Weightloss Journey: 220 to 120 Part One
I've just started my journey from the largest I've ever been. I felt there was something that had to be done. I no longer wish to look like Jabba the Hut. I want to feel better, not gasping for air every time I have to go up a flight of stairs. At 24, I shouldn't be like this. I should be feeling the best I've ever felt.
Starting on January 8th, I've been going to the gym at least an hour each day, a couple times it's been an hour and a half. I'll get on the treadmill for at least thirty minutes, making sure to keep my heart rate at 130 to 156. My next step is to go through each of the circuit machines, five sets of ten reps on whatever weight my body can handle.
I've been fat most of my life. No, not just barely over weight, I'm talking 180 plus from junior year in high school until now at 220. I hate the way I feel, the way I look, the way I can't breathe, and the way I'm looked at when I leave my home. I just want to feel better, inside and out.
I watched an autopsy on an obese woman, she was about the same size as me, and there was so much fat coating her vital organs that it scared me an I had a panic attack. I don't want to die young. I have a daughter to look after and a dream to pursue.
I'll update y'all later with how my journey goes, but this is no longer just a thing I'm going to talk about doing. I'm going to get it done. I want to and will lose 100 pounds. Monday through Friday, I'll be working out at the local college gym and will not be stopping. I look forward to the changes to come and the great feeling of accomplishment when I get to see results.
Wish me luck~
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