Liberal men become pussys.
Gallows humor. Locker room humor. Barroom banter. Construction site language. Cuss like a sailor. The rough edged language used by men is a fact of life. Feminists wanted to be like men so bad they bared their chests and started showing how "equal" they were by emulating the rough language of men. But rather than using that language on a ship at sea or an oilfield in West Texas or a backroom poker game they started using it in public around their children and in mixed social settings. They made themselves look undignified and cheap. Frankly they failed in every way in their bid to become men. Why? Because they're women.
So what do feminists do? They realized they will never be manly because you must be a man to be manly, so they started a campaign to emasculate men. They attempted to make men feminine. Equality at the cost of natural law. Feminism is part of the progressive agenda and part of the liberal agenda so the liberal men must get on board. Basically, to be succinct and get right to the point, liberal men become pussys.