A Look At The Countries Which Are Tied Into The US Federal Reserve Scam Through The USD!

in #federalreserve6 years ago

Once we understand the inherent scam in the US federal reserve system the horrible realization that populations are slaves in an economic sense dawns us. This avenue of investigation leads to one ghastly revelation after another but is important to undertake if we are to wake up and understand the realities of the control that is exerted upon us.

Although almost all fiat currencies are crooked scams the US dollar is one that perhaps impacts more people than others. The truth is that all these currencies are intertwined but countries that use the USD in their internal economies are suffering from the same economics scams as the US population.

In this post we will look at how this scam is implemented and the wider impact on populations around the world.

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A Brief Look At The Federal Reserve Scam

I have covered this in other posts and don't wish to belabor the point here. I will explain it as briefly as I can...

The US Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank which has a monopoly on producing the US dollar. The government does not control the production of the USD.

When US dollars are produced they are lent to the government which is the people at face value when they only cost cents on the dollar to produce. This scam is compounded by interest being charged on the principle which can never be repaid because it must be paid in USD but those dollars were never printed in the first place.

A further compounding of the scam comes in the forms of inflation which is a hidden tax on the people through rising prices and fractional reserve banking which is where banks are allowed to led many more times the money they hold in deposit to people and charge interest on these loans.

This is why the US national debt is over 21 trillion and the world is drowning in debt. Some researchers also believe that this is why we have to pay income tax - to pay the interest to the Federal Reserve on debts that can never be repaid!

This has not been a complete or accurate description of the scams but it provides an overview. A good place to start for further research on this fascinating subject is the book The Creature From Jekyll Island and watching the video Money Masters.

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Which Other Countries Use The USD$?

It is not bad enough that the population of the US has to suffer this economic slavery but it appears that this system is pretty much in place throughout our world. The few countries which did not conform to this central banking model have been invaded and had their systems replaced.

However apart from the international replication of the US central bank many countries still use the US dollar either officially or unofficially thereby essentially suffering the same economic manipulation as the US population. Which countries are these?

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Countries with official use of the USD:

  • Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
  • Ecuador
  • Republic of El Salvador
  • Republic of Zimbabwe
  • Guam
  • Virgin Islands
  • Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
  • American Samoa
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Repulic of Palau
  • Marshall Islands

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Countries with unofficial use of the USD:

  • Cambodia
  • The Bahamas
  • Turks & Caicos
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Panama
  • Belize

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Countries which have their currency pegged to the USD:

  • Bahrain
  • Cuba
  • Djibouti
  • Eritrea
  • Hong Kong
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates

It is worth mentioning here that the USD is backed by the USD, Oil and Gold flows and that the USD was the main currency for international smugglers for a long time!

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What Does This Mean?

It is obvious to researchers that the fiat financial system we have had is going to collapse. Even more distressing is the fact that it was probably designed to collapse as no form of fiat currency has ever done anything else. This seems to be an old game played against the people who until recently have been relatively ignorant of what was happening to them.

As a system that is guaranteed to collapse it is obviously advantageous to have as large a system as possible to keep the scam going. To my eyes this is why all the oil, gold and many countries we have seen are tied into the US dollar scam.

This situation has been disastrous for everyone using the US dollar as inflation has eaten into people's earning power making them poorer and poorer. For countries which are already considered to have less developed economies the impact of the dollar on their lives has been perhaps more pronounced.

Certainly when the dollar scam finally collapses as usual it is the poorest on the planet who pay the biggest price. 😢

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank
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The saddest part about this entire article, is that it is all completely true. I live in America, but I am not proud of my government or what they stand for. They are the epitome of evil! And truthfully, the money scheme is only one of hundreds of schemes that they run on there citizens and all of humanity around the world. All in an effort to control. If only we could all get on the same frequency and kick their asses with our Collective consciousness. It's hard to lie to people when everybody is truly connected.

It’s in the playbook to only pull one giant ponzi scheme per generation, per country so people get caught ignorant & pantsless. Another cute way to funnel assets into the hands of the very corrupt few.

End the Fed & the dollar & taxes

Agreed mate! 100%! UPvoted! 😃

The Federal Reserve is not even ran by the government!

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