How the Fauci emails were obtained and the Tells inside!
Concerning the Fauci emails
See part 1 here titled,
Flip Flop Fauci and his corporate criers. Will there ever be accountability? Revelation of birth pangs. How bad will things get before they get better?
Here is how the emails were obtained,
according to Judicial Watch Press Release in an article titled,
Judicial Watch: Fauci Emails Show WHO Entity Pushing for a Press Release ‘Especially’ Supporting China’s Response to the Coronavirus
Judicial Watch announced today that it and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 300 pages of emails of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, including his approval of a press release supportive of China’s response to the 2019 novel coronavirus.
On January 27, 2020, the World Health Organization/World Bank convened the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB). The following day, the GPMB Secretariat writes an email with the subject line “TIME SENSITIVE Message from GPMB Co-Chairs: review of draft GPMB Statement on 2019-novel coronavirus:”
There was consensus for the GPMB to issue a statement supportive of countries’ (especially China) and WHO response efforts, and to call for urgent actions to further strengthen global preparedness and response to this outbreak.
You can see this in the emails here and I broke some of them down in part 1.
Document Archives Fauci Emails
Please find attached a draft GPMB Statement.
On January 29, Fauci responds:
Looks fine. Please see my comments in attached document.
The emails were produced in response to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed May 4, 2020, on behalf of the DCNF in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Daily Caller News Foundation v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:20-cv-01149)). The lawsuit was filed after HHS failed to respond to an April 1, 2020, FOIA request from the DCNF asking for:
Communications between Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane and World Health Organization officials concerning the novel coronavirus.
Communications of Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane concerning WHO, WHO official Bruce Aylward, WHO Director General Tedros Anhanom, and China.
The time period for the request is January 1, 2020 to April 1, 2020.
Many of the emails consist of missives to large groups of recipients, including Fauci, from Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which describes itself as “an independent monitoring and accountability body to ensure preparedness for global health crises” convened by the World Health Organization and the World Bank:
On January 28, 2020, in an effort to organize a joint statement among international organizations on “sharing research data and findings relevant to the novel coronavirus (nCoV),” GPMB’s Jeremy Farrar emails upwards of three dozen, mostly redacted recipients, including the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, and cc’ing Fauci, sending them all a proposed joint statement, which is completely redacted in the documents provided by HHS, for their review and approval. Shortly thereafter, Collins responds: “NIH is happy to endorse the joint statement.” That same day, Professor Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur emails Farrar: “Thanks for the initiative. Pasteur is on board and fully supportive.” A subsequent statement, which was published two days later on January 30, says:
The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) convened on 27 January 2020 to discuss the current outbreak of 2019-nCoV which was first detected in Wuhan, China and is now quickly spreading internationally.
The Board commends the speed of the response so far by countries and the World Health Organization (WHO), the transparency of China in sharing information and the genome sequence of the virus, and the strong collaboration between China and affected countries and with WHO.
On February 1, 2020, the chief scientist at the WHO emailed Fauci to let him know the WHO was organizing a global research partners forum on February 11 and to ask him to attend, also suggesting he might think about funding and/or undertaking research on this “new viral outbreak:”
As the head of an agency that would play an important role in addressing this new viral outbreak, either by undertaking or funding research, or both, I take great pleasure in inviting you to this meeting.
· On February 4, Hilary Marston from NIH replied to the WHO’s invitation to a coronavirus forum, begging off on behalf of Fauci: “First, as to your kind invitation to have him join the meeting, unfortunately his time is entirely consumed as central member of the US government response team and he will be unable to travel.” She went on to recommend several individuals Fauci wanted to attend the meeting in his stead.
On February 13, 2020, it appears that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Deputy Director for Clinical Research and Special Projects Dr. Cliff Lane was en route to Japan to “assist with rapid implementation of a study of the drug remdesivir as a therapeutic intervention for COVID-19, within the context of the current cases in that country.” It appears that WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros invited him instead to come to China to participate in the WHO Mission there. Fauci’s Associate Director for International Research Affairs, Gray Handley, replied to a redacted recipient at WHO that Lane was unable to accept the WHO’s invitation to come to China: “Due to the importance of this study, Dr. Lane may not be available to participate in the WHO mission to be undertaken in China next week.”
It appears that when Fauci discovered what Handley had done, he countermanded his decision by having HHS Director of the Office of Global Affairs Garrett Grigbsy send an email informing two individuals, apparently at WHO, that Lane would be coming to China:
I just talked to Dr. Fauci and there must have been some communication mix up about Cliff.
Cliff Lane is absolutely going to China as part of the WHO team (if invited).
In one fundraising campaign, Ilona Kickbusch of GPMB sent an email to Victor Dzau on March 3, 2020 and cc’ed Anthony Fauci along with more than two dozen other, mostly redacted recipients under the Subject Line:
“Re: GPMG: COVID-19 FUNDING NOTE,” Kickbusch says
Ahead of the GPMB Board call on Wednesday, I’m pleased to attach a note (on behalf of Jeremy Farrar, Victor Dzau and a small working group) setting out the urgent need for new funding for the global COVID-19 response.
You will have seen the strong announcement today from the World Bank of up to $12 bn to support country response, which we warmly welcome. We are asking for your feedback on the call and consideration for the GPMB to launch an “ask” this week regarding needs not likely to be covered by the World Bank announcement – this would target the leaders and policy makers of other financing institutions and G7/G20 nations…The aim of the note is to encourage an immediate and full response to the needs of the world, recognizing that many countries are not well prepared and could be left behind.
On March 4, the GPMB group held a conference call with its board in preparation for making another $8 billion request to a group of international financial institutions.
On March 5, Alex Harris, head of global policy and advocacy at Wellcome – a global charitable foundation, funded by a £26.8 billion investment portfolio that does grant funding, advocacy campaigns and partnerships to raise money for select clients (founded by the pharmaceutical entrepreneur, Sir Henry Wellcome) – emailed GPMB board members, including Dr. Fauci and included a lengthy list of “G7 leaders and Sherpas” and “International financial institutions:”
Thank you for your input on the call yesterday regarding the COVID-19 funding request that the GPMB will be making to multilateral financing institutions and G7/G20 nations.
In this regard I attach:
An updated background note revising the ask to $8bn as a result of removing the [redacted] we had previously included for strengthening country preparedness, given the World Bank announcement
“The government is now ever so slowly complying with the law and letting the American people know how they did business with the WHO and China at the outset of this pandemic,” said Daily Caller News Foundation President Neil Patel. “We are grateful to Judicial Watch for helping us force the government to do its job.”
“These Fauci emails show how praising China was the odd priority of the WHO in the face of a novel and dangerous coronavirus,” said Judicial Watch Tom Fitton. “That the NIH tried to slow-roll the release of these emails and is still sitting on thousands more is a scandal.”
On September 22, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ordered HHS to begin processing 300 pages of emails per month beginning on October 21. In a September 21 court filing, HHS said the agency could begin producing 300 pages of responsive records to the Daily Caller News Foundation beginning on November 30, eight months after receiving the Daily Caller’s request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The total number of responsive records is approximately 4,200, which would have pushed off the full release of the records until at least 2022.
HHS also alleged that Fauci must personally review each one of his emails before they are released.
In sorting through some of these emails inside the archives, I ended that thread in part 1 on this one. . .so we will continue.
As a refresher, attention was drawn to number 10 on this link from pubmed
Above link address came from this email
On Pubmed this one from 2010
This is no. 10 denoted in the emails
A protein shell lacking a virus genome.
Remember. ..building blocks as many would have learned on SpongeBob
ATP is often referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer.
Let's look at this again. . .[The No. 10 pointed out in those emails from the pubmed gov link]
A concatemer is a long continuous DNA molecule that contains multiple copies of the same DNA sequence linked in series. These polymeric molecules are usually copies of an entire genome linked end to end and separated by cos sites.
So admitted nanotech here,
So let's pull this out. ..
the pentameric motor processively translocates dna until the head shell is full with one viral genome
A DNA virus is a virus that has DNA as its genetic material and replicates using a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase. The nucleic acid is usually double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) but may also be single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). DNA viruses belong to either Group I or Group II of the Baltimore classification system for viruses. Single-stranded DNA is usually expanded to double-stranded in infected cells. Although Group VII viruses such as hepatitis B contain a DNA genome, they are not considered DNA viruses according to the Baltimore classification, but rather reverse transcribing viruses because they replicate through an RNA intermediate. Notable diseases like smallpox and chickenpox are caused by such DNA viruses.
A virus infecting archaea was first described in 1974. Several others have been described since: most have head-tail morphologies and linear double-stranded DNA genomes. Other morphologies have also been described: spindle shaped, rod shaped, filamentous, icosahedral and spherical. Additional morphological types may exist.
Orders within this group are defined on the basis of morphology rather than DNA sequence similarity. It is thought that morphology is more conserved in this group than sequence similarity or gene order which is extremely variable. Three orders and 31 families are currently recognised. A fourth order – Megavirales – for the nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses has been proposed.[1] Four genera are recognised that have not yet been assigned a family. The species Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus is so unlike any previously described virus that it will almost certainly be placed in a new family on the next revision of viral families.
Fifteen families are enveloped. These include all three families in the order Herpesvirales and the following families: Ascoviridae, Ampullaviridae, Asfarviridae, Baculoviridae, Fuselloviridae, Globuloviridae, Guttaviridae, Hytrosaviridae, Iridoviridae, Lipothrixviridae, Nimaviridae and Poxviridae.
Bacteriophages (viruses infecting bacteria) belonging to the families Tectiviridae and Corticoviridae have a lipid bilayer membrane inside the icosahedral protein capsid and the membrane surrounds the genome. The crenarchaeal virus Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus has a similar structure.
Find host range here,
What's this?
The terminase- DNA complex docks on the prohead through gp17 interactions with the special portal vertex formed by the dodecameric gp20, thus assembling a DNA-packaging machine.
Definitely working on advances in Virus research.
From News in 2013
Their report revealing the innermost mechanisms of these nanomotors in a bacteria-killing virus—and a new way to move DNA through cells—is being published online today in the journal ACS Nano.
Here it is,
And if you take the time to read it, it's an interesting journey.
Peixuan Guo and colleagues explain that two motors have been found in nature: A linear motor and a rotating motor. Now they report discovery of a third type, a revolving molecular motor. Guo pointed out that nanomotors will open the door to practical machines and other nanotechnology devices so small that 100,000 would fit across the width of a human hair.
One major natural prototype for those development efforts has been the motor that packages DNA into the shell of bacteriophage phi29, a virus that infects and kills bacteria.
Guo's own research team wants to embed a synthetic version of that motor into nanomedical devices that are injected into the body, travel to diseased cells and pump in medication.
I don't know about you, but that's an awful lot of tampering to the human genome.
Do you remember who else tampered with the human genome?
Says it right here,
It's speaking of the fallen here coming down and mingling with God's creation.
Genesis 6:2
“That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”
Notation on the Giants here,
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Once upon a time, giants roamed the earth.
That sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale. Most Christians have never been taught that a similar story is told in the Book of Genesis, and in very similar language: “The Nephilim (or giants) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”
Pastors, priests, and Sunday school teachers tend to skip the first four verses of Genesis 6 and go right to the story of Noah because—well, the verses are weird.
God didn’t inspire the prophets and apostles to write filler. Moses was not assigned a minimum word count. If it’s in the Bible, it’s relevant—and if it’s weird, it’s important.
The reason we’re writing this book is that it’s become clear to us that the episode described in Genesis 6:1–4, and expanded upon in the non-canonical Book of 1 Enoch, is far more important to human history and biblical theology than we realized.
Many do not want to deal with those books that are not in the Canon. . .why did King James take them out and who had him do that?. Who ruled the Kings and Kingdoms? Was the church of that day (Head of the catholic church. ..Vatican) sold out to the God who created us or the god of this world?
Satan is the god of this world so would it not behoove him to remove vital knowledge from the true created sons and daughters of God?
So how long have the fallen been waging war against God's creation?
Do they do this by tampering with the dna and mixing and mingling species?
We have proof this goes on. What IS 23andme after all and whose wife did she used to be? The owner/founder of this gene company?
See here. ..the information all documented here got me a permanent suspension on twitter for trying to reveal the true verified history with full sources, so not just hearsay.
1 Corinthians Chapter 15
38 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.
39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.
Genome editing is becoming part of the toolkit of modern biologists. We are now living in an era in which it is possible to edit the genomes of targeted human cells (such as to cure a genetic disease like blindness) or human embryos which would change the makeup of the entire individual as they develop.
Facebook Frames. ..Laura Ingraham on Fauci
I've got to tell you. . .when watching seemingly Fascist Fauci. . .one has to wonder if he isn't really part of The Plan . . .not just for the cabal, but would Anyone Really say this in such an arrogant manner as if they were in Charge of the entire world.
Oh, that's right, I know many so called friends and former family did.
He actually said, "If you are trying to get at me as a public health official, you're really attacking not just Anthony Fauci, but you're attacking Science!"
These narcissistic, self inflated, egotistical maniacs actually Believe they are ABOVE the Constitution and God Almighty as it is God who created science. We know for a FACT Fauci doesn't know Anything about the Greatest Physicist and Healer out there!
Well, pompous Fauci actually said this right. . ."Science and the Truth are being attacked!" [just not in the way he intended].
Precisely what those sold out to the cabal Always do. . .whatever they are doing Blame the other side. It is a Karl Marx tactic programmed and embedded into the functioning of these soulless creatures.
I'm going to give it up for Laura, she ID'd it straight away when she pointed out. . .
"Wait a second, is that the argument? His argument is 'I am the SCIENCE, I am the TRUTH.' " I am howling laughing Laura states.
Actual Transcript from her show;
Bravo Laura, BRAVO!
See more in the Facebook Frames along with the link to the footage. A MUST See or Listen!
Ingraham: Fauci 'routinely' acted against science
Link to FB Frames here,
Latest Facebook Frames Thread post found here on
Time to Warrior up!
Interesting what even MSM has caught onto!
Took them a Long Time to get there.
Just as anons were trying to tell them, Fauci and his cohorts like Francis Collins Knew the virus may have leaked from Wuhan lab and they desperately went on a rampage with their corporate owned criers to quash the information.
Wonder why they did that? You know Why!
Full sources as you click through this thread of photo frames.
Dr. Jeremy Farrar sent out notes including to Fauci and Collins summarizing what some of the scientists had said on the call? Do you find that interesting?
You know, the Jeremy Farrar I was telling you about in 2020 because he was on the Wellcome Trust and I released the deep dive on that Trust and it's leadership?
If you poked around inside of those emails, you would have seen this interesting blip,
#FauciEmails, #WuhanLab, #InformationWarfare, #GainOfFunction, #JeremyFarrar, #WorldBank, #Covid19, #GeorgeCarlin, #FrancisCollins
Follow Up Sources
I've got to tell you. . .when watching seemingly Fascist Fauci. . .one has to wonder if he isn't really part of The Plan . . .not just for the cabal, but would Anyone Really say this in such an arrogant manner as if they were in Charge of the entire world.
See the above Facebook Frames thread here,