Beak Culture: Interview With MVBeak [Steemit Exclusive!]

in #fepe7 years ago (edited)

Beak culture is a phenomenon that started in summer of 2AG. Dr. Wrenchhard Beaksmith interviews the most prolific representatives of the movement exclusively for steemit.

Dr. Wrenchhard Beaksmith:
Beakings MVBeak, thanks for taking your time for this interview! Let’s jump right into it, shall we?
When it comes to the Fepe tribe, you are first generation – you were there when Fepe first saw the light of day. A short time later, you created the smash hit ‚Put A Beak On It‘ which of course samples vocal snippets from IPS and which is regarded by many as quite simply THE Fepe anthem. What are your thoughts on being one of the progenitors of the PABOI movement? Doesn’t the responsibility kill you sometimes? And how do you deal with sucka emcees that are fakin’ the funk?

The day Fepe was born was something special. IPS’s call for the emperor penguin as a Flat Earth mascot was answered swiftly by Kyle and far exceeded most of our expectations. The rich symbolism, proportions and simplicity made it instantly adoptable as the visual representative for our emerging cause.
After submitting art for the GLOBEXIT art show in July I took a break from drawing and began to focus on music. The amount of amazing Flat Earth music coming out at that time had me inspired to contribute, much like the art did months earlier. I spent a few months really analysing the vast scope of Flat Earth music that was coming out, in order to figure out what sort of sound and style I felt was needed and how I was going to present it. I remember thinking that FE music needed some dirty underground niche club music with a bit of edge to cool it up. After making a basic track in the start of September I remember toying with so many of IPS’s quotables before deciding to use "Put a beak on it" while singing it over in my head at work. When I came home I started trawling through the hours of livestreams to find the line. I only remembered IPS saying it during a stream from a week or so earlier and recalled Fase’s dancing fepettes being on the screen... After some time of scanning through thumbnails for that scene with no success, I randomly found a part of a stream I never saw with one of my memes on the screen, quite surprised I decided I’d have a break and listen to what was said about it. It was a meme of Fepe on the Malcolm-X-by-the-window photo and said 'By any memes necessary'. While describing it IPS said "He took the Malcolm X picture and just put a beak on it." Full beak sync! I found the exact line I wanted. For the clip I just remember crudely cropping and dropping Fepe on as many things as I could think of to put a beak on as quickly as I could, I was so excited and didn’t want to wait another day longer while I was at work to put it out, I wrapped it up and uploaded it despite its short 2 and a half minute length haha!
I felt putting a beak on something is to learn, know and understand what that something is. The development of our own lexicon called for it as the perfect phrase for the thoroughly open minded resarch we do in the lodge. As far as the responsibility goes, I think we are all individually responsible for putting a beak on it (whatever we choose) in whatever way we are able to... Every beak matters, beaks break spells. When I hear or see things I’ve done influencing others work my beak smiles, thats how our cult moves forward, if it wasn’t for Kyle's painting of that penguin from IPS’s ideas, plus all the contributors in the think tank back then I wouldn’t have been influenced to do what I do.

What do you do when you’re not putting a beak on things?

Haha, if I’m not putting a beak on things my beak probably hurts from putting it on things, so I'm resting it. Or carefully concealing it while I’m at my day job, which I seem to have turned into a social experiment for red pill distribution.

Describe how you approach a new PABOI project. What triggers you to actually put a beak on something? Which parameters are you taking into consideration, if any? Or do you just go with the flow & freestlyle?

As far as the projects go, it's different every time, sometimes a clear idea forms after months of thinking about it... Sometimes someone in the lodge will do or say something that lights me up instantly and I can’t not run with it... It's refreshing and very humbling to be part of such a dynamic, funny, creative, intelligent and considerate group of people... I spent some lonely years thinking that I must have been the only person that thinks like I do. To be in the lodge with people from all over the known world who I share so much in common with is empowering and seems in a way like a reward for choosing to make my own path through life.

If the government would prohibit the fine but also controversial art of PABOI tomorrow, would that make any difference to you? Do you even give a flying flap about the government?

I don’t care about the government enough to let it influence how I choose to put a beak on life. Anyone playing a role in the G.A.M.E. and their collective war against the individual is misanthropic, whether they are ignorant of it or not. I feel like if the government started encouraging people to put a beak on it, it would be Fape's illegitimate beak put only on various versions of pink ranch.


Looking at the bigger picture of art history, how would you classify PABOI? Would you consider PABOI to be the missing part of the trinity, when the two other parts are graffiti & street art? Is it safe to say that PABOI is the end of the ancestral line? The ultimate art, with nothing else to come after this?

That's a really good question... I hadn’t thought about it like that... I think you’re right, Fepe and putting a beak on it is a natural anti-statist artform, definitely in the same spirit as graffiti. I think art in general plays a bigger part in life than most people realise. Art, on one hand, has forever been used by any era's ruling class to filter reality through ideologies and cultures that support their agendas, from early religious art expressed in symbols, painting and literature to the same reality filtering art used today in mediums like film etc... On the other hand, I think people expressing contrary views have always artistically responded with a type of "graffiti" movement, though its form of expression differs accordingly. History however, being written by its victors, ensures evidence of those art movements rarely survive untarnished beyond their time.
I think what we do and stand for, as FEPE, is possibly the most artistically developed and refined counter-culture to have arisen in the last 200 or so years. I’m not sure where it's going to go, or how it will develop or change over time, but I can see the tip of the beak reaching far into the future.

Since scientists have found that Australia is not down under on the globe, but rather „out there“ on the plane, FEPE worldwide are starting to solidarise with you and your compatriots, using #180. Do you have any words for people that may suffer from similar traumas like being told that they are living upside down on an isolated continent at the bottom of a ball? Do you feel a strong connection with people from the south of Argentina? What did it bring about when you found out that it’s not raining upwards after all, and that airplanes are actually landing the right way, like in every other country? How can anybody overcome such a devastating discrimination of being portrayed as a bat all their lives? Or do you, on the other hand, miss the compassion the rest of the world had for Australia?

#180 is a huge civil rights issue. It transcends so many apparent issues as its plight is equally relevant and life changing to everyone. No matter where you are on a globe, you’re "upside down" to someone else, it’s a great example of gaslighting. Some people are deluded enough to consider themselves "right side up" despite the bearingless nature of scientism's bogus cosmology. The absurd notion that you stand at "the top" of the globe and everyone else is on lower – becoming even further lower – ground around you until they’re upside down and opposite you, is dangerously egocentric. I feel personally we are all alive sharing this apparently flat world together, it should be acknowledged that we are all on the same level, facing the same way up standing side by side in support and solidarity.

Have you been autohoaxing a lot lately?

The autohoaxing never stops, not a day goes by where hoaxes aren’t presented as a reality, some are conflated more than others, some are hoaxed to larger degrees than others but I forever reserve the right to doubt and question all that I am told to accept on faith. My beak was sharpened with skepticism and no barrage of auto-beliefs can dull it. Media-exiting was liberating. Seeing youtube unleash its army of paid trolls, delete channels and enforce rigid thought policing was enough for me to cut any remaining ties to a media outlet. Being selfmediated is the healthiest way to live.

If you had to choose, would you rather live your life without your beak or without your wrench? And explain why.

Hmmm, at this point in 3AG I’d have to say I’d keep my beak and live without my wrench. The wrench was necessary while the beak sharpening was happening, now most of our beaks are so sharp nothing can stop them. I also feel like we could always get some wrenches for hire if needed, but the sharpening of a beak is a long dedicated process that a lot of people never begin.

Any last words for people that are not putting beaks on it? And what can we expect from you for the rest of the year 3AG?

I guess in life there will always be beakless ones and those with a bit of a beak learning how to put it on it. At the tip, we’ll just keep getting sharper and more focused, leading the way. From me expect more music, memes, art and literature in 3AG, I’ll probably put out an album in the next few months. You can also expect to see me at the next FEMA camp. I’d like to thank you DWB for taking the time to ask me some really thought provoking questions, I hope my answers made sense. I’d like to thank everyone in the Blue Wrench Lodge, my home, I love you all. Thanks to all the FEPE who support what I do – I do it for you. Keep it beak.

Beaks a lot, MVBeak, and beaks up!

Watch the video clip of Put A Beak On It:

Follow MVBeak on steemit:

This is Fepe:
Not to be confused with FEPE and definitely not to be confused with Fape

Flat Earth People Everywhere

Fake Fepe, who needs to get pink ranched on sight

Tip of the beak
When you're on top of your game, then you are tip of the beak

Beakspeak for research

A wrench is a tool and looks like this:
It's the lodge's weapon of choice to slay trolls, among other things

Pink Ranch
The opposite of a blue wrench

The deception complex that is Government, Academia, Media, Entertainment

The opposite of autobelieving

FEMA camp
Flat Earth Music and Art festival

Blue Wrench Lodge
The world's most dangerous and productive think tank

Dr. Wrenchhard Beaksmith:
Dr. Wrenchhard Beaksmith (born 1933) has been studying beak culture since day one. He has a degree in wrenchology and in beakosophy. Dr. Beaksmith is an intimate cognoscente of everything Fepe, and an honorary member of the Blue Wrench Lodge.




The Birth of FEPE 2ndJune2017 on FLAT EARTH part1(2nd-6th June 2017)

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