Radical Mothering

in #feminism7 years ago

I'm encouraged to write an introductory post so I suppose this will have to be it! My name is Tasha-Rose. I am a mother of six and wife to an incredible husband. We live in the heart of St. Paul, Minnesota's Midway neighbourhood. I am a stay at home mother and homeschool four of our six children in the Waldorf/Steiner method.

I have been politically active for all of my adult life. Until recently if you asked me my party affiliation, I'd have told you that I was a dyed blue in the wool Democrat. That changed right around this time last year when, in my feminist activism I became notorious for my gender critical positions regarding the transgender movement. I was met with rape and death threats, my children were threatened, my husband was threatened. The liberal "community" told me I got what I deserved for "denying trans people's right to exist." Their words, not mine. Interestingly I had been very public and vocal about trans issues for about two-ish years prior and nary a word was spoken about it... but then I decided to run for the non-partisan school board. The tailspin that resulted from that was really an uncovering of information for me. Some call it being "red-pilled", I just call it re-framing what was already my worldview. Statistics and information about all manner of political topic started revealing the more I looked and suddenly my husband and I were saying to one another, "oh my god, we are conservatives!"

Previously I have identified myself as a feminist. I haven't been one to abide to supposed "sex-posi" third wave of faux feminism, however. I have always definitely been a second waver...but even that is shifting slightly as I am finding the analysis doesn't go quite deep enough. The positions put forth in 2nd wave, or Radical Feminism, just don't go far enough in asking the "why" for my level of curiosity. Nuance is all but forbidden and everything a woman does is valid because she is "surviving under patriarchy." These are not concepts that I think should be encouraged. I do not think that Western women are oppressed. I look at the women's march and legitimately ask myself what they are marching for. The ONLY real oppression I see Western women facing is that of the transgender movement and the erasure of the language that defines women and our collective common experiences of being female, and the erosion of the social protections we have that the first and second wave fought for. I see, really, a lot of women who haven't had social strife or stigma or any real barriers put up in front of them, complaining that the opposite is true... and with no real sticking information to prove it. I see women who are claiming feminism is the fight for the liberation of all women, but who exclude women who value life and are against abortion, who exclude women who are heterosexual and mothers, who exclude conservative women, who exclude Christian women. I see a group that includes in their fight solely those who would lean left, and who don't seem to do much real world work to benefit women and children, but rather take to the internet or make signs and go to marches and that's it. I see a culture that will shame women to high heaven for not agreeing on the wage gap theory, for calling out that pro-choice means also the choice to have children and as many as a woman wants to have, a movement that says all men are rapists and that women in heterosexual relationships are being raped every time they have sex with their husband or boyfriend. I see women who want to maintain divisions of race. Who will tell white women that they need to stand up for black women, and then when they do, they get told to stay in their own lane, and when they do, they get called racist for not standing up for black women. It's a constant circle of hierarchical oppression instead of a united front to liberate women in the whole world... it's western feminism that centers western women and doesn't care anything about trafficked women from the near and far East, from Africa, the women oppressed by Islam in the Middle East and Africa and how that oppression is most definitely spilling into the first world. I see mostly white western women not caring about the maternal and neonatal mortality rates in third world countries, or FGM that is mutilating the bodies of girls and young women in Africa.... the ONLY time I see FGM mentioned is to out trauma MGM and the fight to gain a law in the USA that disallows RIC of baby boys just like we have a law protecting baby girls. That is LITERALLY the ONLY time I ever see FGM mentioned.

I see flaws abounding throughout what passes as 2nd wave Radical Feminism, and how it has exactly contributed to the total moral decay of third wave feminism.

I have turned to conservatives who are acting as the champion for women's liberation from pornography, sexual violence, sex trafficking, surrogacy and child theft via adoption, who are working on the fight to safeguard women and girls from the impact of trans ideology, and who are equally holding women up as capable and strong. The only thing I see both the right and left getting wrong so far as women go, is the abortion issue.... perhaps that's a topic for another post.

So that's where I am. I am a feminist, but not the variety you may think of when the word comes to your mind. I am joyfully taking on the most radical thing I can in our modern day: mothering. I am infusing my whole world view into this task of rearing children in a world that really wants to see them fail, that wants to see them without a moral compass, that seeks to destroy the virtue that I work alongside my husband to instill in them. I mother gently, compassionately, and truthfully and I hope you'll hang out with me on the journey as I express my thoughts on all of the above plus some.

You can find me on social media on Twitter @ tasharoseradmam, on facebook.com/tasharoseradmama on youtube.com/radicalmothering and of course I am on patreon and paypal under Radical Mothering if you want to donate. I will also be developing a stream on DTube and will likely keep my Youtube mostly homemaker lifestyle oriented.

If you have questions or a topic you would like to see me cover, please let me know.
Thanks much. Looking forward to being a part of this community.19227803_121385065123513_238190914776858624_n.jpg


Wow! A lot to take in but I'm with it. As an intersectional feminist who is sex-pos, pro-choice, pro-lgbtq and also pro-mother. - i welcome you and your debate. I believe that trans women are women and that the main thing harming young girls and boys is binary gender socializing (outside of the normal, physical dangers). I fully subscribe to radical feminism and have created a group called #teamgirlpowa we have christians, muslims, pagans, mystics, -- gay and straight men and women, trans and genderfluid or non-binary persons -- sex-positive authors and yes-- lots of amazing mommies!!! Im not oneof them but i totally honor motherhood as work.

I look forward to reading your posts and having discussions and maybe fighting a little but hopefully, ultimately respecting one another.


Totally willing to engage in respectful debate. I just ask that we operate on facts and not feelings. I won't police your language, but I also expect that you won't have the expectation that I use your language. I will never call a man a woman. I will never say that transwomen are women, because they are not. Sex is objectively observed and not really up for debate at all. It is not changeable. I will agree that societal conditioning is a problem... and it manifests in gender ideology.

Intersectional feminism was never meant to intersect being male with women's liberation.

Thanks for the welcome and I look forward to more engagement!

Its a huge hill to get around. I'm not sure I can go to the other side now that i have had in depth friendships and relationships with trans men , trans women, and genderfluid/non-binary persons. I think that the hang up is tragic, not because I'm right or wrong but because people who were assigned the wrong gender or dont fit on the binary system have added so much beauty to my life. You will miss it simply because you chose to deny that they exist. Its a bummer to say the least but it is what it is. I dont come across a lot of feminists on steemit. When I do we always have various disagreements but this one is against the policies of the group I usually invite women to here. :(

As for "intersectional feminism wasn't meant" well, maybe? Or: all feminism is an ongoing exploration of gender equality and sexual freedom. None of us are suffragates, and we don't need to be. That said, its not intersecting being male. They are not male. They are women. :D

I probably can't engage much if we cant get past this huge hurdle. Best of luck.

Make no mistake.. there is no denial of their existence. There is denial however, that one can change their sex. We are not assigned anything, we are observed to have physical characteristics that categorize us as either the impregnating class or the impregnated class. That's it. Everything else is personality... and gender is the pathology of personality.

Trranswomen are male. end of. We cannot change our biological classification.

I agree @radicalmothering, to me personally, biological sex is non-negotiable and when someone cannot accept their biology it is a mental illness and should be treated as such. We cannot be expected to change the literal definition of these words (sex and gender) because a small minority believe they're something they're not.

Gender on the other hand, again to me, is whatever you choose it to be, like you said, it's reflective of your personality. Same for sexual orientation or even the lack thereof.

Welcome to Steemit, followed because we obviously share some views!

welcome to steemit my friend. i enjoyed reading your introduce. good luck!

Thanks so much! I am really kind of excited about this platform.

This is very nice post I like very much your efforts keep it up
God bless you 🌠

Thank you so much for the welcome!


Be whoever you want be as long you are true to yourself and respect the truth of others. ✌️

Thanks for the welcome. I will say right off the bat that I am not one that cares much for "personal truth." The concept of personal truth has been used as a club to beat people with if they practice any kind of wrong think. Personal truth doesn't exist. There is THE truth and your opinion. I hope we can tackle these issues in further posts! Thanks for dropping by!

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