Snail cultivating in Nigeria is thought to be a standout amongst the most lucrative agribusiness you can begin with low capital. However, it is a standout amongst the most disregarded creature raising business in these nations. Snail cultivating gives one of the finest chance to profit inside a brief timeframe. In any case, why are Africans not yet completely occupied with this cash making creature raising? The reason is numbness.
In Australia and USA, snail cultivating is enormous business, giving chances to numerous ranchers. In Uk, snails can be seen in numerous general stores and stores. meaning it is a major ordeal there. A great many people in Nigeria Ghana still have the trust that snail must be picked in the shrub. The way of life of heading off to the bramble to pick snails in the towns amid down-pouring time has been there for ages. Along these lines, it is troublesome for individuals to come to term that snail can really be kept and developed at home.
Much the same as numerous different parts of cultivating in these nations, Africans are yet to find the colossal cash making potential in this business and that is the reason we endure in yearning and destitution. We disregard where the cash is and continue seeking after it where it isn't, going from one city to the next searching for one negligible China made merchandise after another to exchange on. Working ceaselessly in Europe and America looking for greener fields when our own particular mainland is as of now green.
What is Snail and How Profitable is Snail Farming?
Land snails has a place with the class of Molluscan, Gastropod. The one famously known as 'Congo Meat' in numerous parts of Africa. Nigeria – Eju, Igbin, and so on… There are such a large number of types of snails however the sorts we are taking a gander at here are the ones that are appropriate for business Snail Farming in Africa.
In the wake of perusing this article, you will be en route to beginning your own snail cultivating business in simple and straightforward advances. Furthermore, we are supporting it up with a Practical Snail eBook for the individuals who can bear the cost of it.
Making ₦5,000,000 every year in snail raising is a done arrangement in the event that you do it well and get the entire procedure right.
I will endeavor to be as exhaustive as conceivable with this article so you can move in the wake of understanding it. As individuals begins remarking (making inquiries and including what they think about snail cultivating) this data will turn out to be more enhanced for everybody's advantage.
Which Snail Species is Suitable for Snail Farming?
Achatina Fulica
The East African land snail, or mammoth African land snail, logical name Achatina fulica, is a types of vast, air-breathing area snail, an earthly pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Achatinidae. It is the littlest in measure among all the attractive species for raising in Africa.
Achatina fulica has a restricted, conelike shell, which is twice the length it is wide and contains 7 to 9 whorls when completely developed. The shell is by and large ruddy dark colored in shading with powerless yellowish vertical markings however colouration fluctuates with ecological conditions and eating routine. A light espresso shading is normal. Grown-ups of the species may surpass 20cm in shell length yet by and large normal around 5 to 10cm. The normal weight of the snail is roughly 32 grams (Cooling 2005).
Achatina, basic name the monster Ghana snail, otherwise called the mammoth tiger arrive snail, is a types of huge, air-breathing area snail, an earthly pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Achatinidae. Goliath African land snails are hemraphrodites, meaining they have both the female and male conceptive organs. Two snails are as yet required for reproducing, however they are extremely productive raisers.
Like alternate species in the family, achatina's shell can achieve a length of 200 mm and a most extreme distance across of 100 mm. They may have between 7-8 whorls and the shell is regularly extensively praise. The body of the creature is silver-dark colored in shading in spite of the fact that pale skinned person transforms may exist.
Achatina-Achatina is useful for commercialization too, on account of its productivity. This is a result of the volume of eggs it lays on the double. Each achatina lays 300 to 500 eggs at any given moment in grips, three times each year. In this way, in the event that you begin a ranch with around 1000 snails, in one year you would get around 1.5 million snails passing by the quantity of eggs they delivers.
Archachatina Marginata
Archachatina marginata, basic name the monster West African snail, is a types of air-breathing tropical land snail, an earthly pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Achatinidae. They can grow up to 20cm long, and satisfy 10 years.
Among these three species, Achatina is the most alluring for agriculturists since it develops so huge to wind up the greatest snail species on the planet. Achatina Achaina has it's starting point from Nigeria, get to Liberia from Nigeria and after that Ghana
Another reason is because of it's high return limit. Alternate species are great as well yet I will center around Achatina and Archachatina Marginata in this blog entry since, they are anything but difficult to discover in Nigeria
Having settled on the specie, how about we make you through the stride by step how to setup your snail cultivate in a little scale level and begins raising your snail towards collect.
Reasonable Environment for Snail Farming
Snails are effectively dried out, and wind increment the rate of dampness free in snail which thusly, prompts the dryness of the creature. To keep snails from losing water so rapidly, your snaileries (the snail house) must be situated in condition that is shielded from wind.
A low plain, downhill site encompassed with enough trees is ideal for snail cultivating. You may plant plantains and bananas around your snail ranch to keep the effect of wind.
Sort of Soil For Snail Farming
Snail's significant natural surroundings is the dirt, and soil contains a portion of the parts and synthetic substances that it expected to survive. Notwithstanding, not all dirts are appropriate for snail raising. The shell of the snail is essentially calcium and it get a large portion of them from the dirt. Snail likewise lay it's eggs on the dirt and drink water out of the dirt.
Henceforth, the appropriate soil for snail cultivating must contain these components. Must be adjusted, not waterlogged, not very dry, and should not be acidic. The most attractive soil for snail is sandy-loamy soil with low water holding limit. Clayey soil and acidic soil must be maintained a strategic distance from.
Getting The Sails For Farming
To fire up a snail cultivate, it is prudent to get snails straightforwardly from the timberland as opposed to purchasing from the market after they have been presented to daylight and have dried out. This is on the grounds that snails drink a great deal of water, so are effortlessly dried out and this worries them, and diminish their fruitfulness limit.
The planning snail rancher could pick the snails from the bramble with an extremely straightforward strategy; clear a little part of land amid stormy season and sprinkle hot organic products like pineapple, pawpaw, plantain, banana and so on at around 5o'clock at night, when you backpedal there around 7pm or 8pm, you will get snails reasonable for raising. Rehash the system until the point that you get enough amount.
Another way could be to get snail eggs littered in the commercial center where it is sold and through a strategy, check the fruitfulness of the eggs, since some of them more likely than not lost richness because of the introduction to daylight. The eggs are later put inside a compartment containing wet sand and secured with cocoyam leaf. Between 21 to 28 days, the eggs would bring forth into infant snails. You begin nourishing them and step by step you raise a snail cultivate."
Building the Snail House (Snailery)
Snaileries can differ from a fix of fence-secured ground, shielded from the breeze to a secured confine on the off chance that you are rearing little scale.
For bigger populace of snails, you can burrowed a trench or make a solid pen with soil profound of around 10 inches, and cover it with screen or wire all around to keep the snails from getting away. Keep in mind that snails can recreate quick and move toward becoming bugs when their rearing is uncontrolled.
Snails love dull and frosty spots, yet ensure the dampness does not drop to levels destructive to the snails. You can utilize new leaves and fabric that is consistently wet to control the temperature.
Likewise, the wire is helpful in fending off rats and winds or different predators from eating the snails in your snail cultivate. Be that as it may, beside these greater predators, you ought to be watchful about littler ones like ants and termites. Your development must have these predators as a primary concern.
Snail Food and Feeding
Snails particularly Achatina for the most part bolsters on green leaves and natural products however they can use different scopes of sustenances. Nourish your snails leaves, organic products, or even recipe from the bolster store. Beside sustenance to develop tissues, snails require calcium to develop shells.
Leaves: Cocoyam leaves, pawpaw leaves, okra leaves, cassava leaves, eggplant leaves, cabbage and lettuce clears out.
Organic products: Mango, eggplant, pawpaw, banana, tomatoes, oil palm natural products, pears. also, cucumber.
When they begin developing, isolate the huge ones from the little ones. It take over a year for the Achatina compose to develop to collect size. Others develop in two years.
One hundred thousand snails following a year or two sold at the rate of N50 each (very diminished cost) will give you about N5 million! Isn't that a decent speculation?
Gathering the Snail
It isn't financially savvy to collect your snails previously it's development, it must be developed before reaping. To know whether your snails are as of now sufficiently developed, check the overflow of the shell. On the off chance that it is sufficiently developed, the overflow ought to be thicker and harder than different parts of the shell.
Amazing, this is the first time actually seeing this type of agricultural farming. Thanks for enlightening us on this field.
(to be a part of this community; ensure to always use #farms and #steemchurch for agricultural related post)
West Africa is home to the largest species of land snail in the world. The Giant African land snail (Achatina species), is known to grow up to 30cm in length and can be found in the dense tropical rain forests across the region from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana to Nigeria.

For hundreds of years, Africa’s appetite for snails has been served through traditional means. Snails handpicked from the bush (usually in the dead of the night) have been the only way to get snails to the market and dinner table.
West Africa is home to the greatest sorts of land snail on the planet. The Giant African land snail (Achatina species), is known to grow up to 30cm long and can be found in the thick tropical rain boondocks over the area from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana to Nigeria.
This a great information getting to us for free through the help of this community.
There are many out there that paid huge amount of money to have access to this.
I really commend your efforts on this.
I am now guided by this post to set up a snail farming
Thanks for sharing this posts!
Indeed you really took your time to write about snail farming in details. I learnt alot.
start a small snail farm.
Like themsort of soil for snail farming. The enviroment needed for snail farming. Building a snail house and snail food and feeding. Infact after this reading, i think i will
Thanks for this detail post.
West Africa is home to the biggest types of land snail on the planet. The Giant African land snail (Achatina species), is known to grow up to 30cm long and can be found in the thick tropical rain backwoods over the district from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana to Nigeria.
For many years, Africa's craving for snails has been served through customary means. Snails handpicked from the shrub (ordinarily in the dead of the night) have been the best way to get snails to the market and supper table.
For sure you truly set aside your opportunity to expound on snail cultivating in points of interest. I learnt alot.
Like themsort of soil for snail cultivating. The enviroment required for snail cultivating. Building a snail house and snail sustenance and encouraging. Infact after this understanding, I figure I will
wow great post thanks for sharing with us all
Like themsort of soil for snail cultivating. The enviroment required for snail cultivating. Building a snail house and snail sustenance and encouraging. Infact after this understanding, I figure I will