
in #fema4 years ago

FEMA used Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to murder people via moving people into trailers which had too much Formaldehyde according to a report the CDC made in 2008.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-25 - Sunday | Published in April of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-04-25 21:29:38.png

Katrina Murder

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Sarah Louise Johnson

2021-04-25 - Sunday - 01:27 AM | Sarah Louise Johnson @lifeofsarahlouise - Hive Blog - Met Log

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Interview Antoinette James, she makes videos exposing Agenda 2030, specifically The Earth Federation Movement and their global constitution for the entire earth.
07:23 PM - I sent this email out to Infowars

Dear Infowars,

I'm writing this email to you to say 2 things as follows:

First, I encourage you to consider interviewing or at least airing some of the video reports made by Antoinette James if you haven't ever before.

Second, I encourage you to at least consider talking about The Earth Federation Movement and/or other things relating to that and to Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the New World Order, the United Nations, and/or things relating to how the globalists plan to take over the world and everything else, assuming you guys haven't ever mentioned The Earth Federation Movement before and maybe you have but her videos are pretty good as she reads the documents the globalists put out, their plans and everything.

Perhaps Greg Reese could at least make a report on the The Earth Federation Movement if he hasn't.

I encourage you to at least watch this one video regarding The Earth Federation Movement's own constitution for the world.

I've included some contact information in this email (please scroll down) in case you do want to try to contact her, you can see that one video on Bitchute and she said she had a YouTube channel suspended but she at least has a backup.

I understand there are many channels and patriots out there making videos and articles, I understand you guys are busy, I understand that Antoinette James is not the only one making great content out there and you could ignore this email and consider interviewing other people, but I encourage to at least watch the first 3 minutes of that video before moving on.

And by the way, Alex Jones mentioned the possibility of Infowars having Protonmail email addresses but I can't seem to find them. I encourage the web designers for the Infowars website to include a contact me tab or at least something in the footer, in the menu, or somewhere. I am using the free version of Protonmail which means a limit of 500 MB of storage in the Inbox and a total of 3 folders. So, you could do that and just make sure you delete emails when your Inbox gets too full which means after like 20,000 emails or something like that, then you may reach the limit.

I can write forever about everything but I thought for my first ever email directed to Infowars, I thought I would simply tell you to check out Antoinette James.

Her Bitchute video channel is Freedoms Rampart:

Her backup YouTube channel currently is Antoinette James

Information about her on her website:

Her email is
[email protected]

I sent this email to her too and I encourage her to reach out to Infowars if she wants and/or other people who may want to interview her and such.

I don't know who has interviewed her in the past as I've just found her today and she is a good reporter. On her website, it says she has a background in science, education, and worked in banking. She has lived in New Zealand and Great Britain.

She advocates for homeschooling, she is a mother of at least 6 kids. She has published books. In 2018 '101 Reasons to Home Educate in the 21st Century' was published, followed by ‘We Are Revolting’ in 2019.

We Are Revolting


I've included some of her videos on my Oatmeal Daily blog posts on Hive Blog and other websites as I try to share truth with the world as much as I can via social media, alternative networks, etc.

I share Infowars related stuff too.

Each day, I try to pass on as much as I can to others.

Yours truly,

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Favorite Shows

12:05 AM - Hive

Hi there, I love these cartoons, I grew up with them and my favorite of these 3 would be the Simpsons, they were fun to watch, funny, surprising, interesting always. I love Bart because he was cool kid. Lisa the smart kid. Homer is funny.

Downvoting Sucks

01:30 AM - Hive

Don't get me started on downvotes, I don't flag, ugh, I've written so many posts about my battles with people who would attack me at times. I'm not sure if Smooth has gone after me but others have gone after me for a variety of things.
Your energy is a ten.

Should we scam people?

01:00 PM - Hive

I don't scam people but I can show you people scamming people on Instagram and I do talk about that on my Oatmeal Daily blog and other articles I mention many things and I write so much all day long, very long boring articles and posts and videos and more, I write very long for the last 20 years especially, that is since the early 2000s and it is well documented and more.

Drawing The World With Cats

01:07 PM - Hive

Living strawberries. Wow, a cat cafe, I think I saw some even in Vietnam. I love cats, grew up with them. Did you draw all of these?

I like that one drawing of a woman, looks like Catwoman, a blue sea monster mermaid dragon creature woman, or like Angelina Jolie in Maleficent, that witch dragon creature woman in that Sleepy Beauty Disney movie.

Talking to Satan

01:21 PM - Hive

In regards to channeling Satan, many topics come to my mind since I'm a lifelong learner, a freelance student of many things, I enjoy studying world history, religion, science, and I am particularly fascinated with trying to understand supernatural things, spirituality, higher dimensions, other dimensions, theories regarding many things, etc.

I can tell you're a very expressive person, that is what I love about you, and I wonder what you think about lucid dreaming and also that of astro-projection or whatever you call it when it feels like your spirit exits your body to fly around and such? I've felt like I may have experienced some of these things.

Are you scamming people?

08:25 PM - Hive

Trump got more votes, the audit in Arizona is live right now, I can give you some links to that, some live feeds via some websites. I said Trump would get more votes but I also said they would say Biden won regardless of who actually got more votes. I can show you posts I published going at least to August of 2020 and some things before that even including a famous article I wrote early in 2020 talking about how the real race was between Trump and Covid and not Trump versus whoever would face him. It ended up being Biden and I was thinking Bernie Sanders was more popular which is true since Bernie Sanders was even more popular than Hillary Clinton in 2016. Stop The Steal.


08:28 PM - Hive

Is that the name? Hathor? I like it. Yeah, oil painting is a bit more challenging. I took a bunch of art classes in high school and I think I did some oil painting. But I think I prefer more regular painting.


09:05 PM - Hive

Let me ask you, you talked about the native people believing their souls reside there. I want to ask what is that place, is it like a graveyard inside a cave or hill or what is it exactly and what do they call it?

Looks like you guys had fun, I've admired Australia, I've never been there but I do love Australia, I'm from America. I love your photos. What was it like to hold that snake? I don't mind holding smaller snakes.

Conclusion of a Smile

10:51 PM - Instagram | Sarah Louise Johnson @lifeofsarahlouise | Hive Blog

After finally getting to the bottom of your amazing Instagram, I can conclude you lived a beautiful life with so many beautiful people doing so many things these past like 8 years (2013-2021 on Instagram), i am impressed and i tried very hard not to comment on all of your photos, i am trying to force myself to peel away from this magnet you must be holding.

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When was this video recorded?
Yeah, a few days old this video might be and some of these things they talk about in this video appear not to be really happening either at all or not at a large scale or we at least cannot see whatever may or may not be happening which i cannot confirm what happened or did not happen and i cannot comment on speculation on the future.

Some say Pence was charged with treason on the 6th of January of 2021. But if true, why did Pence do what he did on the 7th or what happened on the 7th?

The Chosen 202

2021-04-25 - Sunday - 01:43 AM - 02:38 AM - The Chosen 202

Introducing Philip I think. Contrast sleepers vs the awaken. Did they have lighters during the time of Christ? Comparing the habit of writing with prayer. Matt is right you should write down what people say lest you be taken out of contact. I love Martha or whoever she is. I see Mary and I think Martha. How long is soon? A day or a thousand years?

Exposing Corruption


In this video, JUAN OSAVIN mentions or references or reminded me of the Gap Theory describing a possible time gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 that the world was formless because it became formless because many things happened before it became formless or chaotic, that angels, Lucifer, creatures, demons, lived on earth before the time of Adam & Eve.

12:47 PM
JUAN OSAVIN continues to reference how, according to theories and such, Adam and Eve were not the first people perhaps. The Bible seems to describe a promise God made with Adam's seed and not the see of Eve. Well, it looks like it does not say the seed of Adam and Eve but just Eve. It may be that Adam got Eve pregnant and she begot Abel. Some theorize to say Eve also had Cain but via a different father, a different sperm donor be it Satan, demons, the sons of God or whatever. There is also a theory of another woman other than Eve that Adam had a relationship or something with another woman and I don't know if they would have children. I'm not here to say these things are true or not true. I just wanted to pass on theories and such regarding the past. I don't know how old the earth is. I don't know if the earth is older or not older than 10,000 years. Some say the earth may have been destroyed many times and that the world flood was not the first time and you might be able to look at what God said and say perhaps that is what God said. Maybe God said He did not want to destroy the world again. I don't know what it might say in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and or the original languages of Genesis and other books and scrolls and stories and oral tradition and such which Genesis and/or the original books and documents and such may be based on. It may say again or not again. I don't think God says to destroy the world for the first time but it may have been the first global flood or the first destruction on a global scale. I don't know.

A talk om transhumanism regarding becoming gods in escaping Hell via never ever dying.

Globalists believe in trying to never die to escape Hell which explains why they do what they do in part.

Freedom Rampart


Keep up the good work. I shared your videos on my Oatmeal Daily blog posts on Hive Blog. I am against the NWO, the UN, the Earth Federation, etc. I'm happy to find people who help educate others and such like you are. I hope more people can find you and such. I just found you today and sorry YouTube took down a channel and they've done that to me a few times, a few different channels were permanently suspended. But we keep moving on. They can't stop us if we choose not to be stopped.

09:08 PM
FEMA used Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to murder people via moving people into trailers which had too much Formaldehyde according to a report the CDC made in 2008.

Watch Log

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Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at 8 AM, 8:23 AM breakfast. Here you go before that. Thanks I said. Bathroom that is. Plastic oatmeal to go container taken to church. I led the Sunday School discussion in James 2. I mentioned the debate on why the book of James was changed, the name of that book as it may be a more accurate translation to call it Jacob. I referenced the first chapter and didn't mention one of the first classes at my first college at WOLBI in 2004 was on James and it was good. We talked about favoritism which can distract from better perspective. People can change, even people in the KKK can like blacks again. Video on that. Got pen from Gideon, that Bible ministry who pass out Bibles to people and places around the world. Sermon was focused by Nate on feedback and telling stories which people did. I like whales and Pin ochio. Not AOC Ocassio. AOC was not here. The den in the den mentioned Little Rascals. Anybody famous I asked and he said Donald Trump. Yeah he was. Saw a dog running around outside and pet it. We got some food. Offers. Bids. Wars. Clauses. Paperwork. Interesting to see things grow and sometimes it is bad. Nap around 3 to 4:45 PM. Dishes and looking at the birds, compost, to 05:20 PM.Sunny day. I told I had a heart attack or I mean headache yesterday morning. That got better by like the afternoon. Not a migraine and I am feeling good today.I knew a girl in college named Bethany. Also in high school the sister of Joe and Alicia.

Food log
Breakfast: apple, coffee, 08:23 AM. Oatmeal after that to 09:20 AM.
Lunch: tangerine, 12:36 PM. Eggs.
Dinner: 2 bagels, apple, soup on potatoes, 7 PM to 9:15 PM.

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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies

Take a jab and end your life.

Slavery is a big topic which I've been writing about for years now. I can connect this conversation to that topic as well.

Is the bunny girl with the green hair on Hive? You have cute friends. Yeah, bad sleep irritates me too. I love to drink water.

I love that horse statue in that first photo.

You make skinning and opening up a coconut look so fun, I was not totally sure how to do even tho I lived in Vietnam. Is that your indoors garden behind you?

Holy cow. Not only can you open a coconut, you can draw too? I particularly dig that chick holding that heart.

I think you might be a goddess, I think you are glowing even when you're not skinning coconuts for your cat.

Why is Ἰάκωβος James and not Jacob?

Bingo. Agreed. Good advice, only invest in what you are willing to lose or can lose.

Wearing a mask in 2013

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