Future of Fashion & Culture
Dear Community and followers,
long time no speak, but 100% back if needed ;-)
due to the actual situation, I feel that I have to share my perspective of seeing a huge shift in the world of fashion and culture!
From a designer/artist view I want to ask all of you:
What would happen if there would be no art and fashion, where would we be without it?
- All of this is the expression of values, emotions, feelings, thoughts and shared passion:
- It's about being together, standing together and speak up togther.
- It's about identification and being strong.
- It's about being understand non-verbal.
- It's about giving / leaving space just - to be in the moment.
- It's about giving time now / back.
What is happening if we just change fashion for money also it is sth. which leads to true feelings and emotions?
I want to speak up to make it understandble that fashion IS art.
Please dont forget that behind all true/handcraftet brands which are challenging fear because of the world pandemic crisis, had been designers and artist with a vision.
Take care of our industry and value our mindsets, support all artists and craftmanship brands.
... and we will promise future inspiration and best styles!
PS: As I am starting-up my own sustainable brand, I'm sharing my way with you in the next months!
Appreciate any support!!