in #fate7 years ago

FATALISM........... the doctrine that all events are subject to
fate or inevitable predetermination ....That is.......determined in advance in such a way that human beings cannot change them.

...........Let's take this moment to tackle this together with your comment after taking short time to read through......

OVER the years, I have observed this pitiable pious fatalism mentality around. I must confess, I was also entangled in the web. Pious fatalism, is a submissive mental or philosophical conditioning, which enthrones the believe that everything in life happen just like it was predetermined by Divine(GOD). I am not at variance with this doctrine. However, God's will is one thing and our own pure negligence and deep inaction is another which may stifle the actualisation of the will of God for our lives even though, I am trying to discount the efficacy of favour and grace.

Here, I would like to be guided by the HOLY BOOKS where we have the parable about a man of a noble birth who had ten servants and gave them talents to put to use while he went on a trip. I want to narrow my reference, particularly to the part where the man had given them all the talents. At the tail of the verse, he said " occupy till I come".

This is more of a command to prepare. Preparation may not guarantee success in the near term, but, it places us in a better position to succeed. Roman stoic philosopher, Lucius Señeca (4BC - 65AD), said, "luck is what happens, when opportunity meets with preparation ". It therefore means, when opportunities come, it may be too late to prepare.

If we have an acute awareness of the future possibilities, I believe we should find the courage to define and shape our future, because nobody will ever do it for us, but by us. People most time, focus on the destination, neglecting the understanding that, there is a journey, which is fundamental in preparing us to the target destination, so we will be able to stand tall, when we get there.

We must be careful never to betray our future, by not preparing for it. The future may shape it, not as we envisaged. It is imperative we begin to look 'inwards 'to those latent prospects, God has deposited in us, that is capable of strengthening our future.

Great men and women of exploit, past and present, like Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, President Ellen Johnson Sir-Leaf, Barack Obama, to mention but few, took advantage of timing of opportunity as it presented itself, to make impact and write there names, indelibly in the history books. They succeeded in doing this, because, they were prepared for the future.

Religion is a way of life. Without it, we do not have a world. But, we must not be earthly useless, as a result of it. Once again, trust in your God, and believe in your guts. The future can't wait, the future is now AND BEING SPIRITUAL DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD SUSPEND YOUR BRAIN..

Ladywhykay cares


Hi! Thank you for these deep thoughts. They help a lot. Because I'm quite convinced, that a big crises will come soon, I often wunder if it is worth to go on with my plans. But you are right it is better to go!!!

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