Was the pandemic declared under false pretences?

in #fauci4 years ago


Anthony Fauci, in march of 2020, published in the New England Journal of Medicine that Covid-19 has a case fatality rate (once you get it what are your chances of dying) similar to the ordinary flu, a Case Fatality Rate of 0.1%. That is one tenth of one percent. A case survival rate of 99.9%. Whereas, said Fauci, SARS had a case fatality rate (chance of dying IF YOU GOT THE VIRUS) of 10% and MERS had a CFR of 30%. This is what Fauci published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which is the bible of medical authority for every doctor world wide. The NEJM is a publication whose pronouncements are to be held correct until proven otherwise, say all the doctors in the world.

Let me shout out one thing you must be clear about: a “case” of any disease is a person sick enough of that disease to need a hospital bed. That and only that is what a “case” is. So claims that people are “cases” when they have no such sickness but only a lab result are COMPLETELY BOGUS. Here in British Columbia the 97, 363 people who have been diagnosed by “lab” results to be “infected” with Covid but are not in hospital (only 299 people out of our 5 million are in hospital for this illness) are not “cases”. Calling these perfectly healthy people cases is nothing but fraud, plain and simple.

The other percentage besides CFR that one hears of is Infection Fatality Rate, which is arrived at by dividing the number of those who die of the disease in question by the entire population of a given area. This tells you how likely you are to get the disease, how CONTAGiOUS it is. A disease like MERS killed a third of those who got it (according to Fauci in April of last year) but that means that it could not spread very far or fast because it killed its hosts before it could infect very many other people. The influenza virus kills very few of those who get it and that means the virus survives to spread farther and faster. This has been the natural course of evolution of the flu virus since it first appeared in 1918; it has killed a sharply diminishing number of people with every new epidemic of the virus, and thus it has evolved towards being milder so that it can survive and be more contagious and this is what is meant by the virus adapting to humans, or in popular parlance “herd immunity". You can be absolutely certain that this is how the SARS-Cov-2 virus (if it is distinct from flu) is mutating, not to be deadlier but to be milder. So when you hear that some new “variant” is more contagious this is good news, it means the disease is getting milder, not stronger.

Whether the alleged SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus exists or whether it is merely another strain of influenza is a moot question since the Case Fatality Rate of this alleged coronavirus is identical to that of influenza at 0.1%. So, like flu, it's easy to get but no big deal if you get it provided you are healthy otherwise. This is why in 2019 when we heard that one of our co-workers called in sick because he had "the flu" we thought nothing of it; "the flu", commonly self diagnosed, amounted to an especially severe common cold.

Fauci's typically sneaky pronouncement in the NEJM, THE medical authority, are a year old. I say sneaky because Fauci covered his butt last April against legal repercussions by being straight with the NEJM because he knows that almost no laymen will ever read the NEJM.


The declaration that a disease epidemic is a pandemic is a legal designation which activates in every member nation of the World Health Organization (almost every country on the planet now) all but dictatorial powers in the health authority bureaucrats whose orders come from the WHO. This is why the mechanism of pandemic declaration has been a mechanism to impose a global totalitarianism for an entire year.

But one thing must be made absolutely clear. The Covid disease was declared to be a pandemic under false pretences. How can I say that? Because last April Fauci said it has a Case Fatality Rate of one tenth of one percent and we who believe the New England Journal of Medicine must take that as gospel. So “Covid-19” has a Case Fatality Rate of 0.1%; if you get Covid-19 you have an average chance of surviving of 99.9% provided you are young and healthy otherwise (exactly as is the case with flu!).

Back in 2008 when the World Health Organization was still taking account of the severity of any given disease before declaring it to be a pandemic there is no way a disease with a 0.1% Case Fatality Rate would have been declared to be a pandemic. But in 2009 the WHO, under political pressure from a certain Bill Gates, changed the rules and dropped the severity test. From then on any disease, no matter how mild it is, has the potential to be declared a Pandemic if Bill Gates and the Big Pharma companies who fund the World Health Organization want to wag every single governmental dog in the world to sell their vaccines. It is just exactly that criminal.

But it is far far worse than criminal because the longer this (phoney) emergency goes on the more firmly the totalitarian dictatorship of the entire world is established. Every government in the world is now being shown how meekly its people will comply with the dictates of formerly insignificant little desk jockeys in their Health Departments. It is a lesson in absolute power they are learning fast.

We here in Canada have a constitution including a Charter of Rights and Freedoms which almost all of us have been very complaisant about. But for a year now the dictates of health authority bureaucrats both of our provinces and our federal government have run right over every human right guaranteed by our Charter and our governments have let them do it. Our Prime Minister has gone out of his way to violate our rights as if this were some sort of military dictatorship by ordering that our citizens returning from foreign countries will be ordered to sign in to a hotel for quarantine at their own expense. We have absolutely no need to comply with these illegal orders and the police officers who have, to their embarrassment, been ordered to intimidate us know that very well.

How is it that this completely phoney Pandemic emergency has been extended and extended? By fraud. We are told that “cases” are rising because the completely bogus PCR test has diagnosed perfectly well persons as “infected”. This is fraud. A “case” is a person who is ill in hospital. The idea that anybody can have a serious respiratory illness, or any respiratory illness – a lung problem, a breathing problem – and have “no symptoms” is the stupidest joke ever played on humanity. You have no cough, no sniffles, no problem at all but because you have let somebody jam a swab up your nose and a laboratory assistant says you have an illness you have to put yourself under house arrest?

I’m getting old, kids, so I’ll give you all a dose of tough love right now. Do you know why you are putting up with masks and house arrest? Mostly that’s because every second person you meet has a mask on and that gives you a fear message, one which the swindlers have designed into their swindle. And the more people who put on those stupid, unhealthy things the more people will put them on because people do what everybody is doing; that’s human nature and the criminals who started this horror are counting on human nature. And the more you actually pay attention enough to learn the truth the more you know how fooled you have been and that’s hard to admit, even to yourself. But I pray that more and more people will pay attention and start swimming against the riptide of fraud. There are protests happening all over the world right now and that’s a very good sign.

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