Feelgood Friday: Entry Closed .. Feel Free To Upvote

in #feelgoodfriday6 years ago (edited)


Friday Inspiration

So in this age of 24 hour news it's easy to become mired in a negative perspective of the world. The steady drip of negativity conditions people to subconsciously accept the unacceptable as normality, when in reality it is the polar opposite of normal. Equally, by focusing on the bad we often miss the good and there is so much of it! There are some amazing people out there, people that are putting their life and personal aspirations on the line in order to try and make the world a better place. From my own perspective and my own writing, as much as I recognise the validity of waking people up to the insanity of our current paradigm, I feel it has to be done in the right way and that there should also be a counterbalance.

The Competition

What I want to try and do is to run a weekly competition that highlights the multitude of positivity that is so often forgotten. Positivity can come in many be forms, be it the actions of individuals or projects or simply something that's fun/funny and highlights the sheer joy of being alive .. again a joy that is so often overlooked.

What I would like to do is inspire people to look for the good and to make other people aware of it. Each Friday this competition will run for approx 72 hrs and then I will put a close notice on it at some point on the Monday morning. During those 72 hrs I want people to collect positive news stories/videos and details about projects that are taking place around the world. Equally everyone enjoys a good laugh and so good natured funny or uplifting stories/videos are also very welcome. Although I'm obviously not eligible to win my own competition , I will still be adding my own weekly submission.


The Rules

I'm not really a big fan of rules, but seeing as it's a competition I guess we need to get a few in place so here it goes.

1)You have approx 72hrs to enter your submissions, after that time all submissions will be void.

2)During that time each entrant is welcome to submit one story/video in the comments section below.

3)Readers can upvote at any point until the following Thursday morning. Due to the time differences, I will make it clear in the title of the post when it's closed.

4)Anyone submitting an entry will need to add at least a paragraph explaining their choice.

5)Anyone that enters will be required to give this post a 100% upvote and to resteem it.

The Winners

Although we may start small over time I'm hoping we can grow the idea and begin to offer some really good incentives. There will be both a 1st and a runners up prize:

1st prize will be 70% of the SBD payout of this post.

2nd prize will be 30% of the SBD of this post.

As per everyone else I will be upvoting just one submission and commenting on my reason why. I will read and watch all submissions and will try to comment on as many as possible. Equally, anyone that enters is entitled to one upvote but they are not able to upvote their own submission.

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


My Submission

So in this day and age (and rightly so) we often hear about the scourge of plastic pollution and the dangers that it poses to wildlife and the general environment. According to a report commisioned by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, at our current rate, by 2050 there will be more waste than fish in the sea. To clear such pollution can seem like an insurmountable task and so many resign themselves to accept it as a fact of life .. well not if Andrew Cooper and Alex Schulze have anything to do with it!

The story begins when Alex and Andrew take a surf trip...

to Bali Indonesia that would inevitably change their lives and the fate of the ocean. Devastated by the amount of plastic in the ocean, they set out to find out why no one was doing anything about it. One afternoon they came across an old fishing village where fishermen were literally pushing their boat through piles of plastic that had washed up on shore. The two surfers realized that the proliferation of plastic threatened both the ocean environment and the fishermen's livelihood. Could the fishermen use their nets, they wondered, to pull the plastic from the ocean? This idea stuck with the 2 surfers and they knew it was time to hit the drawing board. After realizing that the demand for seafood was driving the fishermen to focus on fish instead of plastic, they knew they had to create something that could fund the desired cleanup efforts. This is how the 4Ocean Bracelet was born.Source

the 4Ocean bracelet is made from recycled materials and their sale is being used to fund the clean up of our seas and coastlines. Each bracelet purchased enables 4Ocean to clean a pound of plastic waste, if you wish to help with the cleanup you can both buy a braclet and find out further information Here.


Written by perceptualflaws
Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

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(Last image - broken link)

Thank you my friend .. sorry I haven't been around much recently (I've had a lot going on) but I have bookmarked your moon post and I look forward to reading it and catching up with the rest of your work.

No problem mate, it's called life 🙂

I picked this story because forest foraging is an important skill to learn. Learning how to identify which plants are edible and/or medicinal, and which are poison. It's also a good excuse to get out into nature.

Edmonton woman encourages city-dwellers to forage in the river valley and enjoy the fruits of their labour

That's excellent @venomnymous I love foraging and have just brought a book the focuses on the medicinal uses .. forgotten knowledge that's come back into the public consciousness. This could also really help homeless people in the area .. free food :) Thank you for sharing!

May I promote another steemians post? if true what he says, it would be bloody marvellous bro. https://steemit.com/news/@benjaminfulford/will-the-jews-finally-be-freed-from-khazarian-mafia-slavery-as-israel-is-liberated

Hey @shepz1 (feels weird calling you that lol) yes feel free .. I don't know if it's true and something tells me that it seems a little too easy. I feel the world still has to go through some more birthing pains, but yes it would be amazing if it was true and I keep an open mind to the possibility .. I guess we shall see.

As a part of this, the Jewish people—high-level slaves of satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters—are about to be freed from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.

I do agree with the basic premise of that part and as per my recent comment to Tom (on my last post) this story is far more complicated than a few sentences/paragraphs can portray but one day I will do it justice.

You my friend may call me Darren. :)

I found this story of an anonymous donor, who helped pay for cancer therapy of a 3 year old girl, to potentially save her life.


Mate that is a beautiful story .. really moving and a testament to why I will never give up on humanity, sure we're beaten down by an msm that focuses on the negative aspects of mankind but there are so many amazing people out there .. so much more good than bad, this comment is a testament to that fact. Thank you for sharing @palikari123

Well said. I just wish your contest had more entries/or can become something bigger in the future. It seems to get buried in that 7 day cycle and lost in people's feeds.

Hey my friend, yes I know what you mean .. I think people visit my blog for a certain type of post so it'll take a little while for this to synch and enter a general awareness. I've also been so busy that I haven't been able to promote it and refine it as much as I'd like .. but I'll get there. Thank you @palikari123

The video below is a combination of rhymes, reasoning, rap, spoken
word, and the philosophical musings of one Darin Taylor. The frisson
that this man emanates while expressing himself is as extraordinary
as it is uplifting. We need more people like this guy in our world today!

I do not necessarily endorse each and everything he says. However, I
do vibe with the general gist, feel, and direction that he's headed in.
We need to create heaven on earth through our simple daily actions.
We might not be perfect, yet, we can always strive to do better daily.

What's An InfoWarrior? literally?

Hey @thoughts-in-time this is really cool! I like his voice and use of words .. really compelling and thought provoking.

We might not be perfect, yet, we can always strive to do better daily.

Yes I couldn't agree more .. with the rising of each new sun we're granted the opportunity to transcend the mistakes of days gone.

I do not necessarily endorse each and everything he says. However, I
do vibe with the general gist, feel, and direction that he's headed in.

I'm going to write a few words on this at some point, there are many people that I support but don't necessarily subscribe to everything they say or believe .. I support them because I know that their intent is good and intent has the power to unite.

Thank you for your submission my friend I very much enjoyed listening to this .. sorry I haven't been around as much over the last few weeks, I've been really ill plus I'm packing to move house so it's all been a bit of a balancing act .. but I'll get there :)

Thx for reading/watching, good luck on the move!
I agree with you about intent, a lot of times that can
be a key unifying factor for people to rally around.

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