Let's list the biggest yugest failures of females leadership --- americans of african descent remark of the day
so we have cleopatra, last active pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt...
who rather than let her Brother, the real next in line to rule the kingdom of egypt, she sucked the dick of a roman (son of rome), who lost his mind to believe the crap of the bimbo of the nile. sadly for her, most of the daughters of rome saw through her little game... but what can you do... vipers ultimately won :).
next emperess dowager Cixi last active feodal ruler of Imperial China...
sad story, necessary, as hard as it may sound to usher the great transition and rejuvenation. Or resaid when something get static too long, when it moves again, there is a lot of event cemented dust...
fluidity : 变化, 易变性;不稳定性, 运动, 流畅, 液体, 流动性
way way way beyond my current understanding possibilities...
I need a software in which I can type on-drive a word in english and get the ToLo but certified, in the sense the real official language of the official with approval by the officials... I mean the full circular, at least for the first 25000 ones :) aka the easies...
but sadly, as we can see we are only a 2...
hmm who could be next?
If I may say the queen of england watched during her life the biggest peaceful territorial retracement ever ! who else, the iranian bimbo, kween esther? who else... with the incas/mayas etc? what role did the females played? the downfall of america, from hitlary to the thief of california, or the traitors of arizona... would michael be in? hahaha or maybe barrack :D.
i would say the downfall of france is really a collective endaevor...
interesting evolution of the discussion... rather than focus (which is) on the individual female super epic fail, the collective ones... :).
because let's face it, ROME, collective of females... aka not the vipers. no, not them...
but who else? who else...
ps you note that none of those females were defeated by another female.
it's the problem of females, they can't rule "imperial front lines"...
you think seriously that a female could lead a "barbarian front line"?
you know those barbarians leaders, contrary to some (most, all) roman leaders, are THERE !
mothers fuckers of all hells ... THERE !
HERE !! EVEN !!!!
glory to them.
no ceasars, you won't be able to touch them, they are with us.
why ceasars?
because they are worthy of leading us !
and like that the chain of command disintegrated, and finally formalism was gone.
However I was deeply shocked by the lack of respect for the institution displayed by the big black guy... specially the fist bump.... they aren't your friends - respect goes both way.
but I say that... I guess it's old neuropath having difficulties to reframe, due to the constant and even brief adverstiment... like I zapped on a music channel and there was the pedoflag...
what? if it was worth something, you wouldn't have let alive those who raped kids below.
edits :
so yeah :
peaceful largest single retreat in the history of the world... so may say hero? who knows... time will tell...
but the next one it's clear :
she is among those who protected, defended, covered and supported the pedos, at least I believe, furthermore, if Trump is a PEDO he could be impeached, judged and executed, no need to rig election and specially as he still isn't... aka total epic fail.
all proportion kept of course...
who else...
it's important to be conscious of the real neural framing remaining... it doesn't mean they will dissapear as such, but to understand them, to conscious them :)
maybe adding merkal and her rapefugee fetish? who knows...
next... the boys in backs...
because there wasn't the remarks... I didn't saw you in the darkness :)
no, I mean it's hard, in a sense, even with DNA ancestry test, you can't know from which tribe you are from...
the great african of american descent melting pot :)...
curious how the REAL AFRICANS see you... maybe for some they can tell, maybe he is from there... or not, because they don't know the WHOLE of AFRICA. who does?
what I mean is that barack isn't an american of african descent... nope he is an african... he knows where his father tribe is from. you don't.
it's not a problem
what can be a problem is that some maybe tempted to foment a clever little plan : use racism _ wokism etc, to replace the west with african using the blacks as covergate in a pure classical take off power in the pure western tradition... haha bounties !
and then first is tribe, then there is the villages, and then the burial grounds...
hi, little red men, I see that the "english" treated you badly, we aren't surprised, as expected :D.
aka moving beyond slavery, where are you from? those suckers from irish heritage knows... more or less... like barack I think... or he is king of scotland too? I don't follow much the past of the enemies of mankind.
and all of this because of a video game : assassin creed origin... and they said gaming doesn't make you think? what a bunch of kuffars miscreants unbelievers uneducated cultural savages.