Faucet Payouts for 26th July 2018
1.05 SBD shared with these 116 people so 0.009 SBD each.
@abbak7 @abu.bakkar @aiyumi @aksios @amart29 @anasuleidy @andreja @armandofd @authorcolinbmw @avtoledy @banditqueen @bernadettecc @bigsambucca @biryuza @bitdip @bojakcates @bxlphabet @citizenkane @coininstant @cryptocopy @dan16 @darlyrin @denissebermudez @didmyownresearch @eagle42 @earnxtreme @elider11 @elkeps @emilymorua @ericet @e-rich @escarlata @exploretraveler @extraterrestrial @fhstralow @firstamendment @fitinfun @fleurinna @freewritehouse @gilres @hangin @hillaryoki @itsjessamae @izaid @jdbs @jjqf @joanstewart @joel0101 @johngentry @johngentryjr @joyvancouver @kidsreturn @korshed @kryptonia @kryptoniabot @lacl @lemedieval @liuzg @lovemetouchme2 @luminophore @luzanais @machv @magnitocryp @mariale07 @mariamzr @mariannewest @markusmichael @maryresp @maxili63 @meme.elena @michaelwilshaw @mirandafr @miriam11 @momekato @mps01k @myscrible @mytechtrail @n365m @nahupuku @nathansenn @ninzendo @nuevavidaexito @patycantellas @pequef @piccola.valeria @pirateofthedtube @pivi @princesave @psi.acastillo @quotes-haven @rengus @richard78624 @richie211 @riyuwe @rmm31 @robhimself1 @rocaxel @rosargelisperez @salomonca @shoukath @socialmediaseo @solangeh @steemschlingel @stillwater @suanky @sughey @sunday21 @suomibotti @sustainablelivin @teresah @theresa16 @traylorjonathan @trituratusmiedos @weestree @wonderwop @youarehope
Check the Pending Payments here --> http://csyd.es/Faucet/PendingPayments/
Current Daily Faucet Post http://csyd.es/Faucet
Please leave comment that you received your payout to show others this is real.

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Thanks for sharing and for all that you do for the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)
Gracias por el trabajo!
It's gonna be a great weekend. 🎉
Thanks as Always Brother
Good Job!! Kryptonia @psi.acastillo
Thanks!!!! have a great day :) kryptonia@v2m3p01
thanks friend