@blackmedschn begins this post with a statement about Blecky's sensitivities ? !She just had to calm down by producing tons of #GIFs again ? What did !she need to calm herself down from ? The behavior of the penoids, stuff like that. @blackmedschn was amazed and asked why such micro-aggressions can upset !her so much, why !she couldn't stand up to !it.
A penoidal like @blackmedschn would either never understand this , came out of !her before !she disappeared behind a monitor.

 | @blackmedschn had managed to speak at an event about feminism, only very briefly, but the result was that @blackmedschn was chased by a Vaginal that apparently had completely different problems than political feminism ?
Of cause, @blackmedschn had already noticed this person in the hall and now @blackmedschn was bombarded with vaginal strategies to force the performance of penoid acts. |
It's not as if "that" seems rehearsed, the Vaginal is convinced of !her "power of persuasion", and @blackmedschn can hardly hide the effects caused in @blackmedschn. Of cause, this "poor" Vaginal can not know , @blackmedschn maybe getting hormonally fitted and banging on like a hammer ?? What !she really can´t know is @blackmedschn just having no interest any penoid patterns to be executed , feels disgusted having them forced on @blackmedschn. |  |
 | Sure @blackmedschn would have been willing, but by no means on penoid terms. The patterns @blackmedschn would find in the case of this Vaginal but would have been fully designed for penoidal penetration beliefs. |
Should have @blackmedschn let the Vaginal get closer and closer , because !she won't give up , until the coercion behind this behavior is obvious, before @blackmedschn clearly names the topic -> coercion to anti-feminist behavior ? |  |
How more obvious then, and please , when hasn't it been not obvious ?
 | @blackmedschn used to learn just simply let this component resonate, hidden and suffering, unfortunately, because as a Penoid to tenderly touch "foreign" Vaginals, as women can do among themselves, nogo, borderline at least, pointless, useless to try . |
Today, however, @blackmedschn would take the liberty of saying so and setting the limit through a "confession" ? |  |

 | After all, homosexuality is nearly totally advertised and smeared with penetration through erect penises, but in real reality certainly is much more tender, @blackmedschn would write in favor of the damned penoid race, although Blecky protested, because Blecky knew about that, i.e. double penoidity but nothing at all, @blackmedschn could reply. In the case of lesbianism, however, #MALE has failed to uphold the idea of penetration, lesbian sexuality receives no public attention, and that's a good thing still. | 

 | Nice how bold Blecky got !herself together again, but what !she really wants to insist on is something @blackmedschn doesn't really want to write in here, but rather explore the reactions again first. |

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