts about myth busting the last 2 days so those weren't too bad.

As far as the weather, it was a typical Texas late fall or winter day, the sun is usually bright even all winter. The average highs for Jan and Feb is in the 50's, today it was low 60's and it gets down in the high 30's at night and into the 20's in January.
What are you guys doing for Christmas?
Oh, sorry it took 12 hours to get back to you! I was offline for about 4 hours today and that's why.

I’ll start at the back. I don’t mind waiting 12 hours janton, I got the rest of my life! Thanks for chatting.

For Christmas, what my wife and I do is give thanks. We write down our favorite memory of the year and reenact to each other. If we pick the same one, that’s ok. And I’m sure we’ll do some nosing around on Steemit.

4 hours, that’s a good one! Congratulations, you deserve all of the attention you’re getting.

No, heck no I don’t know the reason or objective. Shoot, I don’t even know why I did the things I did today.... yet! All I know is the people there are the nicest I’ve met. I’ve been to a few places. 😉 The average monthly income in CR is $750. That’s average. So, yeah!! Actually, yes, ‘about’ 1/10! I never put it in a fraction until now, you nailed it.

My wife speaks Spanish. I have an app on my phone to help me and I’m sure after 6 months to a year of being fully engulfed in their culture, I’ll pick it up.

No, I doubt there will be a time that either of us are posting every day but we do plan on sharing our journey with you.

I think your wife is like most people, especially women. My wife is a planner, I drive her crazy. I need her planning sometimes, though, I’m not gonna lie. Every once in awhile she’ll aurpriE me with some preparation she did and it’s always a great idea!

Explain how you’ve escaped a dinner date with your wife for 10 years? You’re inconspicuous here but really open to talk to. Seems like you don’t like to leave the house but you’re super talkative from inside the walls? How often do you leave the house? And howcome you don’t eat out, don’t like restaurants or something? Do you trust them?

howdy sir dandays! hey hey watch the big words here..inconspicuous...remember who you're talking to! lol. Howya doin sir? 16 hours this time since you wrote! I apologize. I have no idea where the time went but have you noticed that time speeds up when you spend time on steemit? Steemit time is different than regular time.

What do you mean about "re-enactments?" what happens on those? I love the non-commercialization celebration that you do for Christmas. Mrs. J would have alot of lights up but not enough to see in the next county! lol..that's a redneck joke that I had on my post yesterday or maybe the day before.

Anyway, she is working the day before, the day, and the day after and those are 12 hour shifts from 6pm to 6am so we're not doing anything, have no family down here anyway.

The average monthly income in CR is $750 dollars. lol. you used to make more than that in one day!
Everyone says the fastest way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it so I bet you'll learn it real fast and your wife can teach you some, vital phrases or questions before you get there right? Like where's the restrooms? lol. How did she learn it?

By inconspicuous you mean hidden away, in the background? Exactly what you don't want on Steemit and what everyone is striving for is the opposite? lol..well I'm a classic introvert.. very shy..Mrs. J calls me a hermit and that I could be. But I love people so I think that comes through on this platform and it doesn't affect my being introverted or wanting my privacy because most people would never think about asking me questions, they just talk about themselves...which is fine, it's why I've done so well here.

As far as being a homebody or hermit, it's funny because I've traveled around and lived in many different states and spent 25 years in the commercial floor maintenance business servicing retail stores so I was on the road that entire time and then in real estate we were on the road everyday in all directions inspecting houses. So I've spent my whole life on the road basically until right here since we moved to Texas.

Regarding eating out, it's one of my favorite things to do and I would do that at least a couple times a week if I could. Especially being close to Dallas and fabulous suburbs with world class restaurants.
When we were in the flooring business we had no money, in real estate we had money but zero time, working 16 hr days 7 days a week.

When we moved here it was a save every penny mentality and that's where Mrs. J is right now, that mentality. Penny pincher. And she is the one making an income at this point in time so she controls the finances. With an iron hand. I'm fine with that, so thankful that she isn't like so many women I've seen who love to shop and spend. She hates shopping anyway, probably because she'd have to spend! lol.

I leave the house once or twice a week to go to town for supplies and we've been going to a country church about 6 miles away, a Cowboy church actually. It's an interesting phenomenon mostly a Texas one. But generally there isn't a reason for me to leave the house. I mean I work outside almost everday if that's considered leaving the house.

I think Ginabot alerted me that you put a post out yesterday or the day before? I'll have to go over there and see how bad it is.
So regarding your know or feel that it is God's direction but you don't know why is that correct? how exciting! I can't wait to find out what happens there.Will the weather be similar to California?

It’s not a bad post at all. I told you I wouldn’t challenge you, I won’t. I said if I mentioned you it’s because I like you.

You’re fascinated with what I’ve got going on right now, janton, but trust me, you’re just as intriguing.

Yes, I do believe. I believe even this conversation is happening because that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Just saying the wOrd ‘plan’ or ‘coincidence’ makes me laugh. Him, yes. Why? There’s only one way to find out.

howdy sir dandays! ha! surprised ya didn't I? lol. Well when I said "bad" I wasn't referring to anything about me, I assume it has nothing to do with me but I was just teasing in general, you know, like what kind of garbage is it going to be this time? that type of "bad"..knowing of course that it will be something of excellence actually. not like some of the fluff I put out.

Yes that "plan" word is funny when you know you're in God's Will. It reminds me of when my wife went to do a valuation on a property and there was an old black lady living there.

Wow, I don't know what your Faith background is except Christianity but we are what would be considered by the mainstream church to be "radicals", crazies, probably cultists, arrogant and a bunch of other names because we ARE radical and peculiar in that we are Spirit filled, tongue talking, Holy Ghost led crazy faith filled Believers! lol.

So we have had many run ins with healings, prophecies, words of knowledge, visions, visitations, all kinds of supernatural things have happened and Mrs. J has been extraordinarily blessed to have experienced many of these wonderful gifts that the Bible talks about.

So, that's our background. And when she met this old black lady her son told my wife that she was a Prophetess. Well, some of the most astounding words of knowledge and prophetic utterances we've experienced were through Prophetess's( I don't know how to spell the plural of that lol). This lady sat her down and began to talk about things in my wife's life that no one could have known, this was the confirmation from God.

Then she began to prophecie to her and told her that she would go to Texas and that she would begin her ministry there but she was not to think that her ministry would be inside the church walls. So this move to Texas was a total leap of faith and now it's starting to get interesting.

And I gotta get off here now and start dinner, Mrs. J is going to be home soon. Next week she starts her strange third shift hours so she'll miss lunch and dinner but be back in time for breakfast, really bizarre for her. Not me, I worked third shift for at least 20 years. I gotta go, I'm babbling now sorry!

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