Properties of the Chinchamochina plant (Lithodora fruticosa)
Greetings to the entire Steemit community, this time I bring you the subject of the properties of the Chinchamochina plant, this is a very useful plant in our homes, which is part of the alternative natural medicine.
The plant of "Chinchamochina" (Lithodora fruticosa), is also known as "La Sangría", because when it is prepared, the water acquires a reddish color. It is a plant with many medicinal properties, which our grandparents have used for a long time to treat skin rashes such as: lechina, rubella, measles and in cases of chikungunya. With this wonderful plant, infusions are also prepared that are consumed in the form of tea to help expel the sand and kidney stones.

Morphological characteristics of chinchamochina
The chinchamochina is a shrub and perennial plant, the young stems are straight and covered with whitish hairs while the old ones have a gray bark that can be detached. The leaves are hairy, alternate and with curved, perennial, linear, sessile, hispid edges and with the lower surface tuberculada.Las flowers has an intense blue color, with the hairy calyx and about 15 mm in length, in short and foliose peaks, arranged in terminal groups. Perianth pentamer, 5 stamens and dry fruit divided externally into 4 whitish striated mericarps. Source

How is chinchamochina grown?
The chinchamochina is easy to grow, we can grow it in pots to have them within our reach, in the pots it can reach a height of 70 cm, however, when grown directly in the soil, it tends to develop more its stems and foliage and can reach a height of 1.50 m.
Reproduction mode
The way to reproduce this plant is by cuttings, you just have to cut some pieces of stems of young branches but they are not so thin, preferably if they have one or two shoots in the armpits. The stems are cut with a scissor to a length between 10 and 15 centimeters, then we remove all the leaves leaving only the small shoots in case there.

Once you have the pieces of stems, we proceed to bury them in the soil of the pots at a depth of 3 to 4 cm. Then water in the mornings and afternoons.
Medicinal uses of the chinchamochina plant
Generally this plant uses its leaves, which are prepared for topical use and are also consumed in infusions
Topical use: Cut a certain amount of leaves and crumble or crush them in water and put them to boil over low heat, in minutes the water will turn red, this water is the one that is going to be used for baths for cases of skin rashes in the cases of lechina, rubella, measles, scabies and chikungunya eruptions.
This is a plant that we should use with confidence in the cases of lechina, since it is very effective to dry and heal quickly the ulcers and blisters. Also in these cases of lechina, it is recommended to drink tea as it is refreshing.

So that the baths with the leaves of this plant are effective for all types of dermatological ulcers.
Uses in tea and infusions: Take a handful of leaves of this plant, crush them and place them in a pot with water and simmer until you notice the color red, remove from heat and let stand, This water is taken in the form of tea, many prefer to add a little sugar to counteract the bitter.
Next, the benefits of chinchamochina consumption:
The bloodthirsty stops the formation of kidney stones and bladder grit.
The tea of these chocks, is very effective to regulate menstrual suspensions, and also helps relieve their pain.
Chinchamochina, is used as a blood reconstituent. It is recommended in cases of low hemoglobin, a cup of this cold and sweetened infusion helps to quickly raise blood levels.
The consumption of the leaves in infusions or juices, help the proper functioning of the urinary tract due to its diuretic properties.
Being a potent diuretic, helps the elimination of uric acid in the blood, especially for people suffering from arthritis.
The consumption of tea, increases intestinal motility, avoiding constipation.
Helps to eliminate intestinal parasites.
It is also used to treat headaches and fever.
It is a plant with antitumor properties:
In recent years it has been investigated as an antitumor drug. Activates myeloid cells favoring tumor necrosis. It has antiproliferative and proapoptotic properties against the cells of human squamous cell carcinoma A431 and against human keratinocytes immortalized HaCaT. It also acts against the LNCaP cells of human prostate carcinoma androgen positive and against the negative DU125 androgen cells. Source
Chemical composition
This plant contains resins, gums, some glycosides and tannins, in addition it has important amounts of silicic acids and oxalic acids, which gives it its depurative properties.
Thanks for educating us on this amazing fact, we have indeed learnt from this publication has you made mention of the stated Properties of the Chinchamochina.