Discover Yehua Fan: a Collection that Embodies a Contrast of Constraint and Release
Yehau Fan has a comparatively international and diversified background for his university study. Before he completed MA Fashion at Kingston University, he first studied Environmental Art Design for his BA at Gaungxi Arts University, and Light Industry at the Zengzhou University.
During his studies and after graduation, he harvested a vast spectrum of work experience from participating in various industries, ranging from building and landscaping industry, to fashion design. His work experience outside the fashion industry has allowed him to gain an insight which was otherwise unavailable from the world of fashion itself. For Yehua, fashion is a way to express another aspect of himself.
His time spent at Kingston University provided him with an opportunity to uncover the true voice within him, which freed him from conventional stereotype which was prevailing strongly in the society. The crinoline skirt from his graduate collection, was a reflection of his hope to be free from various constraints.