Feminism Sunday: Let's Talk About TERFs

in #feminism6 years ago

Last week, there was an attempt to hijack Pride in London by a group of TERFs. What are TERFs? What's their deal? Let's talk about it on Feminism Sunday.

First, I want to acknowledge how problematic it is that I, as a cis man, am the one writing this. But this is my bi-weekly column about feminist issues, and this was a major event. I would be remiss to ignore it. Also, I have taken to heart this call by Christine Burns for cis allies to make our voices heard on this.

So, what are TERFs? It's an acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. These are feminists who believe only those born with a vagina and XX chromosomes are women, and that trans women, are men masquerading as women. They think growing up as a trans woman means growing up with male privilege, and completely disregarding the marginalization that comes with being trans.

TERFs are a sad phenomenon, particularly because there was a time when some of them were important feminist figures. Australian Germaine Greer, for instance, was an absolutely essential feminist voice in the 1970s. But one cannot let the sympathy over the fall from grace stop one in fighting against their absolutely toxic ideology.

To put it bluntly, trans erasure kills. The suicide rates among trans folks who are accepted and affirmed by their family and surroundings are not very different from those in general society. The suicide rates among trans folks who are rejected and condemned by their family and surrounding are astoundingly high. 40% percent of trans folks have attempted suicide. Forty. Percent. So you will excuse me if I give talk of trans women having male privilege ALL THE SIDEEYE.

The attempt by TERF lesbians to hijack pride is particularly galling in light of the history. Pride was born in the Stonewall riot, which was lead by trans women of color such as Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson. Trans women of color have been at the forefront of the battle for equal rights from the very start, and the attempt to erase them by white lesbians is abhorrent.

Further reading

TERF at Geek Feminism wiki
Pride in London sorry after anti-trans protest




I always am enlightened with your blog, thank you. It boggles my mind someone could bother to discriminate in that manner that just doesn't make sense to me.

I just do not understand this level of ignorance and lack of understanding, there is enough segregation in the world without this against people that should be seen as allies. Thank you for highlighting this @didic how easy it is to forget how some were at the forefront.

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