Howdy sir Keith! wow what stunning photos, everyone! I love that Blue Heron photo, it's incredible but then all of these are. Hey that's the young Bald Eagle before the head feathers turned white?
Howdy sir Keith! wow what stunning photos, everyone! I love that Blue Heron photo, it's incredible but then all of these are. Hey that's the young Bald Eagle before the head feathers turned white?
Yes, there are two juvenile bald eagles in this post - I would think they are about one year old. After the head and tail turn white there are still white spots on their wings. They don't look like what you would expect until they are about two years of age. Thanks a lot, I appreciate the share!
yes sir, I appreciate the astounding photos. What time zone are you guys in? We're in Central but I don't know if they're the same up there and if they're called the same or what?
Yes, same names for the time zones. I'm in PST - Pacific Standard Time.