RE: The Latest in Fear Porn - Now The Sun's Solar Storm Is Hurling Towards Earth Threatening To Create Societal Meltdown
Yep. Read my last blog, because I specifically into that:
There is hardly any difference between mainstream media and alt- media. It's all agenda-fear-based-media-mind-control. Everyone has an agenda to try and get people to become filled with things they wouldn't normally be in a normal civilization. So on my website and through my Steemit, I'm trying to warn people of the dangers of all of this. Why because I fell for it, and it ruined my life. I've been "there" where it controlled me to the point of where really bad things happened to me, and for what... because of the media and things like this.
They roll these articles out like clock work. It's always in a cycle of time of about every 8 years - and they use the same exact things to put people into fear. It's partially about money, but the consequences of these effects are very damaging to society.
I could go on and on about this, but I made a podcast recently about all of this if anyone is interested: