How do I lose weight fast
Exercise There are several exercises that help in losing weight, including: [1] Tennis: The sport of tennis combines many intense activities, such as: jogging, hitting the ball, and changing direction to return the strikes to the other end, as this sport requires the operation of many muscles and cardiovascular systems, and tennis can burn about 320 calories per hour for a person. It weighs up to 70 kg, according to Harvard Health Publications. Swimming: Swimming challenges the whole body, as it activates the muscles in the upper and lower extremities, and swimming provides an effective respiratory exercise. The chest burns about 863 calories per hour. Running: It is an effective calorie-burning activity, as it does not require any special equipment, and running can be more difficult on the joints than swimming, but it can burn many calories, as running a mile in 6 minutes burns about 1,400 calories per day. Hourly, running a mile in 8 minutes burns about 1,165 calories per hour. Diet There are several simple steps to follow a diet to lose weight very quickly, which are: [2] Setting goals by writing them down, by specifying the weight to be lost, and the time needed to lose, as the average weight loss is from (half a kilogram - a kilogram and 300 grams) per week. Starting a special diet, by getting rid of all solids, and focusing on drinking vegetable juices, herbal drinks, unsweetened drinks and water only, and you can also add a diet or a mixture of protein to lunch , this increases energy levels, and reduces desire in food. Removing all carbohydrates from the diet, although carbohydrates are necessary for the body, but they can be eliminated for a short period of time, one to two weeks without there being consequences for that, as it is possible to remove all of the bread, sweets, sugars, rice, and starchy vegetables such as Corn, potatoes, pasta, sweetened drinks and desserts from the diet. Stay away from all fruits except berries; This is because they contain sugar, which limits weight loss, and berries contain a low percentage of sugars and thus lead to a decrease in the glycemic index, and they can be eaten several times a week to meet the need for something sweet. Eat a lot of vegetables, except for the starchy ones, and green leafy vegetables, especially, contain a high percentage of fiber, which helps to feel full without the need for a large number of calories. Eating only non-fat proteins, such as: chicken, fish, turkey or soy, in addition to cooking foods without oil or fat, and preferably baking, grilling, boiling or boiling, and dairy products are high in fat and sugars, so milk can be eaten free Fat and cottage cheese once a day. Yogurt can also be eaten if it is unsweetened and low in fat. Military Diet It is a diet to lose weight , and it can help to lose approximately 4.5 kilograms per week, and there is a 3-day meal regimen on the military diet, which are: [3] The first day: The number of calories in it is about 1,400 calories. Breakfast: Eat a slice of toast with two tablespoons of peanut butter, and half a grapefruit, and you can have a cup of coffee or tea. Lunch: a slice of toast, half a cup of tuna, and a cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: Eat a portion of the food about 85 grams of meat with a cup of green beans, a small apple, and half a banana, in addition to one cup of vanilla ice cream. The second day: The number of calories in it reaches about 1200 calories. Breakfast: a slice of toast, a boiled egg, half a banana, and a cup of coffee or tea. Lunch: a boiled egg, a cup of cream cheese, five pieces of unsweetened crackers, and a cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: 2 hot dogs without bun, ½ cup of carrots, ½ cup of cauliflower, ½ cup of banana, ½ cup of vanilla ice cream. Day 3: Calories reach about 1,100 calories. Breakfast: a slice of about 30 millimeters of Shedd cheese, five unsweetened crackers, a small apple, and a cup of coffee or tea. Lunch: eat a slice of toast, one egg, cooked in the preferred way, and you can have a cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: a cup of tuna, half a banana, and a cup of vanilla ice cream. As for the remaining four days, it is allowed to eat snacks, as there are no restrictions on food, although it is recommended to limit the portion sizes, and keep the total calories under 1500 per da