Steem Farms Kohlrabi Farming

in #farms5 years ago

Kohlrabi Farming – Introduction

Kohlrabi is known as a standout amongst the most widely recognized one-year vegetables that are developed in different piece of the world. The interest for this vegetable is high consistently and in like manner, the development of this vegetable is expanding step by step. This vegetable is taken by individuals both in cooked and crude structure. The fame of this vegetable is detectable in different conditions of India like West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, and different pieces of South India. The extended stem of this vegetable tree creates over the ground.


This plump, consumable part of the stem is cooked in different ways and taken by individuals. The leaves of this vegetable are additionally taken by the general population as their most loved dishes. This vegetable is great to take at its beginning time. Presently experience the focuses to realize how to industrially develop this vegetable in your nation. The suitable soil and air for developing this vegetable are imperative to know. Be that as it may, before experiencing its development procedure, you have to know some broad data about this vegetable.

The Popular States For Producing Kohlrabi

 West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, and different pieces of South India are famous states in India where you can locate the developing Kohlrabi at a huge scale. The generation of this vegetable is presently developing high. It is presently developed in different nations separated from India too.

Local Names Of Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is known by various names the nation over. Individuals know this vegetable in a few neighborhood names. In Bengali it is known as Olkopi, in Telegu, it is called Noolkol, in the Malayalam language it is known as Seema Mullangi, In Marathi, it is known as Navalkole, in Hindi it is named as Gaanth Gobi and in the Kannada language, it is called as Navil kosu.

Various Types Of Kohlrabi

The Kohlrabi vegetables are principally accessible in two structures available. One is known as the early type of Kohlrabi and the other is the late type of Kohlrabi. These are likewise accessible in purple shading and white and green shading too. These are known by various names.

Needed Climate For Kohlrabi Farming

The Kohlrabi crops develop well in the winter season. This vegetable develops well in the tempest and too. This vegetable can endure well in the solid tempest and outrageous cold climate. The seeds of the Kohlrabi get sprouted in the temperature inside 15-degree centigrade to 32-degree centigrade. The month to month normal temperature for developing the Kohlrabi seeds ought to be 15 to 29-degree centigrade. The greater part of the winter season vegetables neglect to remain steadfast in low temperature and Kohlrabi can be considered as one of these.

Required Soil For Kohlrabi Farming

The dirt ought to be appropriate and all around prepared for developing Kohlrabi effectively. The less acidic soil is considered as useful for cultivating Kohlrabi. The seeds of the Kohlrabi develop well in the sandy topsoil soil. The cut topsoil soil or dirt is additionally useful for developing the higher yield. The pH dimension of the dirt ought to be inside 5.5 to 7.0 to get the best outcome. Legitimate employments of composts and manures are imperative to develop the great quality Kohlrabi on the land.

Kohlrabi Farming Propagationâ

In the Kohlrabi cultivating, the seeds are principally utilized for engendering. The tip cutting and leaf cutting procedures are additionally utilized for spread of the Kohlrabi. The sown of the Kohlrabi can give the best outcome from the finish of the August as far as possible of the month November. The sowing of the seeds of the Kohlrabi chiefly relies upon the zone of the land and the rancher. 1.5kgs of the Kohlrabi seeds can be sown in the 1 hector land. With regards to the transplantation of the Kohlrabi seeds, the 4 to 5 weeks old seedlings can give the best outcome and these ought to be brought up in the nursery beds.

Land Preparation, Planting And Spacing Of Kohlrabi Farming

In this procedure, you have to furrow the whole land somewhere around 3 to multiple times. The dirt ought to be fine and the circle harrow can be utilized to make the dirt fine. The planning of the beds and the channels ought to be done appropriately for water system of the Kohlrabi. The spread out ought to be wrinkle type or you can choose the edges in this procedure. The transplantation of the Kohlrabi can give a decent outcome in shady day or night time.

The foundations of the plant can be built up positively by squeezing the land around the plants. In the development of the Kohlrabi, you can choose the light water system when the plants are transplanted. The dead plants ought to be expelled also. The dispersing of the plant relies upon the dirt ripeness and climatic circumstance. The space between two plants ought to be around 25x25cm, 25x30cm, 25x40cm or 30x45cm. If there should arise an occurrence recently yield, the more extensive space ought to be chosen and in littler tuber estimate a littler space between two plants is ideal. Great disintegrated natural issue can assist the rancher with getting the great yield.

Required Fertilizers And Manures For Kohlrabi Farming

The overwhelming feeder plant like Kohlrabi can give a decent outcome by manuring great. Very much decayed farmstead excrements are required around 20 to 25 tone when land is being readied. The N, P, and K are likewise required at the season of transplanting of the Kohlrabi. In the wake of transplanting the plants, you have to apply the second portion of N. You can hold up one and half month subsequent to transplanting the Kohlrabi before applying the second portion of the N on the principle field.

Irrigation Process Of Kohlrabi Farming

The water system process assumes a critical job if there should be an occurrence of Kohlrabi development. Supply of persistent dampness to the Kohlrabi development is essential for keeping up the great development of the handles. The water system procedure ought to be begun following transplanting the seedlings of the Kohlrabi and proceed with it 4 to 5 days to get the best outcome. From that point forward, you ought to apply the ensuing water system persistently with the interim of 7to 8days.

Intercultural Operations To Follow

To get great yield from the land, you have to pursue a decent weeding procedure. For this situation, the intercultural activities ought to be done all the time. You have to experience the weeding and hoeing process after water system. It is simpler and flawless to take a shot at the wet soil too. Following 3 to about a month you should see the plants are gaining up.

Diseases And Pests In Kohlrabi Farming

You ought to know about the Kohlrabi maladies and vermin while cultivating the plants. Clubroot, damping off, Downy buildup, fine mold, dark decay, Alternaria leaf spots, cutworms, beet armyworm, Cabbage looper, Flea scarabs, Thrips, Root not nematode, Large cabbage white, Cabbage aphid, and diamondback moth are the absolute most regular vermin and infections of Kohlrabi. You ought to be cognizant about these vermin. On the off chance that you locate any sort of bizarre spots and stamps on leafs of the plants you should splash legitimate drug on it. You can talk about with the expert and experienced one to keep the yields well.

Harvesting Process In Kohlrabi Farming

The handles in the littler size have an extraordinary interest in the market. To get the early Kohlrabi, you have to cut the stems just beneath the handles. A sharp blade is the best instrument that can be utilized to cut the stem. The handle ought to be 5 to 8cm in size when cut. The bundle of leafs on the handles ought to be tied before sending the yield in the market.

Kohlrabi Yield

The measure of Kohlrabi relies upon the territory of the land and the nature of the dirt. The environment of the spot is likewise critical to get great quality yield. Around 300 quintal yield for every hector can be normal on a normal.

Health Benefits Of The Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is currently mainstream in the market and recommended to take the supplements at a substantial sum. There are some medical advantages of taking the Kohlrabi.

  • Kohlrabi assumes a critical job in improving the stomach related framework. It has a decent measure of fiber that can assist you with fighting against the obstruction issue.

  • Taking Kohlrabi is a great idea to get more fit. This low-calorie vegetable can assist you with gaining less weight and keep you full for a more extended time.

  • Kohlrabi is a decent wellspring of the potassium and subsequently, you can get a decent vitality level by expending the Kohlrabi.

Potassium substance of the Kohlrabi can assist you with regulating the pulse also.

  • Kohlrabi is a decent wellspring of mineral that can keep your bones solid for a more drawn out time and help you to remain more youthful also.

Aside from these advantages of Kohlrabi, this vegetable can assist you with staying admirably in different ways also. It can assist you with staying far from weakness, eye issues, malignant growth and that's just the beginning.

Bottom Line Of Kohlrabi Farming

The development procedure of the Kohlrabi isn't convoluted. Be that as it may, the best possible consideration ought to be taken to get the great yield. The rancher needs to deal with the seedling and the correct water system procedure ought to be pursued. The plants ought to be given adequate measure of dampness and the dirt ought to be fine too. The determination of the land is essential in this development procedure. These one-year vegetables are currently truly gainful in the market and you can get great income from the market by selling the great early Kohlrabi.


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