The Feeling of Forgiveness - An Attribute of Equanimity
The Feeling of Forgiveness - An attribute of equanimity embodies a profound sense of trust and peace. It is a powerful emotion, which can make us feel better about ourselves and the world around us. Forgiving another person, family member, or friend is an act of love. It is equivalent to reparation - making the victim whole and free from guilt.
The psychological research on forgiveness has shown that it makes people healthier and more satisfied. It is a strong attribute of the strong, which is why Mahatma Gandhi said it is an attribute of the strong. Conversely, holding grudges makes people miserable and shortens life spans. While we can choose to forgive a person, we must also realize that forgiving someone is not always easy.
Forgiving others does not mean forgetting what happened. It does not mean erasing all memories of the wrongdoing. It is a decision. And a decision to forgive does not erase feelings of hurt. This is why forgiveness is an action that can bring you joy and peace. It can also make you empathize with the person who caused you pain. And finally, it can lead to an improved sense of yourself.
Considering psychological research, forgiveness is a positive attribute, making us stronger and happier. In fact, Mahatma Gandhi said, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. While holding a grudge can make us feel guilty, it also reduces our life span and causes us to experience anxiety and depression. And it is not just about the offender, it affects the person who is holding it as well.
In the study conducted by Fehr, Gelfand, and Nag (2010), the study found that forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. Forgiveness, in turn, is an emotion-focused coping strategy. Studies have found that people who can forgive others are happier and healthier than those who cannot. A strong forgiving attitude helps us to forgive ourselves and others. The ability to forgive is a part of resilience and psychological flexibility, and it is best developed as an ongoing process.
The UN report examines psychological research on forgiveness and argues that it makes us stronger and happier. Forgiveness is a personal choice. Whether you feel forgiveness for yourself or for others is a personal decision. If you have a grudge against another person, you may be motivated to seek justice. However, it may not be in your best interest to seek revenge. The opposite is true. A person who has a grudge towards another person is unlikely to forgive the other person.
Forgiveness is an attribute of the human mind, and it has several benefits for humans. Forgiveness can be beneficial to humankind and counteract the human tendency to seek revenge. It has been associated with peace of mind, and the ability to forgive others. This attribute is a strong quality of a person. It can help us deal with a range of situations in life, from conflict resolution to resolving old grievances.