Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica)

Broccoli is a plant belonging to the cruciferous, the same family to which the cauliflower, the Brussels sprouts or the romanesco belong; Broccoli contains a large amount of calcium and valuable antioxidants. It is low in calories and provides high levels of vitamin A, C and K. A small serving of broccoli is enough to provide the body with folic acid and fiber, which are very important for the health of the heart and bones.
Due to its beneficial properties, broccoli is one of the best detoxifying foods.

Broccoli health benefits
Broccoli is not only used to prepare delicious meals, but also provides many health benefits. Broccoli has the following properties:
Decrease cholesterol level:
The compounds in broccoli can help reduce cholesterol, which helps maintain the cardiovascular system, prevent diseases and reduce the risk of heart attack.

Powerful antioxidant:
Broccoli contains many antioxidants and anticancer compounds that help rid the body of toxins and other harmful substances and at the same time protect the cells from free radicals.
Reduces inflammation and allergies:
Broccoli is rich in omega-3-kaempferol amino acids and isothiocyanates (mustard oils), which reduce inflammation and reduce the severity of allergic reactions.
Promotes a healthy immune system:
Broccoli contains high levels of vitamin C, which helps maintain a healthy immune system.
Reverses damage caused by high blood sugar levels:
The compounds in broccoli can prevent and reverse damage to blood vessel linings caused by chronic blood sugar problems.

Rich in vitamin K:
Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin K, an important vitamin for many processes in the body.
Promotes a healthy bone structure:
In broccoli, a large amount of calcium is hidden, which helps to promote a healthy bone structure.
Alcalifies the body:
The broccoli alkalizes the body, preventing it from becoming too acidic. This is essential to maintain a healthy system.