How to dress for a job interview | What to wear to a job interview
Dressing for a job interview is one of the best ways to make a good impression on your potential employer. By dressing professionally and being neat, you are showing that you are willing to take the time to do things right.
Below we have provided some tips on how to dress for an interview. However, remember even when you dress for an interview smart; it is equally important that you look good. The goal is to make your look attractive, but not overly revealing.
Tips on How to Dress for a Job Interview
Go to the store: The last thing you need while going through the process of job searching is to be running around in the mall or clicking on websites and ordering clothes in bulk. Take some time out and go shopping for things that will make a good first impression. You can find jeans, button-down shirts, suits, dresses, and other professional clothing at stores like Macy's, JCPenney's, Sears, and Kohls's.
Start with the lighter items: You should start with something easy to change out of and clean, such as a pair of black slacks and a shirt. You can also purchase some polo shirts or button-down shirts that are light-colored to avoid looking too formal. If you are interviewing for a job as a secretary or receptionist, you can get away with wearing jeans and blouses.
Do not dress too casually: When it comes to dressing for an interview, do not be afraid to wear nice clothes. However, avoid the tendency some people have toward wearing jeans and T-shirts during the interview process. While this is not always a deal breaker, it certainly is not the best way to make a good first impression. Instead of dressing casually, why not opt for more formal clothing?
Wear professional shoes: Shoes are an important part of your look and may be the only reason that your employer thinks you are worth hiring. Therefore, when you are interviewing for a job, find shoes that will be comfortable and professional. You can find black or brown shoes that would go well with most clothing choices. Choose shoes that you can wear during the interview process if you work in an office environment.
Dress for comfort: Do not wear clothes that are too tight or too loose.
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