The REAL Reason they banned Farrakhan from facebook
Truth Sayers are NOT terrorists
As of late, Minister Louis Farrakhan has been banned from the facebook platform for telling the truth all the time. He beareth good spiritual fruits and shares it with everyone, although the positive impact is mostly felt from the most disadvantaged.
Facebook is being an immature, sooky, sore sport because they can't handle the truth and surely their fathers have been lied to.
Erroneous for labelling good people as terrorists
The fact that they have said that Farrakhan has been using strong words is just a deflection from the fact of the matter, let alone asking what's wrong with strong words? He has never sworn by the way. They have also recently banned another truther, Alex Jones and Infowars.
...Then facebook has got to go!
The love and patience from Farrakhan for black peoples consciousness, well being and the black community is what's under attack here by conspiring white supremist terrorist groups, not the other way around.