I’ve got a solution for World Peace and World Happiness


End the FED!

Because Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, NOT Federal!

Owned by private big bankers who also own Milirarry Industrial Complex, dirty energy, the mainstream media, now even the weather.

Those bankers are the rulers of the world who are trying to make the 99% be slaves of their system or dead.

When Central banking system is gone, we will see there’s no need, or money for wars.
100 years has passed since we blindly give them the license to print money out of thin air. Time is up to revoke their contract.

#FED #federalreservebank #bankerswars #oil #war #MSM #worldPeace #money #printmoney #rigged #usdollar #Rothchilds #CentralBank #Rockfeller #poor #Love #protest #EndtheFed #Peace #FederalReserveBank #worldlove #Peace #OccupyWallStreet #zucottipark #S17 #allwarsarebankerwars #occupy #occupyWallStreet


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