Hot, Too Hot and Golfito Bay (how to improvise) Food Fight Friday - Round 36 <ding>
We pulled into Golfito Bay earlier this week on Tuesday evening. We were supposed to arrive Monday afternoon but this is Costa Rica—intentions are on point and clocks are pointless.
We parked ourselves in the southern most point of Puntarenas Province for the next 30 days because we need to go to Panama by the 8th of next month. There’s a strip of bureaucratic tape that expires our drivers licenses once we’ve extended our stay in the country beyond 90 days which means our vehicle insurance cancels. We avoid that by taking a bus to either Panama or Nicaragua once every three months. What happens is, each time we exit and re-enter the country, we receive a #new stamp on our passports at the border which extends our stay another 90 days—we chose Panama this time. We’ve since learned the produce and groceries cost substantially less down there compared to Costa Rica so, while we’re in the area, we’ll be doing our grocery shopping in Panama too.
After making the seven hour two day drive, somehow scoring a last minute Air B&B on Monday night before finally arriving in Golfito Tuesday evening, just before sunset, we were hungry. We went across the street to Banana Bay Restaurante and Resort for dinner.
Eh, what’s up #steemit?! #Food fighters—happy Friday! I hope your week has been so perfect any better would be illegal like the ambient air temperature in Golfito Bay should be! Oh my goodness gracious ya’all, it’s hot—welcome to @foodfightfriday!
Arroz con camarones, ensalada y aderezo italiano, agua y papas fritas:
I usually order it the other way around: camarones con arroz which is shrimp with rice rather than arroz con camarones (rice with shrimp) but I didn’t have that option this time—hence the plate full of rice with a couple of shrimps on it. Now about that drive: Google maps says seven hours but with road construction, 4-wheel drive, detours, sight seeing, one immigration check-point, an occasional stop to take in the views, one diesel top-off and a couple of incidentals—seven really means 36.
36 is the temperature down here, too, 36 Celsius which equates to 96 Fahrenheit—another United States conditioning tactic. It was between 33 C and 39 C at our previous location, it was comfortable and prime beach/pool weather, bike rides, adventurous drives, etc. The difference down here is humidity—unforsaken, inescapable humidity and a lot of it—about a thousand percent!
Pura Vida’s worried about losing her tan this month because it’s too miserable to go outside. I told her I wouldn’t worry too much about her tan right now; it’s her skin, hair, eyes, fingernails and everything else including internal organs that have the potential of evaporating should you choose to stand outside down here—I broke a sweat by opening and closing the blinds just now so I could show you our view!
We didn’t do any grocery shopping until yesterday so we improvised for dinner and a sunset on our second evening here. We went down to La Playa Restaurant Bar & Grill—an oceanfront restaurant in the marina of Golfito Bay.
Pescado y papas fritas servido en una canasta en forma de bote, tartar casero, limon mesino y un vaso de agua:
@puravidaville has began releasing the death grip on her crippling diet so she ordered falafel and hummus—it came with pita bread and a side salad. I’m the beneficiary of her salads because she doesn’t like olives. She always asks to have them on the side and I make sure they get eaten.
Aceitunas negras y verdes libres en un tazón de aceite de oliva:
Have I mentioned how hot it is here? It’s so hot down here, fires can’t be extinguished. It’s so hot, air conditioners began speaking, just this morning I heard ours say “this sucks!” It’s so hot fish can’t be caught on the surface of the water, paint never dries and birds won’t fly in the daytime—yeah, it’s that hot! When you can’t ride a bicycle or enjoy the coastline, go for a walk, get in a decent work out or anything that exerts even the slightest fraction of energy, it’s time to improvise—fruity umbrella drinks with the baddest chick in the whole got dang bay!
Batidos de frutas afrutados. ¿Ha estado traduciendo estas descripciones o es su primera vez?
Same place next week, deal? Thanks for hanging out with me again on my favorite Friday of the week. Stop by and say hi on Discord—have a great weekend!

Click here for Monday.
Just wondering if you expected the weather to be as hot and humid as you describe. The La Palya Restaurant Bar and Grill looks like a great place to catch a bite to eat.
You know, maybe it's the company your keeping that makes you so hot. 😍 😍.
Try one of these 🛀 it may 🆒 you 👎🏿.
She definitely has something to do with it! Good morning, Sweed, I got two responses from you in the same day.. 🤔 I’m sensing some more Sweed sightings—welcome back!
No, heck no we didn’t prepare for this humidity. Still Western in our ways, which, in this for instance, means we’ve never dealt with “micro-climate.” It can be so different just 10 miles away with wind, dry air, etc. across the street, practically, it’s humid, raining and lush.
Part of the reason we’re doing this journey, though! Not only to show our friends and her family they don’t have to do what multiple generations have taught them but, if and when they finally make the decision to be free, we’ll at least have mapped out the micro-weather. 👍🏿
Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.
Man, yalls post always get my brain going too fast lol (not Costa Rican).
My life long neighbors are from Nicaragua.
"Just Livin" i think sums this up nicely.
You All Are Gangster 👣🖖
Really cool response right here dude, thanks a lot! Eh, it’s exciting, thanks for your interest. We’ve never done anything like this, it’s such a great experience.
That’s it, “just living.” Ed told me just about a week ago when I was telling him about all of the whole people that have brown people working for them, they all introduce themselves by blabbing about their money whereas Pura Vida and I respond “we’re just living.” Ed said that makes us sound like we’re even richer—do you think so?? Ha!! That’s funny if that’s the case, totally not our intention, we’re just being honest.
Thanks a lot for stopping by @weirdheadaches.
I figure your not braggin about it but I do see what Ed was saying. Just tell them to F off and go gangsta on them. Wait hold up no don’t do that!!! My inner thug came out. You know I am from deep in the streets of Tri-Cities Washington homie. HAHAHAHA
Posted using Partiko iOS
Dude whata’fa king jam! Eh, you continue to surprise with your tracks @weirdheadaches, most of the time I’m hearing something for the first time—you did it again with this one.
Eh, you couldn’t have been any better on the timing with this one either—“just living.”
@jlsplatts, @weirdheadaches.. let’s talk about my typo in the above message where my phone typed “whole people” instead of “white people.”
In case anyone was curious wether or not ios is racially motivated—I think we got our answer. Ha!!!!
King Jam 😂
I Love music @dandays 😊. "First time" haha, i try, i try lol. Yeah thats a dope song imho.
✌🏿 Homie
Howdy sir dandays! really fun post except it was getting uncomfortably warm just reading about the conditions. We like North Texas because it's not humid, I was never a fan of that. It's why people in the Deep South like Sour Carolina and Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana move like they're in slow motion!
Buenoa dias, Janton! Happy Friday! Man, last night, across the street from us at the boat docks, we had a falafel party—12 people. Pura Vida had her food processor and processed chickpeas amongst a bed of seasoning were served—delicious! Your Hermann captive story sure is a trip, it’s the first time I’ve ever had a glimpse into the mind of an Apache. It’s real interesting, sir. Kinda like a bunch of psychologists. 👍🏿
I’ve been in Dallas, Houston and Conroe. Conroe, Texas, I was a young kid but I remember it like it was yesterday. SO humid!! I remember the roads had steam coming off of them (not Steem, steam) and it wasn’t even raining! I was miserable there, I hated it. What I’m trying to say is, Conroe was nothing compared to this place and we’ve been counting down the days since our first nights sleep here. As I write you this response, we have 19 days to go.
Thanks for stopping by @janton.
Howdy sir dandays! thank you for the kind words and that falafel party sounds amazing!
So you are saying that Costa Rica has a big variance in the levels of humidity right?
I hope.
So you can eventually settle in an area that isn't brutal. Yes Conroe would be high humidity, where we are
it isn't humid like that or we wouldn't have moved here.
But I have talked to people from the Houston area and they say that you get used to it so it's not
a problem.
There sure is humidity variances, comfortable.. not so comfortable and miserable!
I’m just now getting around to listing my #fff contender that’ll guide you all through our little falafel party. Check it out when you get a chance, enjoy!
I hope you’re having the best weekend of the year, Janton. 👍🏿
Howdy sir dandays! I didn't even realize that it WAS the weekend! lol. until you said that.
So that means humidity will play a big role in the location of your place when you decide
to buy?
I'm not having the best weekend of my life because it's been raining all day and Mrs. J is
working this weekend but it still ain't bad, just not the best. But I appreciate the sentiment!
What are you guys doing this weekend?
This weekend, like any other day, Janton, try to avoid this heat. We’re at this location another 18 days, it’s just too miserable outside to do anything.
Buy? Yeah, uhm no. I had every intention of doing that until I realized I’d just be another white guy on the hill with brown people serving me—this country is a tourist destination, not home, “got it!” We’ll enjoy it here for probably the remainder of the year and then it’s off to the next one.
I’m proud of you for not knowing what day it is—it takes a long time to get to this point.
howdy sir dandays! what?? so you aren't going to live there at all? I mean permanently? I thought you were just talking about using it as a home base to travel the world before you bought a place but you're talking about just traveling the world and not buying in CR at all?
Wow you are going to be the envy of most of the people on this platform! Almost everyone wants to travel the world. Not me, I'm a homebody. But all the normal people out there. That's going to be amazing!
It DOES take alot to get to the point of not knowing what day it is, this was an accident. I usually have every day planned out and what to do throughout the day. It probably won't happen again for another ten years!
36 is nothing. Ask Arnold
My man! Eh, you off today? What’s on the agenda this weekend—shirt shopping? 😉
“This one’s too hot, this one’s too cold but this one—this one’s just right.”
Thanks for stopping by @edprivat. No, really! I didn’t have to go grab your
shirtarm and point this one out or anything.I’m not going to say much because I read it in front of you and you experienced my reactions first hand, but this is good; your posts are always good. Very very sneaky with the translation thing, Sir. I love you all the time. Thank you for our life handsomest!
I hope everyone got the translation thing the way you did—it was perfect! You’re very welcome beautiful but I ain’t driving this thing. All I do is wake up and open the door, the roads already paved. 😉 Muah!
Yep, and although I like to think I’m in control of things most of the time remembering that Gods got this does relieve me of a lot of pressure. I’m so thankful to go through this life with YOU! xo
@dandays, your plate of food looks so good. I love shrimp and rice and a good salad. On the cruise I ordered shrimp whenever it was available. You guys are having the time of your lives. Enjoy!!!
Hey what’s up @paleotwist? How was that cruise? The only cruise ships I’ve been on are the ‘booze cruises,’ 4 nights and four days of events that I can’t remeber. 😉
I bet I have camarones con arroz twice a week on average. It’s always my go-to, I get the carbs, the protein, the flavors are are always right—it’s never a bad decision. If we were in the same place, I’d insist ya’all join us for dinner!
Thanks for stopping by @paleotwist.
Hi @dandays, is that typical Golfito food?
It looks really delicious.
Oh for sure! Seafood with rice, seafood with pasta, you’ll find that one everywhere.
Thanks for stopping by @alpayasteem.
Great review @dandays and really liked the dish in the photo, it looks very appetizing. I hope that the heat subsides and you enjoy the rest in this wonderful place!
Thank you, serkagen, I’m glad you enjoyed the read! I like putting these contenders together on Fridays.
I’m with you, I hope we acclimate to this weather before we leave, hopefully soon as in now and not the day before we leave. 😉
Thanks for stopping by @serkagan.
Well there's another common thread between us Steem power couples--@dksart doesn't like olives either, so on our table the situation would be reversed. I totally dig those briny little suckers. You probably need them to replace some of the salt your losing sweating all that much!
Man, you both have me craving some French fries now....
Well happy Saturday to me! Check me out, waking up to a plantstoplanks sighting. Buenos dias senorita!
Garlic stuffed, pickled, onion stuffed, spicy, you know what I’m talking about then, right? iheart olives—guilty! She hasn’t had any French fries for like 6 months, she’s had some I think twice now in the past week, yeah.. I don’t know how she did it!!
I’m not making this up. I had a hand towel with me at the market. and I used it! As soon as I got out of the truck, wiping my face, wiping my arms. Wa! Wa! Wa! But really, I hope we acclimate to this joint. But, if we don’t, “noted!”
Thanks for stopping by @plantstoplanks.
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Thank you, verifyme and That’s actually a yea and a half of no bid bots—but who’s counting?
Thanks for stopping by @veryifyme.