Press Release: Feria de Manizales 64 in 2020 and Visitor Information

Members of the Press met this morning at Teatro Fundadores for the kick-off of the 64th Feria de Manizales, 2020. The presentation was short, sweet and it gave us the necessary information that the public needs to know!
With no further ado - here are the top tips and recommendations by the alcaldes (mayors) office for the Feria Mas Grande 2020.
Feria de Manizales 2020 Important Information

Saturday the Avenida Santander (Carrera 23) will be closed all day in anticipation of the Cabalgata - or horse parade. The mayor and his team ask that anyone who has a car, to please keep it parked and use public transportation.
The Mayors Office and National Police are evaluating the possibility of keeping segments of the city streets blocked based on pedestrian traffic, with the possibility of some streets remaining closed for the duration of the fair for a lower carbon footprint and better facility for foot traffic.
All outside visitors are being carefully checked and monitored by national police at the Peajes, or Toll Gates and all entrances into Manizales. The National Police will be here and vigilant. Of course, the best vigilance is the participation of our citizenry to encourage safe and responsible behavior.
A special emphasis is being placed on sustainability in this 64th version of the Feria Mas Grande. An easy to download or distribute via WhatsApp VERSION of the Feria de Manizales 2020 Event Program (Spanish Only), is available on the official website
What are the top recommendations for Feria de Manizales 2020?
"All events are recommended - but especially that they experience the flavor of the Coffee Culture Landscape (Paisaje Cultural Cafetero). Visit the Temporada Taurina (Bullfights), at least one of the International Coffee Beauty Queen pageant events, learn about the art of our Caldense and Colombian creatives, and definitely visit the Artisan Fair at ExpoFerias. Finally, I would recommend that they drink a good Colombian coffee. This is from our Corazon Cafetero - coffee heart, that you come and enjoy a marvelous flavor."
Dr. Juan Jose Silva, Director Institute of Culture and Tourism of Manizales
Emergency Contact Information
- Cruz Roja, or Red Cross...dial 132
- Bomberos, or Fire Department...dial 119
- Civil Defense...dial 144
- Policía Nacional, or National Police...dial 112
- Invias, or Road Emergencies...dial #767
- Circulation y Transito (Transit Officials)...dial 8733131
- Unidad Gestión de Riesgo, or Risk Management Unit...dial 8845393
Our Sponsors
Our event coverage in sponsored by these local businesses who deserve your attention!
Herman Correa Correa - Gente y Algo Mas Tv, bringing you professional event commentary and coverage in Manizales and the Coffee Axis. (Spanish)
Mr. Tango Shoes Academy and Social Salon - Learn how to dance Tango, Milonga and Vals in only Calle del Tango in the world. Mr. Tango will be hosting a dance party every day of the fair with professional dance shows at 5:00 and 10:00 PM - NO COVER!
Bariloche Cafe y Estilo - Serving Specialty Colombian Coffee from La Merced, Caldas with a generous dose of love and style! Be sure to visit them for a cappuccino, frappuccino, unique cocktails or a juice or aromatica.
On A More Personal Note
Coffee Axis Travel would like to personally thank all of our audience for your ongoing participation. We appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to tune in, Like and SHARE our information.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page: for ongoing information and updates as we bring you LIVE video every day in as many events as our one woman team of journalistic vigor can possibly attend AND provide coverage for.