in #fashion8 years ago (edited)

Never in my life did I think I would be that guy snapping pics of myself and then posting them for the whole world to see. But when you live in LA and your wife demands you to follow her to every photogenic wall in Hollywood so she can take that perfect pic for her Instagram, it may lead one to say " Screw it - Let Me Take A Pic Too."

So after getting the 411 from my wife on how this Instagram stuff worked I posted my first pic. 1 like... 2 likes... 50 likes.... WOW! I'm famous! That post got me hooked. I thought to myself... I can monetize this if I can generate a big enough audience. So the obsession began. I found myself up at 2:30 am posting a pic with a catchy caption. This helped me catch the European audience. This worked out nicely and got me to my first 1k followers within 1 month. By this time my wife was getting extremely jealous of my new fan base, but at this point there was no turning back. I was in it to win it.

I quickly began to make sure that I had at least 1 post everyday. instead of posting at 2:30am I started posting at 4:30am. This allowed me to catch the east coast market as they are getting ready for work in the morning. This is a key market because all the major fashion companies have their headquarters in New York. After 3 months I had reached 5,000 followers & multiple dirty looks from the wifey. But what the hell, it was her idea in the first place.

By this time i had starting getting the attention of a couple of brands based in New York. Emails turned into 6am conference calls with brands on the east coast. 6am conference calls quickly turned into boxes of free watches, sunglasses,shoes and clothes showing up at my doorstep every week.

After 7 months i'm sitting at 10,500 followers and I never have to buy clothes, watches , or shoes again. So I say to you all - "Screw It! Take The Pic! Post It!"


Nice shoes, have got similar ones, only difference is mine is black and got one buckle..thanks for sharing :)
Please check out my blog and support with a follow back. thanks

Sir, you have my attention ...what's your Insta handle"

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