Women In Violent Waves

in #feminims7 years ago

Violence Against Women is increasing year by year. Not infrequently we hear the phenomenon of violence occurs everywhere. Gender equality is only recorded in books alone, while the number of violence against women continues. So women become a scourge that is always talked about.

Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Tidak jarang kita mendengar fenomena kekerasan terjadi dimana-mana. Kesetaraan gendre seakan hanya tercatat dalam buku saja, sementara angka kekerasan terhadap perempuan terus berlanjut. Sehingga perempuan menjadi momok yang selalu dibicarakan.


Educated people such as military personnel, police officers, government officials, political party leaders and even religious figures are involved as perpetrators of this violence. whereas they are also born of a woman and raised by women as well.

Orang-orang berpendidikan seperti anggota militer, aparat kepolisian, para pejabat di pemerintahan, pengurus partai politik bahkan tokoh-tokoh yang mengerti agama justru terlibat sebagai pelaku kekerasan ini. padahal mereka juga terlahir dari seorang perempuan dan dibesarkan oleh perempuan pula.

It is a terrible phenomenon for us women when victims of violence do not look at any dimension. women, are regarded as physically weak creatures, despite the fact that they are contrary to the statement. History has proven that women are also at the forefront of the war.

Sungguh fenemona yang mengerikan bagi kami kaum perempuan ketika korban kekerasan tidak memandang dimensi apapun. perempuan, dianggap sebagai makhluk lemah secara fisik, meskipun kenyataan bertolak belakang dengan pernyataan tersebut. Sejarah telah membuktikan bahwa perempuan juga berada dibarisan paling depan saat perang.


Back to the reality in our environment now that crime and violence exist not only because of the "doer" effort, but because there is a chance. So as a strong woman, prove to the world that we are not weak people who continue to be oppressed.

Kembali pada kenyataan di lingkungan kita sekarang bahwa kejahatan dan kekerasan ada bukan hanya karena usaha “si pelaku”, akan tetapi karena ada kesempatan. Maka sebagai perempuan yang kuat, buktikan pada dunia bahwa kita bukan orang lemah yang terus di tindas.

Strive! Save our generation for a nobler future.

Berjuanglah! Selamatkan generasi kita demi masa depan yang lebih mulia.


Yes, I fully support you dear .but did you know that in the Czech Republic,Prague is very much neglected violence,people come from other cities not that far specifically to rape girls.I've seen a lot of news about it,mostly people with nasty African looks go purposefully to Prague to take their way as they said.there is legal prostitution and it is very bad, and with drugs there in General trouble full!which only looks at the government and generally think it is doing or just does rowing money of the locals in his pocket?

Thank you :)