The Boudoir
She met him online and right from their first words it was like he knew her and by knew her he seemed to really know her like a spiritual being that had lived in her head from the time her thoughts these exciting and thrilling thoughts began to flourish in her mind. More fantasies than thoughts. Fantasies that initially were innocent enough. Strangers she had never met kissing her making her instantly wet. Then as she began to explore her sexuality these fantasies would evolve. A natural evolution for her mind taking on a darkness and excitement few would understand. Breaking many societal norms. Smashing them to pieces yet still private lived out in her mind innocently enough.
Occasionally she would explore various topics from her fantasies with her girlfriends and quickly realising she was different to them but not to him. The expanse of his mind drew her admiration. Rather than being surprised or shocked he began to help her explore her inner most thoughts and fantasies. Challenge her to explore further, delighted at every small step she took. Every thought a little more lascivious.
The good men she had been with even her husband had always fallen short of her expectations often at odds with her desires, jealous of her thoughts of other men, struggling to understand. Thoughts that had the power to smash a traditional relationship, tear a weak marriages part at the seams. And so, her thoughts for years kept privately to herself.
It was now though that she began to feel like it would be her that would be torn apart at the seams keeping it inside her. The pressure building slowly.
Maybe it was her stage in life, from thirties to early forties women peak sexually. The perfect cocktail of sexual hormones feeding the brain, interrupting concentration at times making it impossible to think or form rational thought. Almost impossible to explain to someone unless you experience it yourself and yet he knew He knew in detail her mental state. The constant conflict in her mind wanting to fit in. To think and be normal like others and yet knowing she was not. Far from normal by many proper standards.
To him the life he was living was normal. Very typical. His fascination with the female mind, the female form with everything beautiful and fascinating about women had led him to this point in his life. Lead him to her. She could be the one. His destination. The student.....
Independently wealthy he began to prepare her ultimate fantasy. In his mind it would be a gift of sorts, an experience. Unsure of whether she was prepared enough if she was ready. Whether she would enjoy the lengths and level of detail he had put into this idea. His way to liberate her without judgement. Even if it were to be the one time in her life where she could truly explore the fantasy as it became reality.
The venue was booked, it was a small resort, replete with all the luxuries you could expect from a high-end resort. Pools, spas, gardens to relax and of course a decent sized hall that had been completely transformed. Construction and fit-out nearing completion the hall was unrecognisable. Two distinct areas. As you entered the hall it was not unlike a high-end exclusive bar in the way it had been fitted out. There was a pool table and chess board build into a table, circular plush comfortable booths running down the left side. A full and broad mixture of predominantly male type activities and games for the men to play and enjoy amongst themselves in a natural setting so they could be chosen or selected in a natural environment.
The entire design and fit-out rather expensive considering it would be used but a handful of times.
The initial selection of exactly 100 men had been done by a specialist match making agency that catered for very particular sets of requirements that needed to be fulfilled. Their brief was a detailed list of male traits that he had gleaned from his new student throughout the course of their conversations. Chosen from snippets of things she would say to him when the chatted or talked. “He talked to much”, “his language was common”, “I like the big words you use”, “successful men turn me on”.
He had compiled a list and then spent a few hours with the agency and its two top female consultants to finalise the brief and they had been active now for a few weeks giving him updates as they successfully progressed towards the quota.
The men were simply offered a weekend at a resort, a chance to also explore a very particular type of fantasy. All agreeing and excited to be part of the larger game as it were.
A match making retreat of sorts. Two days and one evening. He had thought of everything. He had catered for every contingency.
He was most impressed by the design and construction of the second area sectioned off from the front bar and play area. Separated by a wall and a single doorway. One way in and one way out.
This newly created boudoir of sorts, oversized but perfect in its fit for purpose was the space where she would play and be spoiled. Where she would live out her fantasy without judgement. Hedonism at its extreme. Pleasures she had only dreamt of in the safe comfort of her own mind.
The weekend was fast approaching and there was still a lot of details to finalise. He was having so much fun. Was he doing all this for her or was it also to fulfil his own fantasy? All he knew was that he wanted all this and more for her. To set her free.
The weekend finally arrived. She knew something was up. He had been preparing her for a special weekend. The white stretch limousine pulled slowly to the curb outside her place. The two well-groomed muscular assistants looking very much like bodyguards climbed from the opened door. One taking both her suitcases at once. She noticed the subtle flex of the muscles in his arms and chest through his tight-fitting shirt. His casual smile put her at ease. The other dark and brunette also wearing sunglasses held the door for her as she heard the luggage being packed into the rear of the vehicle.
She leant forward entering the vehicle to see him sitting comfortably inside holding two glasses of champagne. One arm outstretched to her. She took the flute as she entered and sat quickly beside him. Her spare hand searching for his. She found it and almost as comfortably she turned her head and quite naturally as she had done many times before kissed his soft lips. The effect did not disappoint her. She was instantly wet between her legs, the effect he had on her was unlike any she had experienced partly physical and partly the emotional hold he had over her. To be fair today was a little different her body already in a heightened sexual state. He had shared very little with her about the weekend but the smile and the look in his eyes hinted subtly at the mischief he had been up to. He had been hard to reach for the last three weeks disappearing from their chats for hours at a time, leaving her guessing. All he would say to her was “so much fun” and his winking smile face emoji “😜”. He was obviously having fun and finally she would find out what he had been up to.
So, my love these two fine gentlemen are to be considered your personal assistants for the weekend. They go where you go, they do what you say and they try their best to blend into the background of you activities don’t you boys? The question offered in their direction was met with acknowledgement and confident nods from each. “Jake and Thomas”, nodding at each in turn. Almost overwhelmed by the moment and the events beginning to unfold she lifted the champagne flute to her lips and drained it instantly, holding it out to be refilled testing the quality of her new found assistants and she was not disappointed. Jake’s hand was already around the neck of the bottle sitting chilled in the bucket of ice. Within a moment he was expertly pouring the bubbly liquid into her glass. So quiet you could hear the bubbles fizzing and popping inside their confined enclosure. The limo pulled from the curve, the music softly beginning to play. Her music, one of her playlists. The music she liked to hear when she was preparing herself for a night out dancing, flirting and maybe a little hunting of her mood swung that way which it often did.
The conversation amongst the three of them was easy and relaxed. Jake and Thomas equally in the dark as you the events that would soon unfold played a perfect game pretending they knew something but not letting on to help build the suspense and it was working her mind darting in different directions trying to imagine what lay ahead however never really being able to piece together the cryptic clues being handed to her by him. Her new lover, older and wiser in many matters she was yet to experience. The first bottle of champagne was now empty and the pop of the cork sounding the beginning of a second bottle. She wanted to clap her hands, her eyes and the building excitement in them said it all. She was now very horny. Her mind began to race ahead. Maybe she could unzip his fly and suck his cock in front of her two new assistants. Now that would be fun. She began to plan her next move. Her hand moving to his crotch. He was already fully erect beneath his trousers. As her hand began to feel the full length of his cock, she looked casually at the two assistants both well-endowed and both now obviously a little uncomfortable adjusting themselves to make space for the growing members between their legs. “Is it just me or is it starting to warm up in here. Her hand now moving two her back where she quickly undid the class of her bra and removed it whilst leaving her top in place. Her breasts now free, her nipples hard. They had been driving now for almost thirty minutes and her heightened level of sexual tension was beginning to reach levels she knew were normally dangerous territory for her. Yet here she felt comfortable. The three men obviously enjoying the show.
Just as she was contemplating her next move the limo slowed to a stop and her new assistants quickly climbed out. Thomas looking after the luggage and Jake holding out his hand to help her from the vehicle. She paused and took a quick look at her new man, took his face between both her hands, and kissed him deeply. “I want you to fuck me” she said under her breath.
“All in good time he replied with a grin on his face”.
The Resort
They exited the limo and began to make their way through the resort. Walking on the leafy path winding between the swimming pools and covered areas.
People enjoying themselves. Intermittent laughter, conversations. Lots of men was her first casual observation. Lots of good-looking men. Then the realisation dawned on her. Only men. Only good-looking men. Some alone sunning themselves their well-built bodies glistening in the sun, some swimming, some chatting together over a beer.
They all seemed to notice her, they all acknowledged her knowingly. They passed what looked like a coffee house. The smell of fresh brewed coffee filling the air. A couple of well-dressed men in tailored suits working on their laptops lifting their eyes above their glasses to take in the view. Her dress long and flowing. Without her bra one would be able to just make out her breasts and if you were to press your lips against her nipples you would find them hard and erect.
She looked at him walking confidently beside her, grinning from ear to ear. It was now dawning on her what he had in store for her. No specific detail but his broad plan was starting to explain the clues he had been offering.
With a huge smile and excitement in her voice the only four words she could muster were, “Are you fucking serious?”
Her looked at her and with utmost conviction he replied, “deadly serious......”. He paused with a smile “I know you are ready”, “you have been living in your mind for far too long”.
Soon they reached her cabana, a large suite, on oversized king size bed was the centre piece. Jake was opening what would be their third bottle of champagne leaving the second unfinished bottle somewhere back there in the limo together with the unfulfilled fantasy that had been brewing in her mind. So close and yet as happens all too frequently not executed.
Once her bags were settled all three men turned to leave. Not now she thought to herself.
“Ricc, don’t leave, stay with me” she asked gently not wanting to sound desperate and needy. As Jake and Thomas exited the door he closed it behind them and turned to her. “Do you have a swimsuit”, I have organised some water volleyball. There are few men I would like you to meet” he said with a wink trying to imitate the emoji he often used in his chats with her.
At that moment she had zero interest in the men that lay waiting outside the door. Standing in the middle of the room she let her dress fall to the floor, so she was there completely naked before him. She had never looked more beautiful he thought to himself. The lighting perfect capturing the contours of her breasts. Beckoning her she walked slowly towards him. He wanted to take her to make love to her. His arms now around her kissing her passionately. Then moving his lips to her breasts and nipples. Then not wanting to spoil her for what lay ahead he withdrew, slapped her playfully on her backside and said, “now go and get your swimmers on”.
In spite of her annoyance and frustration and not being able to get to his cock in the last two attempts she was buoyed by the prospect of getting amongst the men she had passed as she made her way to her accommodation. Within moments the swimsuit was on and he was leading her towards the main pool. Twelve men, six on each side were already playing volleyball jumping around showing off half naked in the water as men are known to do when showing off. A bunch more were sitting around cheering them on and also half naked wearing only their swimmers or board shorts. None remotely unattractive. “Not one I wouldn’t fuck”, she thought to herself, with a smile, in that inner sanctum of her secret thoughts that she kept to herself.
She sat at a nearby table opposite one of the more attractive suitors. Noticing her, he opened the conversation. “Do you know the rules?” He asked. “Not really”, she replied.
“It’s really quite straight forward” he began to explain.... his voice was enchanting, a combination of the Champaign coursing through her veins, his voice and inner confidence combined just a bit with his muscles and physique and she was ready to fuck him right there on the spot.
“Is this seat taken?” came another voice as another man sat beside her. Lifting her hand and noticing the wedding ring on her finger. “That is a lovely ring”. She looked up and his eyes were brilliant green. His voice sincere.
Her pussy now drenched. Her brain now a mess of thoughts and desires. It was not long before she was splashing about in the water with all the men soaking in their attention. No other wives or girlfriends to contend with just her being spoilt by them flattering her. She was the centre of their collective attention all in varying states of arousal. Brushing against her often hard. Her hands subtly wandering, wrapping her fingers around the occasional cock beneath the water testing it for hardness and length under the water. Letting them lift her onto their shoulders as they played, her hands in their hair, their heads so close to her pussy. Letting her hands feel their chests and shoulders. Her head spinning now with the excitement.
Had she died and gone to heaven? She heard herself laughing with the occasional squeal of excitement at the fun she was having at all this unfettered attention.
All the while Ricc sitting there smiling as his plan slowly took shape. The men slowly taking their time to introduce themselves to her. Each chosen specifically to meet her tastes.
After a couple of hours, she walked over to him and planted the biggest kiss on his lips. “You are a dream. I cannot believe this is happening. How did you manage all this?” She said.
“This?” He said. “This is just foreplay he said with a wink. “Wait until tonight”.
With that he stood up and said clearly to the party of men. “I think it is time to go get ready for dinner and our plans for this evening. What do you think guys?” Immediately they began to filter to her making their excuses, saying goodbye to her for now and expressing their desires to see her later that evening.
She had not seen the hall, she had no clue she was excited and yet unsure how she could capitalise on all her newfound friendships. She wanted them all. Her mind playing out the different scenarios of being fucked individually by each and every one of them.
When they were all gone and like a school child, she grabbed Ricc’s hand and lead him back to their cabana.
“What should I wear?” She asked.
“Open the cupboard” came his direction. She opened the doors with each hand and inside was a colourful brightly patterned long dress. It had a diving neckline to accentuate her cleavage and smooth skin with a slit that ran high up her thigh. The cut was perfect for her body. Obviously tailored specifically for her.
She showered, feeling the smooth skin of her body, the touch of her hands on her body reminding her of the hands on her body in the afternoon. Then of the cocks she had felt. At least 15 she thought to herself now desperately trying to match all the cocks with the faces and failing. The only one that stuck in her mind was Theo, a European looking guy mid-forties, great physique and a cock that she was tempted to feel inside his swimmers after feeling his length outside his board shorts. God, she wanted his cock badly now. If he pulled it out at the pool, she would have let him fuck her in front of all the other guys. Fuck she was so horny and his cock seemed so perfect for her. She so wanted to turn the afternoon into a fuckfest. It was like they had specific instructions to hold back. Instructions to tease her up to a point.
Now her imagination was swimming in the anticipation of what was still to come.
She dried herself from the shower and slipped the dress over her head. Underwear she felt was optional and she chose the option not to wear it. She chose to be naked beneath the dress. Feeling her thigh now through the slit in the dress her hand found its way to her pussy. Her lips were wide open and her finger slid easily inside without resistance. The result of almost an entire day of foreplay. Fuck her finger felt good.
Ricc was now behind her. He could see where her hand was and he took it in his own hand and lifted her fingers to his mouth allowing his lips and tongue to kiss and suck them, tasting the sweetness of her juices in his mouth.
“Time for dinner, but first I want you to drink this.” He held a glass up for her. One third of the glass was filled with a clear liquid. She hesitated then with the trust and confidence she had developed for their relationship she swallowed its contents in a single gulp. The taste was ever so slightly bitter on her tongue. Leaving her curious as to its contents. She was in his hands now and the safety and comfort of her assistants who she felt would protect her with their lives if need be. She could now go totally wild, uninhibited knowing that her safety and protection was fully catered for.
The four of them entered the front part of the hall. Ricc and her side by side followed by Jake and Thomas. Familiar faces surrounded her as she made her way into the gathering of men. Cocktails and beers were being served by near naked men wearing tight black shorts leaving little to the imagination with suspenders and bow ties. Each man from the pool now dressed stylishly for the dinner.
Having already seen them near naked at the pool she could easily imagine them all now without clothing and she did. Each now wearing a number and a name on a circular badge worn on a lanyard around their necks. “The number is just in case you cannot remember their names later” Ricc whispered in her ear. “There are one hundred men here the back den I have prepared for you can cater for about twenty of them. More if you feel you are up to it” he said with a wink.
Drinks flowed as she mingled amongst the mental taking a mental note of their names and numbers as she made her way through the crowd making a special effort to at least see and take in each of the 100 faces and bodies. She even found Theo, he was tall and muscular. Taller than she remembered from the pool. Bolder as well. Feeling confident he lent forward and kissed her passionately and directly on her lips and mouth. She responded and it was as though somehow the kiss was a signal that spread throughout the group that the more formal proceedings was now morphing into a more casual affair. Finger food was now served and she began eating samples held to her lips, chosen for her specifically for this occasion. Her first kiss with Theo was soon followed by several kisses from random yet familiar gentlemen. Each upon invite from her eyes letting their hands begin to feel her body. Desperate to now see their bodies she began consciously undoing their shirts and clothing as she whispered their names and numbers to Jake in preparation for what in her mind was to be the after party in “the boudoir”.
Whatever was in the clear liquid drink that Ricc had given her was in full effect. The drug or cocktail of drugs now coursing through her veins heightening every touch, heightening the pleasure of every kiss.
Finally, she found Ricc, she could take the suspense no more. Leaning forward and whispering into his ear she asked, “how many?”. Jake had circled a large number 16 on the pad where he was recording her wishes.
“Can we add the four waiters?” She asked excitedly.
“It’s your party, you can do anything you want”, Ricc replied.
“I like twenty” it’s a good round number and who knows where we go from there right?” She said with a smile.
She then turned and began to walk purposefully to the door that lead to the den.
Thomas was at the door and he handed her a large old-fashioned key. Taking the key, she slid it into the keyhole and turned it. The lock opening with a resounded click as you would expect and both doors swung open to reveal the inner sanctum of the boudoir.
At its centre was a large octagonal bed with 8 posts at each apex. The size of four full sized king beds. She turned to Ricc with a large grin from ear to ear. “For me?”
“All for you my love, enjoy. The only rule is you need to invite them to join you on the bed and tapping them twice is you signal for them to retreat from the bed. Jake and Tom are there to ensure you are always in control of the situation.”
With those words, Jake stepped forward to escort her to the large bed. As she approached the bed, she could hear Thomas ushering in the twenty chosen men. Silent except for her playlist of songs. The ones she reserved for making love. Perfect for her mood right now.
Stopping her at the foot of the bed Jake took the initiative leaning down he took the hem of her dress and lifted it up over her head so that she was now totally naked. Kneeling on the edge of the bed she now moved stealthily like a cat to its centre. Sitting cross legged watching the twenty men undress completely and surround the bed all eager and hard in anticipation. First in her mind she needed to be prepared for them and who best than the waiters to perform that task. With the index finger of her right hand she now beckoned the waiters forward positioning two head to head lying on their backs and the other two standing on the bed holding the frame above her.
Kneeling above their heads she began to lower her pussy to their mouths and tongues feeling them now enjoying her pussy eating her as she guided herself expertly onto them. The excitement of having sixteen men standing watching her was exhilarating. She now took the hard cocks in front of her face and began to lick the shafts then taking each cock in turn deep into her mouth. By the sounds of the younger of the two she could tell it was already too much as she took his cock in her hand and felt the surge of his seaman begin to force its way up the shaft. Watching his cum began to squirt uncontrollably from his cock onto his colleague’s chest. Such a waste she thought to herself as she let her fingers feel it’s consistency playing with it on the other boy’s chest then drawing her fingers to her mouth to taste it. It was warm and delicious in her mouth.
She then tapped the waiters out of the bed and beckoned Theo to her along with the guy who explained the volleyball rules to her.
Lying on her back she spread her legs wide and looking directly at Theo she said in her most sexy voice. I would like you to fuck me deep and hard. I want to feel the full weight of your body pounding my pussy. Kneeling forward Theo pressed his fully erect cock up to her opening. His lips finding hers as they began to kiss once more. The weight of his body now upon her his hips drove forward. First the head and then his thick shaft sliding inside. So wet her pussy offered little resistance other than how tight and small she felt. Her mind now ablaze with chemicals both natural and synthetic. The full day of foreplay combined with the waiter’s preparation and the waves of her first orgasm were quickly upon her. Her whole-body convulsing as the orgasm swept over her body. The first of her moans ushering from her lips. “Oh God, keep fucking me” she said out loud feeling only slightly self-conscious in front of her audience of eager participants. Kneeling now and instructing the rules guy to fuck her from behind she took Theo’s cock in her mouth. She wanted to feel his cum in her throat at she was being fucked by the rules guy from behind. Theo did not disappoint her. He was already on the edge of orgasm and the sensation of her tongue and throat wrapped around his cock was too much for him. She could feel his balls contract ready to cum. So excited and with rules guy now sliding deep into her pussy she began to be swept away by her second orgasm perfectly timed as Theo’s load squirted into the back of her throat. She was in ecstasy beyond her wildest dreams now released finally. Overwhelmed by the pleasures of the moment. She now beckoned all the men onto the bed and what ensued was two full hours of pleasure beyond her imagination. Every hole filled. Every shape of cock she could think of so much fucking and being fucked. Everyone enjoying the experience knowing they were part of something special. Finally, able to experience the sexual hedonistic pleasures for so long trapped in her mind.
Lying exhausted on the bed she asked all the men to leave. Then looking at Jake and Thomas she said. “Can you take me to him?”, I need him now more than ever.
Leaning forward Jake now picked up her exhausted frame and carried her effortlessly to her cabana. “I have prepared your bath. It is the perfect temperature. Just the way I have been instructed”
“Thank you, Jake,” she whispered as Thomas opened the door for them both.
She was now waist deep in her bath, washing herself. Wanting to be fresh for him. Wanting for nothing more in this world than to fall asleep in his arms. In the arms of the man who truly understood her. Understood her needs and desires. A man that would never judge her for her unique and passionate desires no matter how wild and crazy they may seem.
She lifted the sheet and crawled up close to his naked body. He was warm as he slept. She woke him with her kiss and his instant smile told her everything she needed to know. She was his and only his and he had finally released her from the bondage of her mind. Now free to dream and enjoy knowing how wonderful it is to be loved and enjoyed by men.